

中文摘要 因氣候變遷導致極端型天氣發生之頻率及強度增加,加上人類活動加速能、資源之耗竭,已對地球環境及生態資源造成嚴重的衝擊。為呼應國際建構低碳環境之發展趨勢,環境部於98年「全國能源會議」中,提出「低碳社區」、「低碳城市」及「低碳生活圈」之具體目標與時程,並提出建構「低碳家園」期程,規劃具體且可執行之6大行動項目,透過社區(村、里)、城市(鄉、鎮、市、區)及地方政府(直轄市、縣市政府)逐層往上累積之成果,形成由下而上推動、自上往下輔導的推展模式。 為持續維運嘉義市低碳永續家園,同時喚起民眾對全球暖化議題的重視,嘉義市政府環境保護局推動「低碳永續家園建構推動計畫」,透過辦理氣候變遷減緩與調適相關工作,推廣並宣導民眾將節能減碳落實於日常生活中,打造本市為低碳、永續家園之願景。 「113年嘉義市低碳永續家園執行計畫」主要工作項目分別為「推廣低碳永續家園相關業務」、「推動因地制宜之低碳行動」、「推廣綠能屋頂」、「其他配合事項」等四大工作項目,各工項執行目標及成果說明如下: 一、推廣低碳永續家園相關業務 為促使轄內各里參與低碳永續家園推動、推廣並擴大嘉義市低碳行動項目建置效益,本計畫針對里(社區)及民眾,並配合本市銀級認證社區辦理低碳永續家園示範活動。輔導轄內已取得銅級以上認證之村里持續推動低碳永續行動,並維護3個里低碳永續行動項目,及協助1里參與低碳永續家園銀級評等認證、5個里取得低碳永續家園銅級評等認證作業。 二、推動因地制宜之低碳行動 為使學校積極響應節能減碳、朝向本市零碳校園之目標,針對轄內國中、小學及幼兒園推動「嘉義市低碳校園標章認證實施計畫」,達成100%參與率,完成輔導北興國中等8所學校升等金級認證,民生國中等8所學校通過展延,轄內國中、小學及幼兒園推動「嘉義市低碳校園標章認證實施計畫」累計26所金級、5所銀級認證;輔導建置2所校園推動水資源回收再利用,達到資源循環再利用之目的。 三、推廣綠能屋頂 本計畫以本市里及社區為對象,透過5場次太陽光電發電系統說明會及輔導5處,辦理2場次太陽光電場域現勘作業,邀請專家學者及太陽光電廠商實地執行輔導並提出建議與意見,並將該5處潛力場域名單提供予環境部進行後續審核及篩選,以提升本市太陽光電裝置容量。 辦理太陽光電系統跨縣市觀摩會1場,至鄰近臺南市沙崙智慧綠能科學城進行觀摩,藉以透過實際參訪外縣市推動成效優良之太陽光電系統場域,將相關經驗應用於本市太陽光電建置相關計畫及策略。為因應氣候變遷及提升民眾能源意識,本團隊將以綠色能源為主題,製作能源教案,結合社區活動、環保局大型活動、嘉義市政府各局處辦理之對外開放活動,本計畫以能源教案向學童及一般民眾進行宣導10場次宣導,透過能源議題,讓民眾了解非再生能源包含石化能源發電及產業汽電共生發電,會造成環境上的問題;而為解決環境問題,陸續發展綠色能源,以降低環境問題並達到永續。 四、其他配合事項 透過發佈新聞稿5則及臉書貼文6則,推廣民眾於生活中落實低碳行動,並持續參與國內、外低碳永續相關活動,藉以宣傳本市節能減碳及淨零排放推動成果,提高本市於國際之能見度。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、低碳永續家園、低碳城市


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3300 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 陳佳旻
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 賴宣吟 執行單位 迎展環境股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告.pdf 0MB

2024 Chiayi City Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Implementation Plan

英文摘要 Climate change has led to an increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, coupled with the accelerated depletion of energy and resources due to human activities, resulting in serious impacts on the Earth's environment and ecological resources. In response to this, the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan has proposed specific goals and timelines for the "low-carbon community," "low-carbon city," and "low-carbon living circle." Additionally, they have outlined a plan to construct a "low-carbon home" with six concrete and executable action items. The Environmental Protection Bureau of the Chiayi City Government is driving the "Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Construction Promotion Program." Through the implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, the bureau aims to promote and advocate for energy-saving and carbon reduction practices in people's daily lives, envisioning the city as a low-carbon and sustainable home. The main objectives and outcomes of the "2024 Chiayi City Low-Carbon Sustainable Home Implementation Plan" are detailed as follows: 1. Promoting activities related to low-carbon sustainable homes: To encourage the participation of neighborhoods in low-carbon sustainable community initiatives and to expand the effectiveness of low-carbon actions in Chiayi City, this project will conduct demonstration activities for low-carbon sustainable communities in neighborhoods (communities) and among the general public. It will collaborate with neighborhoods that have achieved silver-level certification, guiding them to organize demonstration activities. The plan will also assist villages with bronze-level or higher certifications in continuing their efforts and support five neighborhoods in implementing new low-carbon sustainable initiatives. Additionally, it will aid four neighborhoods in participating in the certification process for low-carbon sustainable communities. 2. Promoting context-specific low-carbon actions: To encourage schools to actively respond to energy conservation and carbon reduction goals and move towards the city's target of zero-carbon campuses, the project will implement the "Chiayi City Low-Carbon Campus Certification Implementation Program." This includes guiding schools in promoting water resource recycling to achieve the goal of resource circulation and reuse. 3. Assisting in the promotion of solar photovoltaic power systems: Targeting neighborhoods and communities in Chiayi City, this project will organize seminars on solar photovoltaic power generation systems. It will also conduct cross-county observation events for solar photovoltaic systems, visiting nearby communities and environmental education facilities with notable solar projects. The goal is to actively engage residents and communities in responding to the energy transition policy, thereby increasing the city's share of renewable energy. 4. Other Cooperative Measures: Through press releases and Facebook posts, the project aims to promote the implementation of low-carbon actions in the daily lives of the public. It also encourages continuous participation in domestic activities related to low-carbon sustainability to publicize the city's achievements in energy conservation, carbon reduction, and zero-net emissions.
英文關鍵字 low-carbon home、low-carbon cit、Climate change