英文摘要 |
The project aims to bring Pingtung County towards a low-carbon and sustainable county. The implementation outcomes are described as follows.
1. Coordinating and promoting climate change reponse affairs
The first and second Pingtung County Low-carbon Sustainable Response and Climate Chagne Adaptation Initiative was hold on May 15th and September 12th. There were 7 issuses, including adaptation executive project, second-phase mitigation executive project, CDP, sustainability indicators, and COP30 participation was discuessed. Our team completed the second-phase mitigation executive project which was submitted to Ministry of Environment and publicized on the “Climatetalks platform” on October 18th.
2. Climate change adaptation response work
Climate change impact events, including 133 casses of flooding, 11 cases of slope disasters, 149,175 cases of power outage, 180 cases of falling objects(trees and signboard), 1 case of embarkment damage, which indicated that heavy rain and typhoons still infulenced. Climete scenatio simulation analysis indicated that, from baseline (1960-2014) to midcentury (2056-2065), high temperature days over 36℃ will increase to 29 days; low temperature days below 10℃ will reduce to 108 days; maximum annual precipitation will increased to 4,223mm, days with torrential rain will increase to 5.5 days; days without rain will reduce to 301 days. Potential disasters include reduction of agricultural products, people health, damage to montain roads, increasing slope disaster, ecological damage and etc. Pingtung Climate Change Adaptation Executive Project (draft) collected 60 actions of responding adaptation project. The public forum was hold on August 29th. Finally, Land use, health, agriculture production and biodiversity were prioritized fields. The draft was submitted on October 30th.The project assisted villages in mitigation and adaptation in Baoli Village and NPUST on June 26th and August 29th. There were 17 cases of installation of climate response in 7 villages which were all completed before October.
3. Promoting low-carbon and sustainable homes
We invited technical and review committee in Ailiao community to simulate the evaluation of silver certificate inspection. Evaluated as permium level in environment protection performance was our year target. Consequently, we assisted 15 villages in acquiring bronze level certificate, 1 village in acquiring silver level, 11 villages in registing.
4. Promoting low-carbon sustainable installation and PV energy
There were 5 villages which should complete on sight auditing, and all object were well-conditioned. The project focused on villages without bronze level certificate and visited high-potential villages which may upgare to silver level priorly. We visited 16 villages and 6 installations in 4 villages were selected to complete low-carbon installation, including energ-saving devices, community farms, which have all completed in August. The project promoted PV project and assisted 28 building in 12 townships in assessing PV installation. The outcomes and supporting documents were provided on October 23th. Chonglan Village was select as PV site with 3.48 kW installation, which can generate 4,016 kWh electricity for self-consuption (reduce 2 tCO2e).
5. Promotion activities for low-carbon and sustainable home
This project set up boothes in Carefour Arts Festival and Environmental Volunteer Festival on May 12th and August 31th. 2 events were held to pormote green energy, SDGs and so on. Two excellent community observation tour took place on May 29th and October 23rd. The first tour visted Chiaonan community(silver level) and second tour visited Tangchang community in Kaohsiung City. The project also regularly updated the low-carbon website connection to Taiwan Climate Change Projection Information and Adaptation Knowledge Platform, Conversation Platform for climate citizens, National Council for sustainable Development to provide diverse opitions. 130 news, 5 conferences and 2 envents information have been issued. The project purchased 300 promotion materials based on practicality and healthcare, including 100 charing flashlights.
6. Administrative cooperation
This project assisted in responsibility division of green energy roofs, assessing green energy roofs installation on public buildings and progress tracking, and innovative actions of carbon reduction and executive outcomes of climate change adaptation. The data were provided for Environmental Protection Bureau on October 18th and submitted to Ministry of Environment by Environmental Protection Bureau on October 23rd.
We assisted units with silver and bronze level certificates in participating “2024 Low-carbon and Sustainable Villages Contest,” including related data and slides preparation. Dongpian community participated in silver level group and Ailiao community participated in bronze level group. Both of them were evaluated as excellent villages.