

中文摘要 嘉義市推動室內空氣品質維護管理宣導計畫(113) 本計畫於113年1月1日至12月15日進行,各項成果摘要如下說明: (1)100家場所的室內空氣品質巡檢調查(200次): 本計畫使用直讀式儀器巡檢完成之數量共計200處次,其中7處場所呈現異常狀態,分別為幼兒園4處次、醫療機構1處次、政府機關辦公場所1處次、運動健身場所1處次。全數場所檢測異常項目多為室內通風換氣不足導致CO2濃度異常。 (2)輔導100家場所建立室內空氣品質自主維護管理計畫: 年度輔導100家場所建立室內空氣品質自主維護管理計畫,並依據現況提供改善對策建議,後續追蹤場所室內空氣品質維護管理成效。過程中也宣導相關法令規範內容及權責義務,提醒各場所應落實自主維護管理工作。 (3)6點次室內空氣品質標準方法檢測: 本計畫委託環境部之認證檢測機構,針對本市1處公告場所及5處非公告列管場所進行檢測。5處非公告場所檢測結果均符合標準,並完成輔導4處符合優良級標章標準、1處符合良好級標章標準,5處非公告場所均已完成輔導取得標章;1處公告場所稽查檢測之各項測值均符合法規標準。 (4)2處CO2高超標風險場所連續監測: 本計畫於5月份及9月份,針對1處醫療機構(慶昇醫院)及1處托嬰中心(嘉義市私立嘉基托嬰中心)進行為期至少一週CO2連續監測,協助場所瞭解執行通風改善成效。慶昇醫院監測結果顯示,該場所新增2處排氣口對於室內CO2濃度偏高問題改善效果有限,室內CO2濃度監測數值仍有偏高情形,建議應設置外氣空調箱或全熱交換器加強外氣引入,才有助於該場所維持良好室內通風換氣量;嘉義市私立嘉基托嬰中心監測結果顯示,新設全熱交換器設備有助於維持良好室內室內空氣品質,CO2及PM2.5監測結果均符合法規標準。 (5)30處非公告列管公私場所室內空氣品質健康檢查: 本計畫針對71位民眾申請之住家、店家、辦公室及新裝潢等場所進行室內空氣品質到府診斷服務,均藉由巡檢式檢測儀器協助瞭解室內空氣品質概況,並提供相關維護管理建議。問卷調查結果顯示民眾對於本活動皆表示滿意與認同。 (6)輔導公私場所取得室內空氣品質自主管理標章: 本計畫已輔導轄內55家場所取得室內空氣品質自主管理標章,其中公告場所12家取得優良級標章、4家取得良好級標章;非公告場所則已輔導25家取得優良級標章、14家取得良好級標章。 (7)發佈室內空氣品質相關新聞稿: 依據工作規劃完成2則新聞稿發布,一則為提供市民瞭解室內空氣品質到府診斷服務活動訊息,並宣導室內空氣品質相關自主維護管理方法,以提升民眾對室內空氣品質之認識;另一則為展現本年度嘉義市環保局輔導轄內托嬰中心場所全數取得IAQ標章之努力成果,強化民眾對於政策推動認同感。
中文關鍵字 室內空氣品質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 2000 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/15 專案主持人 蔡瀛逸
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 范珮貞 執行單位 嘉藥學校財團法人嘉南藥理大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年嘉義市IAQ計畫期末報告(定稿)-封面.pdf 27MB

Promotion Plan for Indoor Air Quality Maintenance and Management in Chiayi City (2024)

英文摘要 Promotion Plan for Indoor Air Quality Maintenance and Management in Chiayi City (2024) This project was carried out from January 1 to December 15, 2024, and the outcome of it is demonstrated as follows: (1) Indoor air quality inspection at 100 (200 times) sites. The number of sites inspected using direct-read instruments is 200. The results indicated that seven of these sites are abnormal. There are 4 sites for kindergartens, 1 site for hospitals, 1 site for government office, 1 site for Gym. Most of the abnormal air pollutants detected in all sites were CO2. Abnormal CO2 concentration was caused by insufficient indoor ventilation. (2) Assisting 100 sites to establish maintenance and management system During the inspection period, this project has provided guidance and assistance to 100 sites in establishing maintenance and management plans. At the same time, we offered them methods to deal with poor indoor air quality as a reference. During the counseling process, we explained the responsibilities they should perform one by one after the place is listed under relevant laws and regulations. We reminded the sites receiving counseling what they should pay attention to in daily maintenance and management. A follow-up on implementing maintenance management plans for 100 public locations has been completed, and the results indicate that all locations have adhered to their respective plans. In addition to providing on-site guidance to them in establishing a maintenance and management plan, this project also conducted a questionnaire survey during the counseling process. The survey recovery rate for 100 sites was 100%. Through the questionnaire results, it can be seen that all locations fully understand the promotion of IAQ laws and policies. Feedback from the questionnaire will help this project develop subsequent strategic references for improving IAQ in public places. (3) IAQ standard examination at 6 locations An EPA-authorized testing organization has been contracted to evaluate the indoor air quality of 6 venues in the city, including 1 announced public venue and 5 non-announced ones. The inspection results of all 5 non-announced public venues demonstrated compliance with the IAQ standards. Following our guidance, 4 of these venues were awarded the excellent level IAQ certification, and the remaining venue achieved the good level certification. The inspection results of the one announced venue showed that all measured values were in compliance with the regulatory standards. (4) Continuously inspecting CO2 at 2 locations Continuous CO2 monitoring was conducted for at least one week in May and September at Ching Sheng Hospital and Chiayi Private Chiayi Christian Childcare Center as part of this project. The monitoring data indicated that the additional exhaust outlets at Ching Sheng Hospital did not significantly reduce the elevated indoor CO2 concentrations. However, the newly installed energy recovery ventilator at Chiayi Private Chiayi Christian Childcare Center effectively maintained compliance with the indoor air quality standards for CO2 and PM2.5. Installing an outdoor make-up air handling unit or an energy recovery ventilator at Ching Sheng Hospital is recommended to enhance ventilation and improve indoor air quality. (5) Inspection of indoor air quality at 30 non-announced listed public and private places This project has implemented on-site IAQ diagnostic services in 71 places, including homes, stores, offices, and newly decorated places. Through patrol inspection instruments, we help the public understand the IAQ of their places and provide them with relevant maintenance and management suggestions. The questionnaire survey results showed that people were satisfied and agreed with this activity. (6) Guiding public and private places to obtain the indoor air quality self-management label This project has guided 55 places in obtaining the IAQ self-management labels. There are 12 and 4 announced places have obtained excellent and good grade labels, respectively. 25 and 14 places have been guided to get excellent and good grade labels for non-announced places. (7) Broadcasting news about indoor air quality This project has completed the release of two press articles. One provides citizens with information about the indoor air quality (IAQ) home diagnostic service and promotes self-management methods for maintaining IAQ to enhance public understanding. The other highlights the Chiayi City Environmental Protection Bureau's efforts this year in assisting all local childcare centers in obtaining IAQ certification, reinforcing public recognition of the policy's achievements.
英文關鍵字 Indoor Air Quality