中文摘要 | 環境部重視國內廢水新興處理技術的應用推廣、以及新興廢污水處理技術對於污染物的控制及管理,以期實際協助產業解決廢污水問題,符合淨零減碳、資源循環的趨勢。本計畫建置「廢污水處理綠色轉型-新興廢水處理技術應用平台」,提供符合綠色轉型且具綠色分離、高效去除、循環回收或智慧整合等特色之新興廢污水處理技術,搭配技術新知與相關法令等內容供技術需求端查詢及參考。本計畫蒐整新興廢水處理技術涵蓋氨氮、重金屬、新興污染物處理以及AI智慧整合系統4種,共19項技術資料,並擇選2件實廠案例進行現場訪視,瞭解技術實際運作之限制條件等。透過專家委員審查流程篩選與審查共8件平台展現之技術案例資料;平台功能設計與開發亦透過6場次專家諮詢會議、產官學16處單位(24件)需求問卷及11處單位(16件)試用調查等不斷優化。舉辦1場技術交流推廣活動與1場台積電零廢製造中心參訪,促進產官學交流對話。此外,協助制定補助獎勵措施及相關審查流程,並完成5國環境技術查證制度(Environmental Technology Verification, ETV)宣傳平台的分析比較,提出我國ETV平台宣傳內容建議。此次計畫執行,透過新興處理技術於平台之推廣,在提升平台能見度的同時,更強化未來廢污水處理技術之綠色轉型及創新實踐。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 新興廢水處理技術,廢污水處理綠色轉型-新興廢水處理技術應用平台,綠色轉型 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 113 | 計畫經費 | 5900 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2024/03/20 | 專案結束日期 | 2024/11/30 | 專案主持人 | 侯嘉洪 |
主辦單位 | 環境部水質保護司 | 承辦人 | 陳依旻 | 執行單位 | 國立臺灣大學 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 113年新興廢水處理技術推廣應用平台_期末報告_定稿.pdf | 27MB |
2024 Emerging Wastewater Treatment Technology Promotion and Industry Application Platform Enhancement Project
英文摘要 | The Ministry of Environment prioritizes the promotion and adoption of emerging wastewater treatment technologies to improve pollution control and address wastewater challenges in industries. This initiative aligns with Taiwan's broader goals of achieving net-zero emissions and promoting resource recycling. As part of this effort, the "Green Transition for Wastewater Treatment: Emerging Wastewater Treatment Technology Application Platform" was established. This platform showcases innovative wastewater treatment technologies featuring green separation, high-efficiency removal processes, recycling capabilities, and AI-driven smart integration. The platform provides users with valuable resources, including technical updates, relevant regulations, case studies, and news about advancements in the industry. The project reviewed 19 emerging wastewater treatment technologies (ranging from ammonia and heavy metal removal to emergency pollutant treatment and AI-integrated systems), ultimately selecting two for in-depth field visits to evaluate their practical limitations. Following a rigorous expert review process, eight promising technologies were chosen and uploaded to the platform for further exposure and adoption. The design and functionality of the platform were refined through six expert consultation meetings, 24 questionnaires collected from stakeholders across 16 industry, government, and academic institutions, and 16 instances of user feedback to ensure the platform meets the needs of its target audience. Additionally, a technical exchange forum was held to foster collaboration among industry, government, and academia, highlighting the critical role of innovative technologies in wastewater treatment and increasing the platform’s visibility within the relevant sectors. Furthermore, the project supported the development, implementation and measures of reward, along with related review processes. An analysis of Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) promotional platforms in five different countries was also conducted, yielding key insights and recommendations for strengthening Taiwan's ETV platform to further promote the adoption of these cutting-edge wastewater treatment solutions. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Emerging Wastewater Technology, Green Transition for Wastewater Treatment: Emerging Wastewater Treatment Technology Application Platform, Green Transition |