

中文摘要 為落實2050淨零排放目標,我國於民國112年2月15日公布施行 「氣候變遷因應法」,透過強化法規政策方式,來面對全球嚴峻的氣候變 遷現象。有別於獨立的排放點源可藉由碳盤查建立排放資料,開放式場 域的溫室氣體收支變化必須藉由精確的監測調查加以掌握,有鑑於此, 本計畫以開放式農業系統做為溫室氣體通量檢測技術開發驗證的目標場 域,並設立下列四點目標:(1) 建立開放式農地(open farmland)場域溫室 氣體通量檢測系統及方法。(2) 制定開放式農地場域溫室氣體通量檢測系 統使用、維護及校驗規範。(3) 編撰開放式農地場域溫室氣體通量檢測指 引。(4) 完成1份開放式農地碳匯策略驗證與評估報告。 本計畫已完成以下工作: 1.) 彙整全世界主要通量網絡如全球通量觀測網(Fluxnet)、 橡樹嶺國家實 驗室生物地球化學動態檔案中心(ORNL DAAC)、以及區域通量網絡(如 AmeriFlux、ICOS、OzFlux、AsiaFlux 及 ChinaFLUX)的資訊,並對其通 量網絡設立宗旨、現況及未來應用進行介紹。 2.) 溫室氣體通量檢測文獻之蒐集已彙整近 20 篇重要的溫室氣體研究進 行摘述,包含亞洲地區(韓國、日本以及新加坡)都市場域通量檢測研 究、農業場域氮肥施用及田間作業對二氧化碳(CO2)及氧化亞氮(N2O)的 貢獻、森林的N2O通量檢測等;技術資料的研析則包括探討渦流相關 法和密閉罩法檢測N2O 以及甲烷(CH4)通量的差異、衛星遙測與飛機航測技術的應用等。 3.) 彙整國內外農業場域碳驗證標準方法,本報告摘要介紹我國碳驗證標 準發展現況以及清潔發展機制方法學(CDM Methodology)和黃金標準 (Gold standard, GS)以及 Verra 碳驗證標準(Verified Carbon Standard Program, VCS)方法學。 4.) 完成開放式農地場域溫室氣體通量檢測指引草案的編撰,參考 ICOS 及其他通量測站架設規範,完成指引架構以及相關內容,主要章節包 括典型通量檢測計畫工作流程、溫室氣體通量檢測系統架設、適用範 圍、場域選擇、場域通量塔設置、溫室氣體通量檢測系統維護方法以 及數據品質校驗方法、結果處理及基礎設備材料與人力需求配置等。 5.) 於農業部農業試驗所開放式農地場域建立三種溫室氣體通量(CO2、 CH4及 N2O)的監測系統,並以「移除稻稈及間歇性灌溉」做為農地減 碳情境測試,完成開放式農地碳匯策略驗證與評估報告。 6.) 完成兩場次的技術擴散暨教育訓練工作坊。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體,渦流相關法,開放式農地


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 10400 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/27 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 周崇光
主辦單位 國環院氣候變遷研究中心 承辦人 許令宜 執行單位 中央研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年_溫室氣體通量驗證_成果報告__定稿.pdf 12MB 113年溫室氣體通量檢測技術開發驗證及方法制定(2/4)計畫成果報告

Formulation of Measurement guidelines for Development and Validation of Greenhouse Gas Flux Observation Technology(2/4)

英文摘要 To achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, Taiwan enacted the ‘Climate Change Response Act’ on February 15, 2023. The act aims to address the severe global climate change phenomenon through strengthened regulations and policies. Unlike independent emission sources that can establish emission data through carbon audits, the changes in greenhouse gas balance in open fields must be monitored and investigated accurately. Therefore, this project targets open farmland systems for the development and verification of greenhouse gas flux detection technology, with the following four objectives: (1) Establish a greenhouse gas flux observation technology for open farmland. (2) Formulate procedures for the use, maintenance, and calibration of the greenhouse gas flux detection system in open farmland. (3) Compile guidelines for greenhouse gas flux observation technology in open farmland. (4) Complete a verification and evaluation report on carbon sequestration strategies for open farmland. The project has completed the following tasks: 1. Collected information on major flux networks worldwide, such as Fluxnet, ORNL DAAC, and regional flux networks (AmeriFlux, ICOS, OzFlux, AsiaFlux, and ChinaFLUX), and introduced their objectives, current status, and future applications. 2. Summarized nearly 20 important greenhouse gas research papers, including studies on urban flux detection in Asia (South Korea, Japan, and Singapore), the contribution of nitrogen fertilizer application and field operations to CO2 and N2O in agricultural fields, and N2O flux observation in forests. Technical data analysis includes the differences between eddy covariance and closed chamber methods for detecting N2O and CH4 fluxes, and the application of satellite remote sensing and aerial survey technologies. 3. Summarized the carbon verification standard methods for agricultural fields domestically and internationally, introducing the current status of our country’s carbon verification standards and methodologies such as CDM Methodology, Gold Standard (GS), and Verified Carbon Standard Program (VCS). 4. Drafted guidelines for greenhouse gas flux observation in open farmland, referencing ICOS and other flux station setup standards. The guidelines include typical flux observation project workflows, greenhouse gas flux observation system setup, applicable scope, site selection, flux tower setup, system maintenance methods, data quality verification methods, result processing, and basic equipment and manpower requirements. 5. Established monitoring systems for three types of greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2, CH4, and N2O) in open farmland at the Agricultural Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture, and completed a verification and evaluation report on carbon sequestration strategies for open farmland using “removing rice straw and Alternate wetting-drying irrigation” as a carbon reduction scenario. 6. Conducted two technical dissemination and training workshops.
英文關鍵字 Greenhouse Gases, Eddy Covariance Method, Open Farmland