英文摘要 |
To achieve the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050, Taiwan enacted the
‘Climate Change Response Act’ on February 15, 2023. The act aims to address the
severe global climate change phenomenon through strengthened regulations and
policies. Unlike independent emission sources that can establish emission data
through carbon audits, the changes in greenhouse gas balance in open fields must
be monitored and investigated accurately. Therefore, this project targets open
farmland systems for the development and verification of greenhouse gas flux
detection technology, with the following four objectives: (1) Establish a
greenhouse gas flux observation technology for open farmland. (2) Formulate
procedures for the use, maintenance, and calibration of the greenhouse gas flux detection system in open farmland. (3) Compile guidelines for greenhouse gas flux
observation technology in open farmland. (4) Complete a verification and
evaluation report on carbon sequestration strategies for open farmland.
The project has completed the following tasks:
1. Collected information on major flux networks worldwide, such as Fluxnet,
ORNL DAAC, and regional flux networks (AmeriFlux, ICOS, OzFlux,
AsiaFlux, and ChinaFLUX), and introduced their objectives, current status, and
future applications.
2. Summarized nearly 20 important greenhouse gas research papers, including
studies on urban flux detection in Asia (South Korea, Japan, and Singapore), the
contribution of nitrogen fertilizer application and field operations to CO2 and
N2O in agricultural fields, and N2O flux observation in forests. Technical data
analysis includes the differences between eddy covariance and closed chamber
methods for detecting N2O and CH4 fluxes, and the application of satellite
remote sensing and aerial survey technologies.
3. Summarized the carbon verification standard methods for agricultural fields
domestically and internationally, introducing the current status of our country’s
carbon verification standards and methodologies such as CDM Methodology,
Gold Standard (GS), and Verified Carbon Standard Program (VCS).
4. Drafted guidelines for greenhouse gas flux observation in open farmland,
referencing ICOS and other flux station setup standards. The guidelines include
typical flux observation project workflows, greenhouse gas flux observation
system setup, applicable scope, site selection, flux tower setup, system
maintenance methods, data quality verification methods, result processing, and
basic equipment and manpower requirements.
5. Established monitoring systems for three types of greenhouse gas fluxes (CO2,
CH4, and N2O) in open farmland at the Agricultural Research Institute of the
Ministry of Agriculture, and completed a verification and evaluation report on
carbon sequestration strategies for open farmland using “removing rice straw
and Alternate wetting-drying irrigation” as a carbon reduction scenario.
6. Conducted two technical dissemination and training workshops.