
新竹市113年度「向海致敬 -海岸清潔維護計畫」

中文摘要 為解決長久以來海岸海洋河川環境清潔問題, 行政院於109年06月核定「向海致敬-海岸清潔維護計畫」,藉由環境部結合9個部會與地方政府共同推動,從「清理、減量、去化、透明、教育」5個面向著手,以達成全臺海岸線每一寸土地都有政府機關負責看管、清理廢棄物之共識。另外,登革熱是世界上經由蚊子傳播最快的病毒性疾病,尤以熱帶及亞熱帶地區較易產生嚴重疫情。為有效清除病媒蚊之孳生源,落實登革熱疫情預防工作。 為掌握海岸清潔維護之執行品質,並且落實登革熱疫情預防工作,本執行團隊以整體性之規劃與執行能力,協助環保局達成具體之績效展現,各項工作執行成果如下說明: 一、海岸清理策略及規劃 (一) 海岸環境現況及特性研擬海岸清理策略,已規劃短、中期政策推動目標,後續將持續協助相關政策布達。 (二) 依據近年現場巡檢作業結果,擬定各海岸場域之清除頻率,提供各權責單位作為後續調整海岸環境清潔維護作業之參考依據。 (三) 已於113年05月13日及11月4日辦理二場次「新竹市海岸維護跨局處成效檢討會議」,運用新竹市海岸環境清理平台,持續協調各權責單針對海岸環境維護作業進行溝通,以期達到清理量能最佳化之目標。 二、海岸清理監督作業及資訊平台管理 (一) 目前海岸線環境現場巡檢作業,已進行46次之巡檢作業,現場垃圾密度多數為乾淨至低密度;海岸髒亂通報查核及成果,共進行20次通報,而各單位之處理完成回報率達95%。 (二) 清理作業監督及清運車輛查核,共進行141次現場監督查核及17次清運車輛查核,查核時並無不符相關規定之狀況。 三、整合海岸環境清理作業相關成果 (一) 定期更新海岸清理資訊平台,於每月10日回報上月各海岸線之清理情形,共進行131次回報作業。 (二) 協助辦理相關單位垃圾去化事宜,共計131場次團體及企業進行參與,淨灘活動人數達10,600人次,共計清除47.02公噸垃圾(累計長度56.95公里) (三) 目前轄內共計9家企業團體簽署認養(合計385人),持續主動洽詢本年度有申請淨灘之企業及民間機構,以企業社會責任之角度切入,並提供相關誘因機制(如公開授獎、新聞稿提名等),促使其簽署加入認養行列;並於8月9日搭配環保局毒化物聯防組職小組會議進行海岸認養宣導,號召企業加入認養共同維護海岸環境。 四、辦理海灘廢棄物垃圾及寶特瓶組成(ICC)監測調查 (一) 完成第一至四季海灘廢棄物垃圾及寶特瓶組成(ICC)監測調查。 (二) 比較112年第一至四季ICC高密度監測結果,113年第一至四季垃圾總數量較112年第一季至四季(112年數量介於4~16個)增加,由個別細項來看,以鐵鋁罐及玻璃瓶(增加50%以上)的數量明顯增加,其次為第三季新增之鞭炮盒子;其原因可能為113年疫情逐漸趨緩,國內旅遊復甦,幸福沙灣增加遊客人潮,導致垃圾量較112年多。
中文關鍵字 向海致敬、海岸清潔維護、淨灘活動、登革熱病媒蚊防治、生態防蚊師、環境用藥查核


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 2488 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 麥成瑋
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 戴虹玟 執行單位 銓璟環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 11303新竹市向海致敬與登革熱清除計畫期末定稿-合併檔.pdf 34MB

Hsinchu City's 113th Annual 「Salute to the Sea - Coastal Cleanliness and Maintenance Plan」

英文摘要 In order to solve the long-term environmental cleaning problem of coastal rivers and seas, the Government Council approved the "Salute to the Sea-Coastal Cleaning and Maintenance Plan" in June, 109. With the joint efforts of the Ministry of Environment and nine ministries and local governments, it started from the five aspects of "cleaning, reduction, decontamination, transparency and education", so as to reach a consensus that every inch of Taiwan's coastline is taken care of and cleaned up by government agencies. In addition, dengue fever is the fastest viral disease spread by mosquitoes in the world, especially in tropical and subtropical areas. In order to effectively eliminate the breeding sources of vector mosquitoes and implement the prevention of dengue fever. In order to master the implementation quality of coastal cleaning maintenance and implement the prevention of dengue fever, the implementation team assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau to achieve specific performance display with overall planning and implementation capabilities. The implementation results of each work are described as follows: First, the coastal cleaning strategy and planning (1) The present situation and characteristics of the coastal environment; the coastal cleaning strategy has been developed; the short-term and medium-term policy promotion targets have been planned; and the relevant policies will be continuously assisted in the follow-up. (2) According to the results of on-site inspection in recent years, work out the cleaning frequency of each coastal field, and provide the responsible units with reference for subsequent adjustment of coastal environment cleaning and maintenance operations. (3) On May 13th and November 4th, 113, two "hsinchu city Coastal Maintenance Inter-bureau Effectiveness Review Meetings" were held, and the hsinchu city coastal environmental cleaning platform was used to continuously coordinate the communication between the various power and responsibility sheets on coastal environmental maintenance operations, so as to achieve the goal of optimizing the cleaning amount. Two, coastal cleaning supervision and information platform management (1) At present, 46 inspections have been carried out on the shoreline environment, and the density of garbage on site is mostly clean to low; A total of 20 reports were made on the inspection and results of the coastal mess, and the return rate of each unit was 95%. (2) Supervision of cleaning operation and inspection of cleared vehicles, 141 on-site supervision and inspection and 17 on-site inspection of cleared vehicles were conducted, and there was no violation of relevant regulations during the inspection. Three, the integration of coastal environmental clean-up operations related results (1) Regularly update the information platform for coastal cleaning, and report the cleaning situation of each coastline in the last month on the 10th of each month, with a total of 131 reporting operations. (2) Assisting relevant units in garbage disposal, involving 131 groups and enterprises, with 10,600 beach cleaning activities, and removing 47.02 metric tons of garbage (with a cumulative length of 56.95 kilometers). (3) At present, a total of 9 enterprise groups within the jurisdiction have signed up for adoption (with a total of 385 people), and they continue to actively consult enterprises and non-governmental organizations that have applied for the net beach this year, and provide relevant incentive mechanisms (such as public award, press release nomination, etc.) to urge them to sign up for adoption; And on August 9th, with the meeting of the working group of the Toxin Prevention and Control Group of the Environmental Protection Bureau, the coastal adoption was publicized, calling on enterprises to join in the adoption and jointly safeguard the coastal environment. Four, for the beach waste garbage and bottle composition (ICC) monitoring survey. (1) To complete the monitoring survey on the composition (ICC) of beach wastes and bottles in the first to fourth seasons. (2) Comparing the results of ICC high-density monitoring in the first quarter to the fourth quarter of 112, the total amount of garbage in the first quarter to the fourth quarter of 113 increased compared with that in the first quarter to the fourth quarter of 112 (the number in 112 was between 4 and 16). In terms of individual details, the number of iron-aluminum cans and glass bottles (increased by more than 50%) increased significantly, followed by the new firecrackers boxes in the third quarter; The reason may be that the epidemic situation gradually slowed down in 113 years, domestic tourism recovered, and the number of tourists in Happiness Shawan increased, resulting in more than 112 years of garbage.
英文關鍵字 Salute to the sea, coastal cleaning and maintenance, beach cleaning activities, dengue vector mosquito control, ecological mosquito control division, environmental drug audit