

中文摘要 本報告針對113年度「屏東縣固定污染源管制及空品不良期間應變計畫」的執行成果與建議進行詳細說明。該計畫自113年1月1日至12月31日,旨在改善屏東縣的空氣品質,涵蓋工作項目如下摘要說明: (一)許可管制作業 截至11月中旬,計畫已完成509條許可製程查核,查核不符率為3.9%。在不符合標準的20條製程中,有12條顯示出污染物排放的增加,包括增設污染源及原物料使用量超標。已核發210張許可證,平均審查日數為21.5日,較112年度的18.2天增加,主要因應去年度考評缺失所導致的審查流程調整。計畫將持續追蹤不符合標準的製程,並針對已申請改善的19條製程進行後續檢查。 (二) 法規符合度管制工作 本計畫已完成對69家工廠的定期檢測,並針對公私場所進行1,432場次的日間巡查及511場次的夜間巡查。巡查成果顯示,執行度達358%,嚴重違規的案例已進行處罰,涉及的工廠包括國統、瑞洋、惠華等,合計處分金額達92萬元。此外,針對137座加油站的管理,已完成45站次的抽測,合格率高達96.4%。計畫針對不合格的加油槍進行檢查和維修,並要求相關廠商提交改善報告。計畫針對污染源進行減量輔導,已完成12家公私場所的輔導,取得明顯改善效果。特別對於造船業的露天塗裝作業,已要求增設防制設備,預計可減少24公噸的VOCs排放。對於屢遭陳情的廠家,計畫提供改善建議並持續追蹤狀況。至今,空氣品質不良的預警日數共12日,巡檢共108家次。針對空品不良期間,廠家需保持防制措施,並依防制計畫執行減量。環保局開發的線上回報系統促使固定污染源在不良日時進行自主減產,並確保回報資料的正確性。 (三) 空品不良成因分析 本計畫針對空品不良的成因進行分析,特別是在冬季高屏空品區,受境外污染物的影響及高壓系統導致的污染物累積,PM2.5濃度顯著變化,白天O3濃度也出現逐日升高的趨勢。這些結果強調了加強對境外污染物監測與應對措施的必要性。 (四) 空污費徵收作業 截至113年11月,屏東縣共列管需申報空污費之公私場所552家,其中每季審查已完成1,631家次,達成率82%。在空污費徵收金額方面,自112Q4至113Q2,共徵收約3,148.38萬元,其中無需繳費或僅繳交基本費用者佔61.84%。從行業別分析,砂石採取及其他礦業、表面塗裝業和廢棄物處理業是空污費的主要來源,合計占全屏東徵收費用的67.64%。 空污費現場查核共522家,達成率98.5%。查核結果顯示,214家工廠無溢補繳情形,142家有溢繳情形,而需補繳者為166家。查核符合率約為72%至95%。錯誤率高的主要原因包括堆置場申報複雜性、使用量不符及申報人員不熟悉流程。為改善此情況,本計畫加強對砂石業者及預拌混凝土業者的教育宣導,並提供專用記錄報表,以降低申報錯誤。 (五) 其他配合作業 本計畫針對屏南工業區、屏東工業區等地區進行行業分布調查和敏感受體點資訊蒐集,並依據法規要求對工廠的空氣污染突發事故進行應變計畫的審核。11月5日,屏南工業區舉辦了空氣污染及毒災事故應變演練,邀請相關機構進行實兵演練,檢視污染源查證及現場空氣品質監控的效率。在逸散性管理辦法管理方面,查核共完成58廠次,符合率為95%;針對不符合標準的廠家進行改善追蹤,並計劃加強對該些廠家的稽查。 污染源減量作業方面,除了新設工廠要求最佳可行控制技術原則外,既存污染源則透過稽查檢測進行改善輔導,至今已完成12家公私場所的輔導,實質改善成果顯著,包括新增或改善污染防制設備,減量效果明顯。特別是造船業的露天塗裝作業,已要求相關廠家增設防制設備,預計可減少24公噸的VOC排放。此外,本計畫針對屢遭陳情的廠家進行輔導,提供改善建議,並持續追蹤改善狀況。至今已完成7家因異味而被陳情的廠家的輔導改善作業。 截至目前,113年內空氣品質發布中級預警日數共12日,巡查共108家次,初級預警日數87日,巡查共522家次。針對空品不良期間,廠家需保持空污防制措施正常運作,並根據防制計畫內容執行減量。環保局開發的線上回報系統,促使固定污染源在不良日時進行自主減產,並確保回報資料的合理性和正確性。 結論 本計畫在許可管制作業及法規符合度管制工作上取得顯著成效,並持續強化對污染源的監控和輔導,未來將持續追蹤不符合標準的製程,並針對空品不良的成因進行深入研究。透過持續的努力,期望能有效減少污染源排放,提升屏東縣的環境品質及居民健康。計畫將不斷優化相關措施,強化空氣品質的維護與改善。
中文關鍵字 固定污染源、空氣污染防制費、許可


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 25438 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 賴宏志
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 于雅琪 執行單位 元律科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 113固定期末-定稿.pdf 25MB


英文摘要 This report outlines the implementation results and recommendations for the "Pingtung County Fixed Pollution Source Control and Air Quality Deterioration Response Plan" for the year 113. The plan, which spans from January 1 to December 31, 113, aims to improve air quality in Pingtung County through several key initiatives. 1. Permitting Control Operations As of mid-November, a total of 509 permitted processes were audited, with a non-compliance rate of 4.0%. Among the 20 processes identified as non-compliant, 12 showed increased emissions of pollutants, which included increased sources and raw material usage exceeding limits. A total of 210 permits have been issued, with an average review time of 21.5 days, an increase from 18.2 days in the previous year due to adjustments in the review process following prior evaluation deficiencies. Continuous monitoring of non-compliant processes will be conducted, along with follow-up checks on 19 processes that have submitted improvement requests. 2. Regulatory Compliance Monitoring The plan has successfully completed scheduled inspections of 69 factories, conducting 1,432 daytime inspections and 511 nighttime inspections. The implementation rate reached 358%. Severe violations have been addressed, impacting enterprises such as Guotong, Ruiyang, and Huiliang, resulting in fines totaling NT$920,000. Additionally, inspections of 137 gas stations have been completed, with a compliance rate of 96.4%. Non-compliant gas pumps are being inspected and repaired, with operators required to submit improvement reports. 3. Pollution Source Reduction The plan includes reduction assistance for pollution sources, with successful improvement outcomes for 12 public and private sites. Specifically, in the shipbuilding industry, requirements for additional pollution control equipment have been implemented, expected to reduce VOC emissions by 24 tons. Continuous support will be provided to factories frequently receiving complaints, along with monitoring of their progress. 4. Air Quality Deterioration Response and Monitoring This year, there have been 12 days of air quality alerts, with 108 inspections conducted. During periods of poor air quality, factories are required to maintain control measures and adhere to reduction plans. An online reporting system developed by the Environmental Protection Bureau encourages fixed pollution sources to autonomously reduce production during poor air quality days, ensuring the accuracy of reported data. 5. Analysis of Poor Air Quality Causes The report analyzes the causes of poor air quality, particularly during the winter months in the Gaoping air quality zone, where external pollutants and high-pressure systems contribute to significant changes in PM2.5 levels and increasing O3 concentrations. These findings underscore the necessity of enhancing monitoring and response measures for external pollution sources. Conclusion The plan has shown notable effectiveness in both permitting control operations and regulatory compliance monitoring. Future efforts will focus on tracking non-compliant processes and conducting in-depth research into the causes of poor air quality. Through ongoing initiatives, it is anticipated that emissions from pollution sources will be effectively reduced, resulting in improved environmental quality and public health in Pingtung County. The plan will continue to optimize measures, strengthening air quality maintenance and improvement efforts.
英文關鍵字 Permit、Air pollution Control Fee,Stationary Pollution Sources