

中文摘要 澎湖縣為我國離島縣位於臺灣海峽上,由澎湖群島所組成,以澎湖水道與臺灣本島之雲林縣、嘉義縣相望。人口有六成定居於馬公市,澎湖縣內轄有1市5鄉共有6個鄉市,四面環海,早期經濟活動以漁業為主,隨著漁業資源比重降低,現已轉型為以觀光為主。 澎湖縣每年夏季的花火節與水上活動帶來人潮,觀光遊客透過航空或輪船前來旅遊,108年旅遊人次達最高峰1,286千人次,110年及111年受疫情影響分別降為618及1,114千人次,112年緩升至1,275千人次,113年為1,028千人次。 澎湖縣設有環境部馬公站監測各項污染物空氣品質,除了O3外其餘均符合空品標準,O3_8hr_95%高值濃度108~110年呈下降趨勢,但仍略高於空氣品質標準60ppb,經環境部公告自110年起為三級防制區。110~112年濃度由67.3ppb略上升至69.7ppb,113年11月底為68.2ppb;PM2.5、SO2、NO2經環境部公告自110年起為二級防制區,近5年改善率分別為15.8%、68.6%及34.3%,113年11月底分別為11.0µg/m3、1.00ppb及3.48ppb。 AQI>100占比,由108年7.9%降至112年3.8%,113年(至11月)為3.0%(共10日,3月3天、5月5天及10月2天),指標污染物為O3_8hr,不良主因為受東北季風挾帶境外污染影響,均即時發布訊息提醒民眾。 協助澎湖縣第二期空氣污染防制計畫書(113年至116年)研擬及撰寫,1月23日辦理公告草案,2月19日辦理跨局處、環團、利害關係人研商會,2月22日提交空氣污染防制計畫草案至環境部,5月7日環境部召開初審會議,7月31日環境部召開審查會議,經過持續溝通修正,10月由環境部核定並公告。 建立澎湖縣空氣品質維護/改善督導查核標準作業程序,檢核各計畫月報/季報/半年報等資料。依據考評指標彙整量化執行成果,召開3場工作會議、1場跨局處研商會議、1場污防書專家諮詢會議,提升整體執行成效,另針對不同年齡層學生辦理5場空氣品質與健康識能說明會,說明空氣品質與健康的重要性,增強空品不良時自我防護意識。 依「空氣品質不良嚴重惡化緊急應變辦法」,113年共發生預警4次,均已落實計畫通報查處作業,並按時回報環境部網站。 透過空氣品質模式CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality),完成新版排放量系統TEDS11(2019基準年)專家學者模擬工作,掌握境外及台灣對本縣空氣品質的貢獻比例高達9成以上。 室內空氣品質管制延續上(112)年度輔導對象,針對非列管之敏感族群(幼兒園及社福機構)使用場所共16處,持續輔導自主管理維護並推廣場所取得自主管理標章。截至113年已完成6處非列管幼兒園取得優良級或良好級標章。現場巡查結果發現,室外CO2濃度平均300~400ppm,巡檢場所室內CO2濃度平均400~700ppm,CO2濃度偏高之情況主要為密閉空間空調導致室內通風不良造成污染物濃度累積;另針對13處列管場所進行室內空氣品質維護管理措施落實度查核,皆符合法規規範。 空品淨化區執行成果,聯合縣府相關局處推展環境綠美化,減少裸露地風蝕揚塵排放,施作綠地面積(如青青草園新植、海岸林/防風林新植造林撫育及平地景觀綠美化)由99年85.5公頃上升至113年142.3公頃;辦理1場次清淨空氣綠牆推廣及淨化區認養說明會,媒合7處空氣品質淨化區由民間企業認養及志工認養,並辦理1場次空氣品質淨化區優良認養單位甄選,由縣長公開表揚優良空品淨化區認養單位。
中文關鍵字 空氣品質、管理發展、空氣品質淨化區


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3503 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/11 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 潘一誠
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃紫羿 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年澎湖SIP期末定稿(最終版).pdf 45MB

113 Penghu Conunity Air Quality Management and Development

英文摘要 Penghu County, one of Taiwan's offshore island counties, is located in the Taiwan Strait and consists of the Penghu Archipelago. It is separated from Yunlin County and Chiayi County on Taiwan's main island by the Penghu Channel. Approximately 60% of the population resides in Magong City. The county comprises one city and five townships, for a total of six administrative divisions. Surrounded by the sea, Penghu's early economy relied heavily on fishing. However, as fishing resources dwindled, it transitioned to tourism as its primary economic activity. Each summer, Penghu's Fireworks Festival and water activities attract crowds of visitors. Tourists travel to the county by air or ferry. In 2019, the number of visitors peaked at 1.286 million. However, this number dropped to 618,000 and 1.114 million in 2021 and 2022, respectively, due to the pandemic. By 2023, visitor numbers had rebounded to 1.275 million but decreased to 1.028 million in 2024. Penghu County has an environmental monitoring station in Magong to track air quality and pollutants. With the exception of ozone (O3), all pollutants meet air quality standards. The 8-hour average of O3 concentration (95th percentile) showed a declining trend from 2019 to 2021 but remained slightly above the air quality standard of 60 ppb. The Ministry of Environment designated Penghu as a Level 3 Control Zone starting in 2021. From 2021 to 2023, O3 concentrations increased slightly from 67.3 ppb to 69.7 ppb and were at 68.2 ppb by the end of November 2024. Meanwhile, PM2.5, SO2, and NO2 concentrations, classified as Level 2 Control Zone pollutants since 2021, have shown improvement rates of 15.8%, 68.6%, and 34.3%, respectively, over the past five years. By the end of November 2024, the concentrations were 11.0 µg/m³ for PM2.5, 1.00 ppb for SO2, and 3.48 ppb for NO2. The percentage of AQI readings above 100 decreased from 7.9% in 2019 to 3.8% in 2023 and further to 3.0% (10 days) in 2024, as of November. The primary pollutant was O3, often influenced by transboundary pollution brought by the northeast monsoon. Timely notifications were issued to inform the public. The second phase of Penghu County's Air Pollution Prevention Plan (2024–2027) was developed and reviewed through several stakeholder meetings. The draft plan was finalized and approved by the Ministry of Environment in October 2024 after multiple rounds of revisions. Standard procedures for air quality maintenance and improvement audits were also established, including reviewing monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual reports and holding meetings to enhance plan implementation. Public education included five air quality and health literacy sessions targeting students of different age groups, emphasizing the importance of air quality and personal protection. Under the "Emergency Response Measures for Severe Deterioration of Air Quality," four alerts were issued in 2024. All responses followed established procedures and were reported to the Ministry of Environment's website on time. Using the CMAQ (Community Multiscale Air Quality) model, an updated emissions inventory (TEDS11, based on 2019 data) was completed. The model revealed that over 90% of air quality impacts in Penghu were attributable to transboundary and domestic contributions from Taiwan. Indoor air quality management extended previous efforts to guide non-regulated facilities catering to sensitive groups (e.g., kindergartens and social welfare institutions). Six out of 16 such facilities achieved excellent or good self-management certifications by 2024. Inspections showed indoor CO2 levels averaging 400–700 ppm, with higher concentrations attributed to poor ventilation in enclosed spaces. Thirteen regulated facilities were also audited for compliance with indoor air quality maintenance measures. Efforts to purify air quality included expanding green spaces and reducing windblown dust emissions. The total green area increased from 85.5 hectares in 2010 to 142.3 hectares in 2024. Initiatives included promoting clean air green walls, holding one adoption briefing session for air quality purification zones, and recognizing outstanding adopters through a public awards ceremony.
英文關鍵字 Air Quality、Management Development、Control Strategies、Air Quality Purification Area