

中文摘要 為健全含氯地下水污染場址實施風險管理與監測式衰減管理之示範作法,延續111~112年辦理「應加速改善場址示範監督計畫-永康地下水污染場址」所擬定之地下水污染場址管理方向,持續於113年辦理「含氯地下水污染場址監測式自然衰減評析計畫」(簡稱本計畫)。為推動國內污染場址風險管理工作程序,於計畫期間,完成研提含氯地下水污染場址風險管理執行計畫。以未來場址長期性管理為基礎,完成擬定衰減監測方案並執行2次持續監測,並發展快速篩檢、現地微生物分析對於未來長期性監測相關作法。以最新之長期水位資料與監測數據,完成每年進行一次污染團/地下水流速流向模擬工作,並依據最新模擬之結果,完成研提永康區鹽行段與永安段場址公告範圍修正建議作法。為推動污染防治推動與溝通工作,完成辦理1場次之管理與法規說明會、3場次之現場輔導會議,並編印200本永康地下水污染場址管理成果小冊子,及完成一本電子書。為完備土污法規定,完成提送臺南市永康區鹽東段0809地號及蔦松南段1056地號地下水污染控制場址適當措施計畫書,及協助臺南市環保局完成113/12/3土推小組審查,並於114年即可啟動計畫書內容執行。
中文關鍵字 地下水、含氯有機污染物、 風險管理與監測式衰減管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 7200 千元
專案開始日期 2024/04/29 專案結束日期 2024/12/10 專案主持人 梁栢瑋
主辦單位 環管署土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理會 承辦人 賴俊吉 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 01_113EA049驗收合格成果報告(PDF).pdf 25MB 01_113EA049驗收合格成果報告(PDF)

Monitoring natural attenuation evaluation plan for chlorine-containing organic pollutants contaminated by groundwater sites

英文摘要 To establish a model approach for implementing risk management and monitored natural attenuation (MNA) management for chlorinated groundwater contamination sites, the "Accelerated Site Remediation Supervision Pilot Project - Yongkang Groundwater Contamination Site" conducted in 2022–2023 will be continued. The management directions for groundwater contamination sites formulated under this initiative will be further developed through the implementation of the "Chlorinated Groundwater Contamination Site Monitored Natural Attenuation Evaluation Project" in 2024, referred to as "this project." During the planning period, the implementation plan for risk management of chlorine-containing groundwater contamination sites was completed. Based on the long-term management of the future site, we will complete the formulation of an attenuation monitoring plan and carry out two continuous monitoring, and develop rapid screening and on-site microbial analysis for future long-term monitoring. Based on the latest long-term water level data and monitoring data, complete the annual pollution mass/groundwater flow velocity and direction simulation work, and based on the latest simulation results, complete the development of recommended practices for revising the site announcement scope of Yanhang Section and Yongan Section in Yongkang District. Completed 1 management and regulatory briefing session, 3 on-site coaching sessions, printed 200 Yongkang groundwater pollution site management results booklets, and completed an e-book. In order to complete the provisions of the Soil Pollution Law, we completed the submission of appropriate measures plans for the groundwater pollution control sites at Land No. 0809, Yongkang Section, Yongkang District, Tainan City, and Land No. 1056, Zisong South Section, and assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government.
英文關鍵字 Groundwater、Chlorinated Aliphatic Hydrocarbons(CAHs)、Risk management and monitoring attenuation management