

中文摘要 一、生活污水污染削減管理 (一)公共污水下水道系統管理 1、公共污水下水道系統放流水(SS、BOD、COD、pH、導電度及水溫)採樣與分析,計52家次 許可核准排放水量未達5萬CMD者,每季至少不預警稽查並採樣檢測放流水1次;許可核准排放水量5萬CMD以上者,每2個月至少不預警稽查並採樣檢測放流水1次,已執行各下水道系統放流水採樣共45家次,完成率已達86%,本年度公共污水廠共有2次違反水污法相關規定。 (二)社區專用污水下水道系統管理 1、掌握社區專用污水下水道系統現況 已依據生活污水污染削減專案計畫,已完成彙整應查核對象,共計97家次,已查核97家次及27家已完成社區污水處理設施受託操作服務定型化契約之使用情形調查。 二、工業區專用污水下水道系統管理 (一)工業區專用污水下水道系統放流水稽查採樣 依「工業區水污染防治管理計畫」將工業區分級,並針對其計畫規定頻率、次數、水質項目進行放流水採樣作業,計180家次,目前共完成164家次,整體完成率為91%。 規劃採樣分析水質項目為pH、水溫、導電度、SS、COD及重金屬(銅、鋅、鎳、總鉻),分配如下: 1、日間採樣 依據分級執行工業區日間採樣,共執行114家次,8家次有超過許可登載。 2、夜間採樣 依據分級執行,各工業區需佔總採樣數1/2,本年度規劃加強該時段採樣頻率,已執行50家次,未有超標情形。 (二)113年放流水加嚴水質項目稽查採樣 因應「113年工業區水污染防治管理計畫」工作內容,應執行各工業區專用汙水下水道系統113年放流水加嚴或新增水質項目採樣至少1次,其中銅、鋅、鎳、總鉻皆為例行採樣項目之一,故將針對其餘項目(砷、鉛、鎘、六價鉻、真色色度、氨氮)規劃乙次/年的採樣工作,並列入工作項目「事業或污水下水道系統廢(污)水或放流水採樣檢驗作業」件數計算。 三、執行事業、污水下水道系統或尚未列管待判定之工廠製程產生廢(污)水或放流水採樣檢驗作業 (一) 執行事業或污水下水道系統廢(污)水或放流水採樣檢驗作業COD、SS、BOD總計至少共192件次; NH3-N、重金屬總計至少共286件次;特定管制項目((特定水質(一)、特定水質(二)總計至少共34件次,已全數完成。 四、協助辦理高雄市水污染防治費徵收之管理事宜 113年第1期水污費徵收(計費區間為113年1月1日至113年6月30日),已全數完成申報及繳費,計878家水污費徵收事業(含畜牧業)已繳納,累計2,837萬元。 五、強化水質水量自動監測及攝錄影設施系統並維護系統穩定操作,亦針對傳輸數據檢核,確保傳輸數據品質 目前本市已完成設置水質水量自動連線監測系統之事業,共計有54家,包含16家屬情節重大違規對象。前述該等事業核准許可廢(污)水總排放量達25,964,534 m3,佔全市總量98.02%,本計畫也派員記錄每日連線狀況,並定期備份資料。 六、緊急應變事件 (一) 水污染事件緊急應變處置 截至10月31日止未有符合第一級之災害應變或建立水污染緊急應變通報系統污染事件,目前有8件次為污染通報調查,其中有7次油污應變事件及1件河面上有飄浮物,主要發生河段多為鳳山溪上游4件、愛河願景橋、茄萣區灌溉大排及阿公店溪前洲橋各1件。 (二) 每季清點水污染應變器材之數量並維護貯存場所清潔。 本項工作已完成113年第一、二季(7處)之清點及場所維護工作,並於清點完畢後更新河川水質異常通報及後續處理平台資材數量,將於本計畫末進行最後一次清點並執行相關機具之維護保養及辦理相關教學以利環保局承辦人員了解,並協助機關統整使用及庫存狀況,以利後續購買足量之應變器材用品。 七、河川採樣 (一) 辦理流域河川水質採樣工作 每月配合機關排定日期執行採樣工作,已完成2~10月份河川湖泊採樣工作。
中文關鍵字 水污染防治費、公共污水下水道系統、工業區污水下水道系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 8819.516 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 黃招斌
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 洪雅雯 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度高雄市水污染源稽查與水污費徵收查核計畫結案報告.pdf 27MB

Kaohsiung City Water Pollution Control Manage And Water Pollution Control Fees Manage Project (2024)

英文摘要 1. Domestic sewage pollution reduction management (1) Public sewage and sewer system management 1. Sampling and analysis of discharged water (SS, BOD, COD, pH, conductivity and water temperature) from public sewage and sewer systems, 52 households in total Those with a permitted water discharge volume of less than 50,000 CMD shall be subject to no warning inspection and sampling and testing of the discharged water at least once every quarter; those with a permitted discharge volume of more than 50,000 CMD shall be subject to no warning inspection and sampling and testing of the discharged water at least once every 2 months. , a total of 45 samples of discharged water from various sewer systems have been carried out, with a completion rate of 86%. This year, public sewage plants violated relevant provisions of the Water and Pollution Law twice. (2) Community dedicated sewage sewer system management 1. Understand the current status of community dedicated sewage and sewer systems According to the domestic sewage pollution reduction project plan, a total of 97 companies that should be audited have been compiled, 97 companies have been audited, and 27 companies have completed the usage survey of the standardized contract for entrusted operation services of community sewage treatment facilities. 2. Management of dedicated sewage and sewer systems in industrial areas (1) Inspection and sampling of discharged water from dedicated sewage and sewer systems in industrial areas The industrial zones are classified according to the "Industrial Zone Water Pollution Prevention and Control Management Plan", and discharged water sampling operations are carried out according to the frequency, frequency, and water quality items specified in the plan. A total of 180 times have been completed. A total of 164 times have been completed so far. The overall completion rate 91%. The planned sampling and analysis water quality items are pH, water temperature, conductivity, SS, COD and heavy metals (copper, zinc, nickel, total chromium), which are distributed as follows: 1. Daytime sampling Daytime sampling in industrial areas was carried out according to the classification, and a total of 114 times were carried out, and 8 times exceeded the permitted number. 2. Night sampling According to the hierarchical implementation, each industrial zone needs to account for 1/2 of the total number of samples. This year, it is planned to increase the frequency of sampling during this period. 50 samples have been implemented, and there are no cases of exceeding the standard. 3. Sampling and inspection operations for waste (sewage) water or discharged water produced by enterprises, sewage and sewer systems, or factory processes that have not been listed and yet to be determined. (1) The total number of COD, SS, and BOD sampling and inspection operations for waste (sewage) water or discharged water from enterprises or sewage sewer systems is at least 192 times; the total number of NH3-N and heavy metals is at least 286 times; specific control items ((specific Water quality (1) and specific water quality (2) total at least 34 times, all of which have been completed. 4. Assist in the management of water pollution prevention and control fee collection in Kaohsiung City The first phase of water and sewage fee collection in 2013 (the billing period is from January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020), all declarations and payments have been completed, and a total of 878 water and sewage fee collection enterprises (including animal husbandry) have The total amount paid was RMB 28.37 million. 5. Strengthen the automatic monitoring of water quality and quantity and the video recording facility system and maintain the stable operation of the system. Also check the transmitted data to ensure the quality of the transmitted data. At present, the city has completed the establishment of an automatic on-line monitoring system for water quality and quantity. There are 54 companies in total, including 16 family members with serious violations. The total approved waste (sewage) discharge volume of the aforementioned enterprises is 25,964,534 m3, accounting for 98.02% of the city's total. This plan also dispatches personnel to record daily connection status and back up data regularly.
英文關鍵字 Water pollution control fees, Public sewage systems, Industrial park sewage systems