

中文摘要 新北市政府為有效改善轄境內淡水河流域各河川、支流排水水體現況與提升貴局行政效率、減少公文處理及審查作業時程、精進許可業務審查品質,以「2030年嚴重污染長度比例歸0」為願景,終期以水質符合水體正常用途為目標,全面掌握與建立本市淡水河流域水質狀況,除每月水質現況進行分析外,亦針對淡水河各流域重要支流排水進行污染貢獻分析,並依據歷年河川本流及支流排水監測資料、污染負荷,並同檢視各河段之既有污染削減措施之量能,提出淡水河水質建議治理方案,包括熱區重要支流排水事業污染源管制、截流與現地處理設施最適化操作、大漢溪浮洲橋至新海大橋段污水下水道加速興建、許可證與定檢申報源頭管理、規劃評估湳仔溝堤外新設現地處理設施、研商推動大漢溪氨氮放流水標準加嚴之污染削減、研析魚類存活與河川水質之關聯等,定期滾動檢討改善策略,近年來淡水河流域各河川、支流排水水體品質與轄內水污染源管制已逐步獲得改善,水岸環境品質之提升亦吸引更多民眾投入親水活動。水污染防治許可審查或門診輔導管理作業,截至113年10月31日共計受理795件許可申請案件,已完成審查678件,依申請案件類別分析主要以逕流廢水削減計畫(261件)為最多,而依許可申請性質主要以申請案(322件)受理最多,另協助辦理水污染許可簽證技師查核共計8場次;而檢測申報審查管理作業,已協助完成2,805家定期申報資料勾稽審查及催申報作業。 其他庶務工作方面,截至113年10月31日,共辦理3場次水污染防治法相關宣導活動、觀摩教育訓練或安全衛生管理;另協助環保局彙整水污染相關資料及蒐集本市與相關單位之淡水河整治相關計畫成果,撰擬年度河川污染整治成果考評報告、簡報等,已於113年11月5日前提供完成河川整治成果資料蒐集彙整及成果報告書與簡報;計畫執行期間配合環保局作業將日常所產生之文書資料全數進行建檔,共計協助文書資料及電腦建檔6,845件,並每月定期協助提供環保局所需之管制成果統計分析及依法行政輔助管制資料等統計分析資料。
中文關鍵字 河川污染整治、整治成效檢討、污染削減策略、許可審查、定檢申報


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 11920 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/20 專案主持人 蔡明谷
主辦單位 新北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 趙宏達 執行單位 台灣曼寧工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 中文摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB

2024 New Taipei City Water Pollution Evaluation Management Plan

英文摘要 To effectively improve the rivers and tributary drainages in the Tamsui River basin in the area of jurisdiction, increase the administrative efficiency of the Bureau, reduce official document processing time and review schedule, as well as advancing the quality of licensing affairs, the New Taipei City Government, with the vision of “returning to zero by changing proportion of serious pollution length in 2030”, aiming at the target that water quality should meet the normal uses of water bodies in the final stage, thereby grasping and establishing the overall situation of water quality of the Tamsui River basin in this City. In addition to analyzing the current water quality status for each month, we analyzed the contribution of pollution of the major tributary drainages in the Tamsui River basin, as well as scrutinizing the effectiveness of existing pollution reduction measures in each river section and proposing treatment plan for the water quality of the Tamsui River based on the drainage monitoring data and pollution load of the main river and tributaries over the years, including pollution source control for the significant tributary drainage projects in hot spots, optimal operation of interception and on-site treatment facilities, accelerated construction of sewers between Fuzhou Bridge and Xinhai Bridge on Dahan River, source management of licenses and reports of regular test, planning and evaluation of the new on-site treatment facilities outside the Nanzaigou embankment, researching and pushing forward the strengthened standards for ammonia nitrogen in effluent in Dahan River to reduce pollution, analysis of the relationship between fish survival and river water qualityand, regular rolling revision of improvement strategies. In recent years, the drainage water quality of rivers and tributaries in the Tamsui River basin and the control of water pollution sources within the jurisdiction have been improving gradually, and the improvement of waterfront environment quality has attracted more people to participate in water-themed activities. As for water pollution control permit review or outpatient counseling and management operations, a total of 795 permit application cases had been entertained as of October 31, 2024, and 678 cases had been reviewed. Analyzed by category of application cases, 261 cases applying for the plan for the reduction of pollutants from runoff wastewater accounted for the largest portion. According to the nature of permit applications, 322cases entertained accounted for the most part. We assisted in handling water pollution permit qualified technician inspections for a total of 8 times as well. As for the test reporting review management work, we had assisted 2,805 companies in completing regular application data review and expedited applications. With respect to other general affairs, a total of 3 publicity activities, observational training, or safety and health management related to the Water Pollution Control Act were held as of October 31, 2024; we also assisted the Environmental Protection Bureau in sorting out water pollution-related data and collecting data about river remediation related project results in Tamsui River from this City and related agencies, drafted annual river pollution remediation results evaluation reports, briefings, etc., and provided data collection and collation of completed river remediation and results reports as well as briefings before November 5, 2024; during the period of the Plan implementation, we cooperated with the Environmental Protection Bureau to file all the documents and data generated every day, with a total of 6,845 documents assisted in computerized filing, as well as regularly assisting in providing data of statistical analysis such as statistical analysis of control results and data on legal administrative auxiliary control required by the Environmental Protection Bureau every month.
英文關鍵字 River Pollution Remediation, Revision of Remediation Effectiveness, Strategy to Reduce Pollutants, Permit Review, Regular Test Report