

中文摘要 環境部今年度下達「環境部飲用水水質新興關注項目檢測管理及篩選作業指引」,本計畫依指引辦理飲用水列管物質篩選作業,針對第一類清單優先評估我國飲用水中6項鹵代硝基甲烷消毒副產物的存在及可能影響,於我國6座淨水場進行三次採樣監測,其中有三項消毒副產物曾有微量檢出,對健康暫無顯著風險。第二類清單中的嘉磷塞,本年度清水抽驗結果顯示有部分檢出濃度較往年高,建議釐清是否與採樣時間有關,明年度持續抽驗後評估是否列入第三類清單。而針對第三類清單,本計畫彙整歷年本土淨水場檢測資料,其中碲、1,2二溴乙烷、NDMA經評估於我國飲用水中暫無顯著危害,改列第二類清單以有效運用檢測能量。本計畫抽驗飲用水中29項未列管新興污染物共3,041處次分析,依分析結果提出後續監測及管理建議。此外針對飲用水水質標準中農藥及細菌性指標項目進行檢討,並評估非強制性標準或指引法制化之可行性。
中文關鍵字 全氟化物、指引值、鹵代硝基甲烷


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 7530 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/04 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 黃良銘特聘教授
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 歐真妤 執行單位 國立成功大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年飲用水水質之新興污染物調查與管理計畫.pdf 7MB

Investigation of Compounds of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water and Management of Water Quality 2024

英文摘要 This year, the Ministry of Environment issued the "Guidelines for the Detection Management and Screening of Compounds of Emerging Concern in Drinking Water." Following these guidelines, this project conducts a screening for regulating substances in drinking water. Six halonitromethane disinfection by-products in the first category list were monitored and evaluated their presence and potential impact in drinking water supply systems in Taiwan. Three rounds of sampling and monitoring were conducted at six water treatment plants, with three of these disinfection by-products detected in trace amounts, posing no significant health risk. As for glyphosate, listed in the second category, sampling results this year showed slightly higher concentrations compared to previous years. It is recommended to clarify if this is related to sampling timing. Further sampling next year was sμggested to determine if it should be included in the third-category list. For substances in the third category list, this project reviewed historical data from local water treatment facilities, assessing tellurium, 1,2-dibromoethane, and NDMA, which were found to pose no significant risk in the nation’s drinking water and thus were reclassified to the second category to optimize testing resources. Additionally, the project analyzed 3,041 samples for 29 emerging, non-regulated contaminants in drinking water, and provided recommendations for future monitoring and management based on the results. A review was also conducted on pesticide and bacterial indicators in drinking water standards, along with an evaluation of the feasibility of formalizing non-mandatory standards or guidelines.
英文關鍵字 Per/Poly fluoro alkyl substances (PFAS), guideline value, halonitromethanes (HNMs)