

中文摘要 為呼應全球淨零趨勢,國家發展委員會於111年3月30日公布我國「2050淨零排放路徑」,推動能源轉型、產業轉型、生活轉型及社會轉型等四大策略,並延伸12項關鍵戰略。「淨零綠生活」為第10項關鍵戰略,藉由全民對話及消費者覺醒,各界齊力合作,鼓勵民眾從食、衣、住、行、育、樂、購等面向「宅得夠綠」、「玩得夠綠」、「買得夠綠」、「辦公夠綠」、「吃得夠綠」,建構低碳商業模式及形塑生活態度。 鑑此,彰化縣環境保護局推動辦理「彰化縣113年度淨零綠生活暨夜光材料推廣計畫」,期望透過推廣淨零綠生活、綠色辦公及環保餐廳輔導,倡導低碳飲食、綠色設計、低碳運輸、使用取代擁有等理念,並聚焦於「用在地」、「惜資源」及「護環境」,引導彰化縣民眾一起從個人居家生活到辦公綠生活,乃至日常生活都能落實節能減碳,建立友善環境的生活態度,促進在地及綠色產業發展,讓環保及經濟雙贏,共同達到淨零排放目標。
中文關鍵字 淨零綠生活


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 691.1 千元
專案開始日期 2024/04/26 專案結束日期 2024/07/01 專案主持人 林佳薇
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 謝佳琦 執行單位 翌暘工程顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 彰化縣113年度淨零綠生活暨夜光材料推廣計畫結案報告.pdf 1MB

romotion of Net-Zero Green Living and Demonstration Project of Luminous Material Applications in 2024 - Changhua County

英文摘要 To align with the global net-zero trend, the National Development Council announced Taiwan's "2050 Net-Zero Emissions Pathway" on March 30, 2022. This initiative promotes four major strategies: energy transition, industrial transformation, lifestyle transition, and social transformation, further extending into 12 key strategies. "Net-Zero Green Living" is the 10th key strategy, emphasizing nationwide dialogue, consumer awareness, and collaboration across sectors. It encourages the public to adopt green practices in food, clothing, housing, transportation, education, leisure, and shopping, aiming to "live green at home," "play green," "shop green," "work green," and "eat green." This fosters low-carbon business models and sustainable lifestyle attitudes. In response, the Changhua County Environmental Protection Bureau is implementing the "2024 Changhua County Net-Zero Green Living and Luminous Material Promotion Project." The project aims to promote net-zero green living, green office practices, and eco-friendly dining guidance. It advocates low-carbon dining, green design, low-carbon transportation, and practices such as using over owning. The initiative focuses on "local use," "resource conservation," and "environmental protection" to guide Changhua residents in adopting energy-saving and carbon-reducing practices from their homes to offices and daily lives. By fostering a sustainable lifestyle and supporting local green industries, this project seeks to achieve a win-win outcome for both environmental protection and economic development, ultimately contributing to the goal of net-zero emissions.
英文關鍵字 Net-Zero Green Living