

中文摘要   「113年度臺北市土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫」主要工作事項內容為地下水監測井巡查、維護、廢井及監測、貯存系統清查列管及查核、公告事業第八、九條提報資料查核及查證、污染場址監督查核、農地及事業污染預防、底泥調查、食用作物農地土壤同步採樣及特定種植食用作物基地調查、土水保育及法規宣導說明會、民眾陳情及緊急應變等項目,冀透過計畫執行,確保本市土壤及地下水品質,避免污染物質透過土壤地下水途徑傷害民眾健康。   計畫履約期限為自113年01月01日至113年12月20日止,計畫完成工作之摘要說明如下。 1.監測井維護管理與監測   完成上、下半年度監測井巡查、5口次井況評估(3口區域性監測井及2口場置性監測井、3口次監測井外觀維護、2口次監測井廢井、1口次井體設施修復及6口次監測井地下水監測作業,其中A00046(關渡平原之農地近大業路(W1))監測井砷測值超出地下水污染監測標準;A00047(關渡平原之農地近大業路(W2))、A00048(關渡平原之農地近大業路(W3))及A00049((關渡平原之農地近大業路(W4)))監測井砷測值超出地下水污染管制標準。 2.貯存系統查核及管理   完成15站地下儲槽系統查核,其中全國民權加油站測漏管P04 FID檢測值為5,230 ppmV;另有8站陰極防蝕功能失效、5站未設置陰極防蝕系統;完成20處貯存系統清查訪查工作,其中7處符合列管樣態,缺失項目計有地上儲槽未設置防止濺溢設施、防止濺溢設施高度不足及未備妥預防疏漏器材;完成29處貯存系統改善複查作業,複查結果6處仍有防溢堤高度不足、未準備防疏漏器材以及未設置監測設備等問題。 3.公告事業、其它污染潛勢事業或有污染疑慮土地調查查證工作   完成2件公告事業現場查核作業,並針對協記加油站辦理土壤調查作業,調查結果顯示均符合土壤污染管制標準。 4.農地及事業污染預防作業   完成26個污染預警區灌溉小組農地採樣及XRF篩測作業、完成6組灌溉水質初驗及1組水質複驗、完成44組樹脂包調查作業;完成2場次A群預防管理作業行前說明會及現場勘查作業,完成1場次B群自主預防管理宣導說明會及8家現場查核作業,完成11家C群事業現場查核作業。 5.場址管理及巡查作業   本市年度計有3處控制場址及4處應變必要措施場址,其中松山機場加油站已完成解除列管。 6.底泥調查作業 已完成3條高於底泥品質指標上限值之水體底泥調查作業,其中一德抽水機圳底泥重金屬鋅超過底泥品質指標上限值,大石角圳底泥重金屬銅超過底泥品質指標上限值,水硿圳底泥重金屬雖未超過底泥品質上限值,惟重金屬鉻、鎳及鋅超過底泥品質下限值;已完成未高於底泥品質上限值之水體辦理底泥調查作業,其中M01點位(雙園河濱公園近萬板大橋)重金屬鋅超過底泥品質上限值。 7.食用作物農地土壤同步採樣調查及特定種植食用作物基地採樣調查   已完成14筆食用作物農地土壤同步採樣調查作業,其中3筆地號農作物超過食品重金屬砷限量標準,土壤XRF篩測結果未超過食用作物農地土壤汙染管制標準;完成40處特定種植食用作物基地XRF篩測作業,篩測結果均低於食用作物農地土壤污染監測標準。 8.土水保育宣導活動與說明會以及推廣設置太陽光電與推動綠色永續型整治   完成2場次法規宣導說明會、2場次種子教師培訓及校園宣導活動、3場次BMPs檢核會議、光電設置媒合會議及購置宣導品。 9.緊急應變及民眾陳情事件處理作業   完成1場次緊急應變作業,國家鐵道博物館籌備處土壤檢測結果均低於土壤污染管制標準。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水調查、監測井維護管理、農地及事業污染預防


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 6020 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/20 專案主持人 何佩紋
主辦單位 臺北市政府環境保護局 承辦人 紀如衡 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年期末稿定稿.pdf 37MB

The Survey of the Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Taipei City in 2024

英文摘要 The execution period of the 2013 Taipei City Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan is from January 1, 2020 to December 20, 2020. A summary of the completed work of the plan is as follows. 1. Monitoring well maintenance management and monitoring Completed annual monitoring well inspection, 5 secondary well condition assessments, 3 secondary monitoring well appearance maintenance, 2 secondary monitoring wells abandoned wells, 1 secondary well body facility repair and 6 secondary monitoring wells groundwater monitoring operations, including A00046 monitoring well The arsenic measurement value exceeds the groundwater pollution monitoring standard; the arsenic measurement value in the A00047, A00048 and A00049 monitoring wells exceeds the groundwater pollution control standard. 2. Storage system review and management Completed the inspection of underground storage tank systems at 15 stations, among which the P04 FID detection value of leak detection pipes at civil rights gas stations nationwide was 5,230 ppmV; another 8 stations had failed cathodic anti-corrosion functions, and 5 stations were not equipped with cathodic anti-corrosion systems; completed inspections of 20 storage systems During the inspection, a total of 13 locations were found to be non-compliant with laws and regulations; 29 storage system improvement review operations were completed, and the review results showed that 6 locations still did not comply with laws and regulations. 3. Investigation and verification of announced enterprises, other enterprises with pollution potential, or land with suspected pollution Completed 2 on-site inspections of notified enterprises and conducted soil surveys for Xieji Gas Station. The survey results showed that they all met soil pollution control standards. 4. Agricultural land and business pollution prevention operations Completed farmland sampling and XRF screening operations for 26 irrigation groups in pollution early warning areas, completed 6 sets of preliminary irrigation water quality inspections and 1 set of water quality re-inspections, completed 44 sets of resin package survey operations; completed 2 group A preventive management operations pre-departure instructions meetings and on-site inspection operations, completed 1 group B independent prevention management publicity briefing and 8 on-site inspection operations, and completed on-site inspection operations for 11 group C businesses. 5. Site management and inspection operations There are 3 control sites and 4 necessary response measures sites in this city every year, among which the Songshan Airport gas station has been delisted. 6. Sediment survey operations Three water body sediment investigation operations have been completed that are higher than the upper limit of the sediment quality index. Among them, the heavy metal zinc in the Yide Pumping Machine Zhen sediment exceeded the upper limit of the sediment quality index, and the heavy metal copper in the Dashijiao Zhen sediment exceeded the sediment quality index. The upper limit value is that although the heavy metals in the sediment of Shuiqianzhen do not exceed the upper limit value of sediment quality, the heavy metals chromium, nickel and zinc exceed the lower limit value of sediment quality; the bottom processing of water bodies that does not exceed the upper limit value of sediment quality has been completed. During the mud survey operation, the heavy metal zinc at point M01 (near Wanban Bridge in Shuangyuan Riverside Park) exceeded the upper limit of sediment quality. 7. Simultaneous sampling survey of soil in edible crop farmland and sampling survey of specific edible crop planting bases 14 simultaneous sampling surveys of soil in edible crop farmland have been completed, of which 3 crops in land numbers exceeded the food heavy metal arsenic limit standard, and the soil XRF screening results did not exceed the soil pollution control standards in edible crop farmland; 40 specific plantings of edible crops have been completed The XRF screening operations at the base showed that the screening results were all lower than the soil pollution monitoring standards for edible crop farmland. 8. Soil and water conservation publicity activities and briefings, as well as promoting the installation of solar photovoltaics and promoting green and sustainable renovation Completed 2 regulatory publicity briefings, 2 seed teacher training and campus publicity activities, 3 BMPs inspection meetings, optoelectronic equipment matching meetings and purchased promotional materials. 9. Emergency response and handling of public complaints Completed 1 emergency response operation, and the soil test results were all lower than the soil pollution control standards.
英文關鍵字 Soil and groundwater survey, monitoring well maintenance and management, agricultural land and enterprise pollution prevention