

中文摘要 一、推動低碳永續家園輔導與認證 金門縣有6個鄉鎮,所轄村里為37處。統計至113年11月15日止,本縣已有37個行政村里參與低碳永續家園認證評等,其中4個行政村里取得銀級認證、21個行政村里取得銅級認證、12個行政村里報名成功;3個鄉鎮市區取得銅級認證,2個鄉鎮市區報名參與認證;金門縣也已於108年2月18日取得銀級認證。在全台認證評等村里參與率中,金門縣村里參與率達100%,而村里銅級以上達68%,為全國第二,僅次於連江縣。 為推動各級單位參與低碳永續家園認證評等,並爭取更好之評等等級,持續推動低碳永續家園認證評等於金門縣扎根,今年度本團隊協助輔導湖埔村取得銀級認證、古城里和黃埔村取得銅級認證;另透過查核2處獲得銅級評等之鄉鎮村里層級成果,以及環保局曾補助之25處社區30項受補助行動項目成果維運情形,確保社區持續推動低碳措施。 二、推廣綠能屋頂設置與評估 為推廣低碳家園綠能屋頂,今年度本計畫辦理7場次系列宣導推廣活動,共計1,115人次參與,並協助盤點轄內社區活動場所、公有屋頂、公營事業屋頂、私有屋頂(條件為40坪以上合法建物、日照大於2小時),辦理25處案源之太陽光電系統設置評估,預估可建置面積約3,095坪,可裝設容量約計1,539.8 kWp,建置成本約10,537萬元,年可發電量約1,943千度。 三、推動因地制宜低碳行動 本計畫依據去年度(112)協助輔導金門縣各社區輔導所掌握社區特色與前瞻性,鼓勵各村里持續落實低碳永續工作,今年度共輔導14處村里社區推動因地制宜行動項目,共完成設置5處牆面植生或綠籬合計約220.9平方公尺,年固碳量約94.6公斤CO2e,另汰換10處老舊燈具、1處老舊電扇、1處傳統馬桶和水龍頭,並設置1處中水回收系統,作為示範點宣導節能減碳,預估年省電量約11,601度,年省水量約942.12度,年減碳量約5,670公斤CO2e。 四、推動氣候變遷減緩及調適 本計畫以「金門縣第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案」執行現況進行相關管考作業,內容包含六大部門之能源部門、製造部門、住商部門、運輸部門、農業部門及環境部門,共計推動22項推動策略及73項具體推動措施。今年度已協助於6月21日完成112年度成果報告公開,年度整體經費達成情形為196%,估計減碳量為6,847公噸CO2e,環境效益執行率為98%。而統計110年至113年度10月底成果,整體經費達成情形為91%,估計減碳量為31,883公噸CO2e。 另為擬訂本縣氣候變遷調適執行方案草案(初稿),本計畫除辦理金門縣領域脆弱度評估外,亦辦理11場次相關會議,以蒐集並彙整專家、局處以及民眾等各方意見,於10月23日函送環境部審查。 五、推動溫室氣體盤查與查核作業 依據新版縣市層級溫室氣體盤查計算指引,進行金門縣111行政轄區溫室氣體盤查,並評估112年行政轄區溫室氣體排放量。111年溫室氣體總排放量為316,729公噸CO2e/年,能源部門排放275,806公噸CO2e/年,占87.08%;廢棄物部門排放28,661公噸CO2e/年,占9.05%;農業部門排放12,662公噸CO2e/年,占3.87%。能源部門之溫室氣體排放中,以住商及農林漁牧能源使用之溫室氣體排放103,778公噸CO2e/年為最大宗,占32.77%;工業能源使用之溫室氣體排放87,395公噸CO2e/年,占27.59%、運輸能源使用之溫室氣體排放84,633公噸CO2e/年,占26.72%。另外,林業部門的固碳量則維持為45,004公噸CO2e/年。 而112年溫室氣體總排放量估算結果為321,783公噸CO2e/年,能源部門排放281,272公噸CO2e/年,占87.41%;廢棄物部門排放27,149公噸CO2e/年,占8.44%;農業部門排放13,362公噸CO2e/年,占4.15%。能源部門之溫室氣體排放中,以住商及農林漁牧能源使用之溫室氣體排放106,875公噸CO2e/年為最大宗,占33.21%;工業能源使用之溫室氣體排放86,516公噸CO2e/年,占26.89%、運輸能源使用之溫室氣體排放87,881公噸CO2e/年,占27.31%。 由金門縣101年至112年溫室氣體排放結果,108年為本縣排碳高峰,109-110年因受疫情影響呈現連續兩年下降趨勢,其中運輸部門之用油大幅減少為溫室氣體排放下降最主要原因,然觀光旅遊已慢慢復甦,而小三通則已於112年復航並逐步放寬管制,112年排放量約回到109年之排放水準,未來運輸部門溫室氣體排放可能再度增加。因此,除持續推動電動運具外,加速金門再生能源發電比例,降低對燃油發電的依賴為金門縣重要減量工作。 六、氣候變遷宣導及其他配合事項 今年度配合本縣大型活動辦理1場次氣候變遷減緩及調適推廣教育活動,共153人次參與;另協助環保局利用社群網站推廣地方低碳成果,希望藉由社群網站中「分享」功能與民眾雙向互動,快速傳遞最新訊息,透過環保訊息之連結,凝聚金門縣縣民對環保意識之共識,增加民眾對節能減碳資訊之接收管道,提升宣導成效,並每月更新節能減碳相關文章或新聞等,達到行銷的目的,截止至11月中已更新112件節能減碳相關文章或新聞。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷調適


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3531.265 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/29 專案結束日期 2024/11/15 專案主持人 陳培園
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊詠言 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年金門縣推動低碳永續家園暨執行暨氣候變遷減緩及調適工作推動計畫(期末報告定稿)-上傳.pdf 19MB 113年金門縣推動低碳永續家園暨執行暨氣候變遷減緩及調適工作推動計畫(期末報告定稿)-上傳

2024 Kinmen County Promoting the Construction of Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Project

英文摘要 1. Counseling and certification of Kinmen County Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland In order to continue to promote the low-carbon sustainable homeland certification and evaluation to take root in Kinmen County, this project assisted Hupu Village obtained the silver certification, and Gucheng village and Huangpu village obtained the bronze certification. Also, the subsidized unit must regularly check its maintenance and operation. Therefore, this project checked the results of the subsidized 25 action items of 30 community that the KMEPB subsidized, and 2 of the township or village that had received bronze ratings or silver ratings to promote low-carbon measures. 2. Promote the installation and evaluation of green energy roofs In order to promote green energy roofs for low-carbon homes, the project held a series of Promotional activities, with a total of 1,115 people participating. In addition, the project assisted in taking inventory of community activity venues, public rooftops, public utility rooftops, and private rooftops within our jurisdiction, and handled solar photovoltaic system installation assessments for 25 cases. It is estimated that the buildable area is about 1 hectare, the installable capacity is about 1,539.8 kWp, the construction cost is about 105.37 million NT dollars, and the annual power generation capacity is about 1,943 kWh. 3. Promote low-carbon action items adapted to local conditions The project assisted and guided community in Kinmen County to understand community characteristics and foresight, and encouraged villages to continue to implement low-carbon and sustainable work. This year, a total of 14 village communities were assisted in promoting action items tailored to local conditions. A total of 5 wall plantings or hedges were installed, totaling approximately 220.9 square meters, with a sequestration of 94.6 kgCO2e in a year. In addition, 10 old lamps, 1 old fan, 1 traditional toilet and faucet were replaced, and 1 reclaimed water recycling system was installed as a demonstration site to promote energy conservation and carbon reduction. It is estimated that the annual electricity saving is about 11,601 kWh. The water saving is about 942.12 cubic meters, and the annual carbon reduction is about 5,670 kgCO2e. 4. Promote climate change mitigation and adaptation At present, this project was based on the implementation status of the "Kinmen County Greenhouse Gas Reduction Implementation Plan (Phase II)" for related management and examination tasks. A total of 22 promotion strategies and 73 specific promotion measures were promoted. According to statistics from 2021 to the end of October 2023, the overall funding achieved is 91%, and the estimated carbon reduction is 31,883 metric tons of CO2e. In addition, this plan also conducted a vulnerability assessment in Kinmen County and held 11 related meetings to collect and consolidate the opinions of experts, bureaus, and the public to formulate a first draft of the "Kinmen County Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan", which was submitted to the Ministry of Environment for review on October 23. 5. Promote greenhouse gas inventory and verification work A greenhouse gas inventory of 2022 administrative areas in Kinmen County was conducted, and the greenhouse gas emissions of the 2023 administrative areas were assessed. The total greenhouse gas emissions in 2022 were 316,729 metric tons CO2e/year, with the energy sector emitting 275,806 metric tons CO2e/year, accounting for 87.08%; the waste sector emitting 28,661 metric tons CO2e/year, accounting for 9.05%; the agricultural sector emitting 12,662 metric tons CO2e/year, accounting for 3.87%. According to the greenhouse gas emission results of Kinmen County from 2012 to 2023, the county’s greenhouse gas emissions were the highest in 2019, but due to COVID-19, the emissions dropped from 2020 to 2021. The main reason for the decrease in greenhouse gas emissions is the significant reduction in oil consumption in the transportation sector. However, tourism had slowly recovered, and Mini Three-Link Transportation had resumed operations in 2023. Greenhouse gas emissions are likely to increase again in the future. Therefore, in addition to continuing to promote electric vehicles, accelerating the proportion of renewable energy power generation in Kinmen and reducing dependence on fuel power generation are important reduction tasks in Kinmen County. 6. Disseminating information about Climate Change and Low-Carbon The project promoted climate change mitigation and adaptation actions by setting up booths at large-scale events, with a total of 153 participants. The project also assisted the KMEPB in managing community websites. As of mid-November, there were 112 articles or news related to energy conservation and carbon reduction updated on the Green Web blog.
英文關鍵字 Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland, Greenhouse Gas Reduction, Climate Change Mitigation And Adaptation