

中文摘要 113年度新竹縣氣候變遷減緩暨低碳家園計畫截至113年11月30日計畫總體達成率為100%。本計畫目標維持並強化新竹縣氣候變遷減緩等運作體系、推動低碳永續家園認證評等、溫室氣體排放源排放量管制與減量及推廣綠能屋頂等工作,執行成果摘要如下: 新竹縣氣候變遷因應推動會主責本縣溫室氣體減量及氣候變遷調適之任務,本年度召開2場因應會,確立各機關權責;審查通過「新竹縣第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案112年成果報告」及「新竹縣氣候變遷調適執行方案(113年~115年)草案」;依據太陽光電現場評估結果,完成10個局處室推動公有建物屋頂設置太陽光電分工規劃;本工作團隊彙整本縣第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案113年執行成果,以釐清現階段各項工作的成效與挑戰,為明(114)年度撰寫第三期溫室氣體減量執行方案提供堅實基礎。 為提升本縣教育體系因應氣候變遷知能,本計畫已辦理4場種子教師研習,邀請績優講師,演練及分享其氣候變遷教案設計邏輯,共206名教育人員參與,滿意度達97%;辦理4場氣候變遷教育宣導活動,涵蓋減塑、節能、濕地與海洋等議題,共173名學童參與,滿意度達96%。同時為促進社區低碳永續發展,辦理1場低碳社區觀摩活動,參訪新北市淡水區鄧公里進行交流,39人參與,滿意度97%;與寶山鄉新城社區合作,辦理低碳永續家園教育宣導,分享新城風糖休閒園區如何透過在地特色結合居民共同發展新城村之低碳永續家園,共52人參與,滿意度98%。  本計畫為加強轄內應盤查登錄溫室氣體排放量之排放源申報排放量之正確性,及協助非列管事業瞭解本身的溫室氣體排放狀況,辦理4場溫室氣體盤查說明會及4場減量說明會,涵蓋溫室氣體盤查要點及申報平台操作、自願減量計畫及實務案例等主題,共351人參與,滿意度平均96%。同時,協助確認本縣54家須盤查登錄之事業單位名單並函送環境部氣候變遷署,完成31家現場查核,其中11家須修正報告內容或排放量計算方式,符合考評要求現場查核30家以上,其餘單位以書面查核進行。另,進行112年溫室氣體排放量盤查推估作業,建立本縣溫室氣體盤查排放清單,分析本縣歷年溫室氣體排放量趨勢及變化消長原因並撰寫「112年度新竹縣溫室氣體盤查報告書」。 關於低碳永續家園體系維運,本工作團隊業已透過資料彙整盤點、溝通聯繫、專家學者實地訪查等方式,完成20處村里/社區現場訪查輔導作業;以及完成4處銅、銀級村里認證成果維護管理查核,查核結果皆符合認證標準並維持原評等等級;輔導45處村里成功報名參與低碳永續家園運作體系及協助轄內村里獲得1處銀級認證與8處銅級認證;為擴大宣傳並指導轄內民眾低碳永續家園,本團隊亦協助環保局設計及製作低碳永續家園手冊作為工具書使用。 因應國家淨零策略,新竹縣積極推廣公私有屋頂建置太陽能光電系統。本計畫完成辦理12場次共36處案源太陽光電現場評估輔導,共有25處具建置意願或進行再評估,總裝設容量介於8.9~336.4kWp,平均92.7kWp,估算每年總減碳量可達1,614.4公噸CO2e。同時,為推廣綠能屋頂,辦理1場綠能屋頂教育參訪活動,前往參訪臺北市日新國民小學及東吳大學,46人參與,活動滿意度達98%。 為促進公民參與低碳行動,本計畫辦理1場次低碳永續家園公民咖啡館,邀請本縣銅級村里/社區及相關專家參與,42人出席並提出9項低碳改造方案,活動滿意度達95%。本團隊協助環保局遴選出得分最高的4個方案,補助經費共18.8萬元。同時,針對未參與單位,依在地需求輔導學校及社區發展協會提出6項低碳行動計畫,總補助經費46萬元。所有改造項目已於113年8月完成,並於8至9月期間驗收完畢。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、溫室氣體減量、低碳永續家園、低碳設施改造


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3300 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 陳建安
主辦單位 新竹縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉佩宜 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度新竹縣氣候變遷減緩暨低碳家園計畫_期末報告(定稿).pdf 25MB

2024 Hsinchu County Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Action Plan

英文摘要 As of November 30, 2024, the overall achievement rate for the Hsinchu County Climate Change Mitigation and Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Plan was 100%. The plan aims to strengthen Hsinchu County's climate change mitigation system, promote low-carbon sustainable homeland certification, regulate and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and advance green energy rooftop initiatives. The implementation outcomes are summarized as follows: The Hsinchu County Climate Change Task Force is responsible for GHG reduction and climate change adaptation efforts. This year, two task force meetings were held to clarify responsibilities among agencies. The "Hsinchu County Phase II GHG Reduction Implementation Report (2023)" and the "Hsinchu County Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan (2024–2026)" were approved. Following solar photovoltaic site assessments, division of responsibilities was completed for installing solar panels on public buildings across 10 government agencies. The team also summarized the Phase II GHG Reduction Implementation results to assess current progress and challenges, laying a solid foundation for drafting the Phase III GHG Reduction Implementation Plan in 2024. To enhance climate change knowledge within the education system, four seed teacher workshops were held, featuring distinguished lecturers who shared insights on climate change curriculum design. A total of 206 educators participated, with a satisfaction rate of 97%. Additionally, four climate change awareness activities were conducted for students, covering topics such as plastic reduction, energy saving, wetlands, and marine conservation, engaging 173 students with a satisfaction rate of 96%. One low-carbon community observation activity was organized, with 39 participants visiting Dengong Village in Tamsui District, New Taipei City, for experience exchange, achieving a satisfaction rate of 97%. Furthermore, in collaboration with Xincheng Community in Baoshan Township, a low-carbon sustainable homeland education event was conducted, showcasing the integration of local features to build a low-carbon community, with 52 participants and a satisfaction rate of 98%. To ensure accurate reporting of GHG emissions and assist unregulated businesses in understanding their GHG emissions, four GHG inventory briefings and four reduction workshops were held. Topics included inventory essentials, reporting platform operations, voluntary reduction programs, and case studies, with 351 participants and an average satisfaction rate of 96%. The team verified 54 businesses required to report GHG emissions and submitted the list to the Climate Change Administration. On-site inspections were conducted for 31 businesses, with 11 requiring revisions to reports or calculations. The target of inspecting at least 30 businesses was achieved, with the remainder undergoing document reviews. Additionally, a GHG inventory was compiled for 2023 to analyze emission trends and identify contributing factors, culminating in the “2023 Hsinchu County GHG Inventory Report.” The team completed on-site inspections and guidance for 20 villages/communities through data consolidation, expert consultations, and field visits. Additionally, four bronze- and silver-certified villages underwent certification maintenance checks, all meeting standards and retaining their ratings. The team assisted 45 villages in participating in the low-carbon sustainable homeland program, resulting in one silver certification and eight bronze certifications. To expand awareness, a Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Handbook was designed and produced for public distribution. Green Energy Promotion: Hsinchu County actively promotes the installation of solar photovoltaic systems on public and private rooftops. Twelve evaluations covering 36 sites were conducted, resulting in 25 sites expressing willingness or requiring further assessments. The total installation capacity ranged between 8.9 and 336.4 kWp, averaging 92.7 kWp, with an estimated annual GHG reduction of 1,614.4 metric tons of CO₂e. To further advocate for green energy rooftops, a site visit to Rixin Elementary School and Soochow University in Taipei City was organized, with 46 participants and a satisfaction rate of 98%. A “Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland Citizen Café” was held, with 42 participants, including bronze-certified village representatives and experts, proposing nine low-carbon improvement solutions. The four top-scoring solutions received subsidies totaling NT$188,000. For non-participating units, six low-carbon action plans were developed in collaboration with schools and community associations, with total subsidies amounting to NT$460,000. All projects were completed and accepted by August–September 2024. This comprehensive plan continues to advance Hsinchu County's climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, strengthening local capacity for building a sustainable, low-carbon future.
英文關鍵字 Climate change, greenhouse gas reduction, low-carbon sustainable home, low-carbon facility renovation