

中文摘要 工作事項內容為地下水監測井巡查維護及監測作業、貯存系統管理及公告事業用地調查與查證工作、監測式自然衰減定期監測作業、污染場址監督查核管理、污染場址驗證、農地監測場址重金屬監測作業、配合農作物及土壤同步採樣工作、農地場址改善監督與驗證作業、農地定常性預防監測作業、事業污染預防工作、底泥環境現場勘查評估作業及民眾陳情及緊急應變等項目。計畫履約期限為自113年01月01日至113年11月30日完成,工作成果摘要如下: 1.地下水監測井巡查維護及監測作業 計畫完成124口次區域性及場置性監測井巡查及維護,11口次井體外觀維護、4口次井體設施修復、14口次井況評估、9口次再次完井與5口次的異物排除。 2.貯存系統管理及公告事業用地調查與查證工作 (1)貯存系統管理 共計完成縣內25處地下儲槽系統土壤氣體監測與查核作業與30站地上儲槽系統改善追蹤及複查作業。 (2)公告事業用地調查與查證工作 中央主管機關公告事業共執行23家工廠之現勘與訪談,進場調查8家業者,調查結果2 處土壤重金屬超過土壤污染管制標準,1處土壤重金屬超過土壤污染監測標準,其餘均低於土壤污染監測標準。 3.監測式自然衰減定期監測作業 完成強新電工股份有限公司場址內既設之4口標準井枯水期的採樣及分析,檢測結果皆低於地下水污染第二類監測標準,建議明年度再監測一次,確認污染物濃度仍低於地下水污染監測標準,且評估趨勢仍為穩定或下降,即可申請解列。 4.污染場址監督查核、驗證工作 共計完成縣內61處污染場址之定期巡查作業及15處列管場址改善完成驗證作業。 5.農地監測場址重金屬監測作業與配合農作物及土壤同步採樣工作 農地調查完成160筆農地坵塊監測,結果4筆農地坵塊超過食用作物農地之管制標準值,並已完成公告列管作業;另完成100筆農作物及土壤同步採樣。 6.農地場址改善監督與驗證作業 今年度納入改善計畫的農地控制場址及七條五場址皆已通過本計畫監督驗證及地力驗證作業,共計4筆坵塊(5筆地號),面積約1.1527公頃。 7.農地定常性預防監測作業 完成196場次現勘作業,並已執行415筆監測作業,其中35筆農地介於食用作物監測標準及管制標準間,主要仍以污染防治區為主。水質監測方面,已完成61點次水質單點初驗、7點次水質單點複驗及15 條高污染潛勢圳路之連續水質監測。樹脂包監測方面,主要針對超過管制標準、經監測後評估具有增量潛勢的農地及超過灌溉用水基準值者進行佈設,總計監測37處,共計100組樹脂包,監測結果3點次重金屬濃度有超過界定值情形,透過轉換成水中重金屬濃度,皆未達到灌溉用水基準值。綜合檢視農地定常整體成果,初步推斷農地土壤為受到渠道之底泥所影響,並無明顯污染情事。 8.事業污染預防工作 完成A群(加強管理群)事業39場次現勘及預防管理,並從中挑選7場次調查採樣作業,其中3處已達土壤污染管制標準,2處介於土壤污染監測標準與管制標準間,其餘2處未達土壤污染監測標準;B群(自主管理群)已完成95家主污染預防管理計畫資料檢核,已完成13處因特殊情事執行現場檢視與訪談及11處事業執行現場檢核作業;C群(檢視管理群)已完成9處事業現場稽查作業,其中3處建議調整至B群 9.底泥環境現場勘查評估作業 完成2條渠道底泥環境現場勘查評估作業,勘查結果建議維持底泥採樣點位,並持續監測周邊污染源。 10.民眾陳情及緊急應變作業 民眾陳情及緊急應變共完成3件土壤與地下水相關調查作業。
中文關鍵字 工廠調查,監測井維護,農地定期監測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 19235.579 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 李啟睿
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 林俊丞 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113彰化土水計畫本文.pdf 47MB

The Survey of the Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Chang-hua County in 2024

英文摘要 The scope of work includes investigation and maintenance of groundwater monitoring wells; management of storage systems and investigations and verification of announced facilities; periodic monitoring for monitored natural attenuation; supervision and verification of contamination sites; heavy metal monitoring in farmland; monitoring of heavy metals at farmland sites and synchronous sampling of crops and soil; supervision and verification of farmland contamination removal; operations for the prevention of contamination in farmland and facilities; site investigation and assessments of sediment environments; management of public complaints and emergency response. The plan had been executed from January 1st 2024 to November 30th 2024, and the results of implementation were summarized as follows: The groundwater monitoring wells investigation for 124 regional and located monitoring wells was completed. Also finished 11 exterior appearance maintenance, 4 facilities repairment, 14 conditional assessments, 9 purges and 5 foreign matter exclusion. For the task of storage system management, there were 25 underground storage tank systems and 30 aboveground tank systems improvement tracking and re-evaluation completed. The assessed enterprise had conducted on-site inspections and interviews for 23 factories, then investigated 8 operators. Among the results, 2 sites had heavy metals in the soil exceeding the soil pollution control standards, 1 site had heavy metals exceeding the soil pollution monitoring standards, the remaining sites were below the soil pollution monitoring standards. Periodic monitoring for monitored natural attenuation involved the sampling and analysis of four standard well throughout dry seasons within the site of Qiangxin Electric Co., Ltd. All results showed pollutant concentrations below the second-class groundwater pollution monitoring standards. It is recommended to monitor again next year to confirm stable or decreasing pollutant trends before applying for delisting. The operation involving supervision, inspection, management, and verification of contaminated sites successfully conducted regular inspections at a total of 61 contaminated sites, with verification for improvement carried out at 15 listed sites. In the heavy metal monitoring task for farmland, we completed 160 sites monitoring and soil sampling. Among them, we found that the soil heavy metal concentration of 4 of farmlands exceeded the standard value for edible crop farmland. Additionally, also completed synchronous sampling of 100 crops and soil. In supervision and verification of farmland contamination removal part all sites under this year’s remediation plan passed supervision and verification, including soil fertility verification, total of 4 plots (5 land parcels) were verified, covering an area of approximately 1.1527 hectares. In farmland contaminated prevention operations, 196 on-site inspections were conducted, along with 415 monitoring operation. Among these, 35 sites fell between edible crop monitoring standards and control standards, primarily in pollution prevention areas. In terms of water quality monitoring, 61 initial water quality inspections, 7 re-inspections, and continuous monitoring at 15 high-pollution risk channels were completed. In terms of resin bag monitoring, was carried out at 37 locations with 100 units of resin bag were used, focusing on areas exceeding control standards or irrigation water benchmarks. Three locations showed heavy metal concentrations exceeding threshold values, but converted water concentrations were below irrigation water benchmarks. Comprehensive review suggests agricultural soil was influenced by sediments in irrigation ditch, with no significant pollution detected. Facilities contaminated prevention completed 39 on-site inspections and prevention management for Group A (Enhanced Management Group) businesses. In the investigation and sampling operation, 7 cases were selected, with 3 exceeding soil pollution control standards, 2 sites were between monitoring and control standards and 2 not exceeding soil pollution monitoring standards. For Group B (Self-Management Group), data checks for 95 main contaminated prevention management plans were completed, along with on-site checks for 13 companies and completed on-site inspections for 11 enterprises. Group C (Inspection Management Group) completed 9 on-site inspections, recommending 3 companies to adjust to Group B (Self-Management Group). The site investigation and assessment of two ditch's sediment have been completed. Based on the result, it is recommended to maintain the current sediment sampling locations and continue monitoring the surrounding pollution sources. In public complaints and emergency response operations, 3 sites underwent soil and groundwater investigation operations.
英文關鍵字 Factory investigation, Maintenance of monitoring well, farmland sites sampled for regular monitoring