

中文摘要   本計畫依計畫工作目標分為「掌握國內外金屬廢棄資源循環技術與策略,推動國內金屬廢棄資源循環」、「推動化學品循環掌握國內化學品物質流關聯資料與回收循環運作現況,以健全化學品廢棄資源基線資料」、「健全多元化資源循環管道,建立化學品租賃示範輔導制度以強化產業源頭管理措施」及「配合本計畫執行相關行政作業,提升計畫執行成效及品質」等四大核心。   於金屬資源方面在國際上具有重要性,尤其在科技與工業應用,透過國際關鍵物資種類蒐集,在能源儲存、電子產品製造、航空航天等領域會用到的鎵、鍺、鋰、鈷、鈮、鈦、釩等多屬戰略種類。國內金屬資源進口、產生量及回收量的全面盤查顯示,112 年廢棄物回收體系約 490 萬公噸,其中回收產業提煉出金屬再生製品約 294 萬公噸,為了可更進一步掌握國內潛力物質金屬回收可精進路徑,因此進一步建立金屬成分索引表,掌握國內金屬回收種類及其含量,進行精確的資源管理。   化學品資源在國際上具有重要性,尤其是在工業生產、製造業及高科技產業中,廢酸、廢溶劑等化學品的回收再利用對於環境保護和資源可持續利用具有重要意義,關鍵化學品如磷酸、異丙醇、硫酸、液氨等,在半導體製造、電子產品清洗、化工生產等領域都有廣泛應用。112 年度化學品廢棄資源的盤點,顯示化學品使用量相較 111 年度下降約 600 萬公噸,廢液量能達 154 萬公噸,其中 87%可進入循環使用。為了進一步制定化學品廢棄資源推動路徑與種類,進一步就磷酸、鹽酸(酸洗液)之循環流布與評析再生產品品質制定之必要性,是否有助循環途徑朝高值應用邁進。此外,為了強化推動源頭產業落實分流以及解決現行化學品廢棄物申報代碼難以具體分辨種類以致管理上亦或是產業循環推動上不易辨識媒合之問題,透過發放 56 份分流調查問卷以及 128 份廢棄物代碼增訂問卷,來具體掌握產業分流狀況以及代碼增訂之項目。   化學品服務租賃於實務推動有助資源再使用達到減碳與減廢之雙重效益,且有助推動供應商產業責任業實踐產品管理,因此同步蒐集國際在推動化學品租賃的模式,以荷蘭的 Take Back Chemicals 模式較為接近國內推動樣式。此外藉由 112 年度所輔導之示範案例進行化學品循環服務租賃體制之檢討,制定相應的監控和管理機制、填報指引及管理要點(草案)。此外分析國內適宜推動化學品服務租賃之產業及種類,以輔導更多試辦案來完善法規制定。   行政支援部分,協助推動促委會金屬化學品小組會議、辦理跨部會資源循環業務交流會、專家諮詢會議等各式會議,此外其他臨時需求共完成 15 件。
中文關鍵字 金屬廢棄資源循環、化學品廢棄資源循環、化學品服務租賃


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 8100 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/19 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 孫鶴娟
主辦單位 循環署循環處理組 承辦人 簡鈺晴 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113推動金屬化學品循環管理專案工作計畫-成果報告定稿.pdf 24MB

Metals and Chemicals recycling and medical waste management project

英文摘要   This project has been conducted according to the four core objectives of the project as "mastering domestic and foreign metal waste resource recycling technologies and strategies, and promoting domestic metal waste resource recycling", "promoting chemical recycling, mastering domestic chemical material flow related data and the current status of recycling operations. "to improve the baseline data of chemical waste resources", "to improve diversified resource recycling channels, and establish a chemical leasing demonstration guidance system to strengthen industrial management measures from the source" and "to cooperate with the implementation of relevant administrative operations in this project to improve the effectiveness and quality of the project implementation”.   Metal resources are becoming more and more important internationally especially in the fields of technology and industrial applications, such as the gallium, germanium, lithium, cobalt, niobium, titanium, vanadium, etc. strategical species that are needed for energy storage systems, electronic products manufacturing, aerospace engineering and other fields. A comprehensive inventory of importation, production and recycling of domestic metal resources showed about 4.9 million metric tons of wastes were recycled in 2023, of which about 2.94 million metric tons were recycled metal products. In order to predominate the paths that can further improve the potential for domestic metal materials recycling, this project has further established a metal composition index table to facilitate the understanding of the species and contents of domestic metal recycling so that resource recycling can be managed more precisely.   Chemical resources are of international importance, especially in the industrial production, manufacturing and high-tech industries. The recycling and reuse of waste acids, waste solvents and other chemicals are of great significance to environmental protection and sustainable resource utilization. Key chemical products such as phosphoric acid, isopropyl alcohol, sulfuric acid, liquid ammonia, etc. are widely used in semiconductor manufacturing, electronic product cleaning, chemical production and other fields. An inventory of chemical waste resource in 2023 showed chemical usage dropped by about 6 million metric tons in comparison to 2022, and the amount of waste liquid reached 1.54 million metric tons, of which 87% can be recycled. In order to further establish the paths and species of chemical waste resources for recycling, the project has further evaluated the circulation distribution of phosphoric acid and hydrochloric acid (pickling liquid) as well as the quality of recycled products whether they could be advanced to more high-valued applications. Additionally, in order to enhance the implementation of waste flow diversion management at the source of industry so as to solve the problem with difficulties in distinguishing the types of wastes and waste codes that has made it difficult to identify and manage the promotion and matching for industrial recycling, this project has sent 56 questionnaires regarding the diversion of waste flow and 128 questionnaires regarding the updating of waste codes to understand the status of industrial waste flow diversion and the need for updating waste codes.   Chemical leasing in practice can help resource reuse to achieve the dual benefits of carbon reduction and waste reduction, as well as to promote supplier responsibility in product management practices. International chemical leasing models collected in this project showed the Netherland’s Take Back Chemicals model close to the model being promoted domestically. In addition, the project also reviewed the chemical leasing and recycling service demonstration cases conducted here in 2023 and by which to formulate the corresponding monitoring and management mechanisms, as well as the reporting guidelines and the management rules (draft version). Besides, the project also conducted analysis of the types of industries suitable for chemical leasing services so as to guide more pilot cases and to improve the formulation of relevant regulations.   In terms of administrative support, the project has assisted in the routine Metals and Chemicals Division of Promotion Committee Meetings, the Cross Department Resource Circulation Business Exchange Meetings, as well as the expert consultation meetings and other meetings. In addition, the project has accomplished a total of 15 cases of the project related temporary requirements.
英文關鍵字 Metal Circular Economy, Chemical resource recycling, Chemical leasing