英文摘要 |
The summary of the implementation results of the work of this plan is as follows:
(I) Stationary Pollution Source Permit Management
1.Permit Application Operations: As of December, a total of 20 applications were processed, including 2 for operating permits, 8 for permit modifications, and 10 for permit extensions.
2.Permit Review Efficiency: The average review period for pre-assessments was 3 days, meeting regulatory requirements.
3.Equipment Upgrades and Emission Recovery: One facility completed equipment upgrades, recovering the following pollutants: Par 0.58 T/Y, SOX 3.64 T/Y, and VOCs 0.89 T/Y.
4.On-Site Permit Inspections: By December, 28 on-site inspections of permits were conducted, achieving a 100% completion rate.
5.Engineer Spot Checks: Spot checks conducted on August 30 identified six deficiencies, and notifications were issued for corrective actions.
(II) Air Pollution Control Fees, Emission Reporting, and Periodic Inspections for Stationary Pollution Sources
1.Annual Emission Reporting: For 2024, four facilities are required to submit a total of 16 reports.
2.Pollutant Emission Trends: Nitrogen oxide emissions in 2024 decreased by approximately 2 tons due to improvements in SNCR equipment at Yongshun Technology Co., Ltd.
3.Air Pollution Fee Reporting and Collection: Seventy-two facilities are required to pay air pollution fees, with the largest contributor, CPC Corporation Taiwan, accounting for 59.2% of VOC-related fees.
4.Fee Revenue Status: Revenue for 2024 decreased compared to 2023 due to software issues at the incineration plant and VOC control improvements by CPC Corporation.
(III) Stationary Pollution Source Data Auditing, Updating, and Expansion
1.Data Update Progress: By December, 66 data updates were completed, achieving a 100% completion rate.
2.Registered Stationary Pollution Sources: Includes 236 factories, 835 pollution sources, 399 storage tanks, and other facilities.
3.Annual Pollutant Emissions: Updated regional annual emissions are: Particulates 9.43 tons, SOx 12.39 tons, NOx 79.47 tons, and VOCs 124.83 tons.
(IV) Inspection and Emission Reduction Counseling for Stationary Sources
1.Total Inspections and Patrols: As of December, 540 operations were completed, including 204 inspections and 336 patrols.
2.Inspection Sources: Proactive inspections accounted for 42%, while complaint-driven inspections made up 21%.
3.Violation Cases: A gas station failing to meet vapor recovery standards was fined NT$100,000.
4.Pollution Source Improvement Counseling: Experts were invited to conduct on-site inspections and provide recommendations at Wanying Industrial Co., Ltd.
(V) Incinerator Management Operations
1.Relative Accuracy Testing: Stack testing at the incinerator confirmed compliance, with calibration errors within standard limits.
2.CEMS Compliance Audits: Conducted opacity (OP) tests, standard gas audits (CGA), and signal comparison tests, all meeting regulatory standards.
(VI) Pollution Source Testing Operations
1.Component Testing: Completed 1,000 component tests with a 100% compliance rate, with no leaks exceeding legal limits.
2.Gas Station Testing: One gas station failed compliance and was reported; improvements have been mandated. Another station passed and met requirements.
3.Stack Testing: Completed one stack inspection, with measured particulate matter at 1 mg/Nm³ (standard: 30 mg/Nm³), SO2 at 1 ppm (standard: 50 ppm), and NOx at 1 ppm (standard: 100 ppm), all meeting emission standards.
4.Odor Testing: Conducted one odor inspection, yielding a threshold value of ND<10, below the standard of 50, indicating compliance.
(VII) Promotion of Environmental Permit Integration
1.Conducted joint reviews/consultations for 20 environmental permit applications at 10 facilities, achieving a 100% completion rate.
2.From 2021 to 2024, a total of 4 permit integration promotional meetings were held, providing guidance to 32 trial entities. Additionally, 3 internal training sessions on permit integration were conducted, pollution flow charts for 32 entities were drafted, process diagrams for 16 trial entities were verified, 46 joint reviews of permit application documents were completed, and 34 consultations on permit application documents were conducted.
(VIII) Other Coordination and Activities
1.Regulation Awareness Seminars: A seminar on April 12 focused on key regulations and improvement directions.
2.News Releases: Published three press releases on vapor recovery, fugitive emission management, and regional joint defense mechanisms.
3.Industry Surveys: Completed surveys for 207 automotive and painting businesses, with an annual VOC usage of 34.166 tons, significantly below the allocated quantity in the emission management manual.
4.Road and Traffic Island Inspections: Inspected 182 roads totaling 262.08 km, achieving a 100% completion rate, with no damages found on roads or traffic islands.
英文關鍵字 |
Stationary Pollution Source, Permit Control, Air Pollution Control Fees for Stationary Sources, Engineer Certification and Verification, Inventory of Stationary Pollution Sources, Update and Expansion, Waste Incinerator Regulation, Random Testing of Equipment Components, Environmental Permit Integration