

中文摘要 金門縣環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為改善本縣環境品質,推動各鄉鎮清淨家園行動計畫,營造永續優質環境衛生,減少髒亂點、藉由機動巡邏加強取締民眾廢棄物任意傾倒、棄置之情形發生,藉以提升民眾主動清理居家環境及水溝、遛狗隨手清狗便、勿亂丟菸蒂、吐檳榔渣(汁)等環境衛生行為,以及提升本縣垃圾棄置點稽(巡)查應變能量,於本計畫推動各項相關宣導教育及環境認養活動,同時協助本縣環境衛生評比及考核各項工作。 截至期末報告前,本工作團隊每月進行髒亂點巡查共446件,並透過於髒亂點架設攝影機共拍攝到6次隨意棄置垃圾包之行為;於每月巡查列管公廁,並在第一季前完成本縣356座列管公廁及歷年補助公廁現況之盤查,依每月巡檢結果更新公廁分級標籤;連鎖便利商店、網咖及連鎖咖啡店共巡查492次,已完成本縣列管空屋空地共113處及每月巡查中央列管空屋空地共24次,並協助提報相關巡查樣態,協助處理30件陳情案及追蹤後續改善情況,環境清潔週成果已於3月提送。
中文關鍵字 清淨家園、環境衛生


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3240 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/10 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 楊鈞嵐
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 翁明己 執行單位 大立環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 03-113年金門清淨家園期末報告(雙面,黑白列印).pdf 33MB

Kinmen County 2024 "Quality Public Restrooms and Environmental Enhancement Promotion Plan" Subsidy Program

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Bureau of Kinmen County (hereinafter referred to as the EPB) is dedicated to improving the county's environmental quality by promoting clean and sustainable community action plans in each township. These efforts aim to establish a high-quality and sustainable sanitary environment, reduce littering hotspots, and strengthen enforcement against illegal waste dumping and littering through mobile patrols. The initiative encourages residents to proactively clean their living environments, maintain clear drainage systems, pick up after pets, avoid littering cigarette butts, and refrain from spitting betel nut residue (or juice). It also enhances the county's capacity for monitoring and responding to illegal waste disposal incidents. Various public education and environmental adoption activities are implemented as part of this plan, along with assistance in evaluating and assessing the county's sanitation and cleanliness efforts. As of the final report period, the project team conducted monthly inspections of 446 littering hotspots, capturing six instances of illegal garbage dumping using surveillance cameras. Additionally, all 356 regulated public restrooms and those funded by previous subsidy programs were assessed by the first quarter, with updates made to restroom classification labels based on monthly inspection results. The team performed 492 inspections of chain convenience stores, internet cafes, and chain coffee shops. A total of 113 regulated vacant houses and lands were identified, with monthly inspections conducted for 24 sites under central government regulation. The team also provided reports on various inspection patterns, addressed 30 citizen complaints, and followed up on subsequent improvements. Results from the Environmental Cleaning Week were submitted in March.
英文關鍵字 coastal cleanup, Environmental Hygiene