

中文摘要 臺南市政府環境保護局(以下稱貴局、環保局)推動「113年度臺南市推動固體再生燃料(SRF)物料資源循環計畫」(以下稱本計畫),主要工作項目分為:「調查固體再生燃料(SRF)」、「建立固體再生燃料(SRF)驗證及品管制度」、「SRF流向追蹤」、「『塑膠永續循環聯盟媒合平台(含再利用及固體再生燃料)』更新維護」、「辦理『塑膠永續循環聯盟(再利用及固體再生燃料)』推廣會議」、「辦理跨縣市交流推廣說明會」、「辦理與固體再生燃料(SRF)相關輔導作業」及「製作固體再生燃料(SRF)技術指引」等八大工項。 環境部資源循環署於112年12月29日核定「113年度臺南市推動固體再生燃料(SRF)物料循環計畫」,總計金額為390萬(環境部292.5萬、本市配合款97.5萬),執行期程113年03月27日至113年10月31日。 本計畫掌握臺南市轄區內擁有SRF 製程之廠商及其產能、技術、成本及過去產品流向等基線資料,建立相關驗證制度及品質管理流程,同時建立媒合平台,讓使用端或產製端可在該平台掌握基線資料,以增加廢棄物燃料化之能量。截至113年10月31日止,本計畫辦理執行情形如下: 一、調查固體再生燃料(SRF) 已於期初提供適燃性廢棄物、SRF產製、SRF使用等相關資料,並製作基線資料調查報告,符合計畫要求。 二、建立固體再生燃料(SRF)驗證及品管制度 履約後1個月內提出驗證及品管企劃書初稿,已於113年04月25日提送初稿,並於113年06月05日提修訂稿,113年06月06日貴局同意備查。 依前述驗證制度,進行專家輔導4場次,全數輔導完畢,委員意見為初步規劃採用SRF、廢木材或初級固體生質燃料等;於燃料選擇上除應考量燃料本身性質外,並應將燃料供應穩定性列於第一優先考量,以避免未來無法連續供應製程所需燃料之窘境;消防意見為確認是否已確實變更使用、應留意廠房面積須符合消防法設置相關設備、建議每年進行消防申報。 採樣檢測已完成16支次,其分析數據皆符合SRF技術指引;另2家使用廠因於112年勾稽數據未有使用量,故無安排採樣檢測。 三、SRF流向追蹤 依工作說明書針對SRF產製者、使用者每廠每1月進行勾稽作業1次,我司於113年04月始勾稽,至10月31日針對4家製造廠、3家使用廠,共勾稽62次。 製造廠勾稽異常包含:原料使用量、產品產出量及廢棄物產出、貯存量未申報為“0”;收受貯存及收受聯單未確實申報;原料申報數量計算式未達平衡。使用場勾稽異常包含:廢棄物申報數量計算式未達平衡及廢棄物貯存未申報為“0”為主。 依工作說明書針對SRF產製者每廠每2月進行查核作業1次、SRF使用者每廠每2月進行查核作業1次,其中包含SRF製造廠、SRF使用廠及申請中SRF機構,已達到服務建議書承諾值28次。 製造廠查核項目包含:廢清書查核、申報資料檢核及現場查核,缺失以廢清書檢核文件尚未齊全、必選設備缺漏、廢棄物收受申報內容未達質量平衡為主。廢清書檢核文件,已於查核時告知廠商進行廢清書變更,部分必選設備,也已進行添購。使用廠查核項目:針對廢棄物收受申報內容未達質量平衡進行文件查核。 四、「塑膠永續循環聯盟媒合平台(含再利用及固體再生燃料)」更新維護 於113年04月15日聯繫既有平台廠商、113年04月25日與既有平台廠商簽維護管理合約、113年05月28日依113年05月21日活動之異動,進行資料更新。 五、辦理「塑膠永續循環聯盟(再利用及固體再生燃料)」推廣會議 於113年05月09日提送推廣會議企劃書,並於113年05月21日辦理完成,邀請國立大學之相關領域教授擔任講師,且邀約引言人,並請相關公司進行塑膠永續成功案例分享。 六、辦理跨縣市交流推廣說明會 於113年06月04日提送推廣說明會企劃書,於113年06月21日辦理,本次跨縣市交流成果應可參考新北市跨單位協調,中央攜手地方合作,輔導營建廢棄物去化,廠內分類可供案廠做參考,如目前環境部將推之管辦,建議SRF製造廠將分區貯存不同品質SRF,分區型式可供參。 七、辦理與固體再生燃料(SRF)相關輔導作業 配合機關輔導至少8家次相關廠家,截至113年10月31日共輔導20家次,輔導廠家提供D-0299、D-0399、D-0699共114.85公噸,供貴局相關計畫進行試驗。 八、製作固體再生燃料(SRF)技術指引 依固體再生燃料(SRF)燃燒效率及造粒成效分析、農業廢棄物轉型固體再生燃料(SRF)分析、固體再生燃料(SRF)減碳效益分析、廢棄物燃料去化數量及減少燃煤使用量推估四種項目進行撰文。
中文關鍵字 固體再生燃料、資源循環、廢棄物管理


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/27 專案結束日期 2024/10/31 專案主持人 邱俊祥
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃鈺婷 執行單位 技佳工程科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度臺南市推動固體再生燃料(SRF)物料資源循環計畫-期末報告書-11311-定稿-環境部-壓縮-上傳-F_已標記密文.pdf 11MB

Tainan City Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Material Resource Recycling Project for 2024

英文摘要 The Environmental Protection Bureau of the Tainan City Government (hereinafter referred to as "EPB" or "the Bureau") is promoting the "Tainan City Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Material Resource Recycling Project for 2024" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project"). The primary work items are categorized into eight areas: "Survey of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF)", "Establishment of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Verification and Quality Control System", "SRF Flow Tracking", "Updating and Maintaining the 'Plastic Sustainable Recycling Alliance Matching Platform’ (including Recycling and Solid Recovered Fuel)'", "Organizing the 'Plastic Sustainable Recycling Alliance (Recycling and Solid Recovered Fuel)' Promotion Meeting", "Organizing Cross-County and City Exchange and Promotion Briefing", "Conducting Guidance Work Related to Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF)", and "Producing Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) Technical Guidelines" As of October 31, 2024, the status of project implementation is as follows: 1. Relevant data on combustible waste, SRF production, and SRF utilization were provided at the project's outset, and a baseline data survey report was prepared to meet the project requirements. 2. A draft verification and quality control plan was submitted within one month of contract's commencement. The initial draft was submitted on April 25, 2024, and a revised draft was submitted on June 5, 2024. The EPB approved the revised draft for the record on June 6, 2024. According to the verification system mentioned earlier, four sessions of expert guidance were conducted and completed. The committee's opinion recommended the preliminary adoption of SRF, waste wood, or primary solid biofuels. When selecting fuel, it is essential to consider not only be given to the characteristics of the fuel itself but also to prioritize the stability of the fuel supply stability to prevent future challenges in maintaining a continuous supply necessary for the production process. Fire safety assessments emphasized the importance of verifying that the usage has been appropriately modified, ensuring that the plant's area complies with fire safety regulations concerning equipment installation, and recommending annual fire safety reports. Sixteen samples have been collected and tested, and the analysis data all comply with the SRF technical guidelines. The other two user factories were not arranged for sampling and testing because the linked data from 2023 indicated no usage. 3. According to the work instructions, reconciliation is conducted monthly for each SRF producer and user. The Bureau initiated reconciliation in April 2024, and as of October 31, we have completed 62 reconciliations for four manufacturing plants and three user plants. According to the work instructions, audits are conducted every two months for each SRF producer and user, including SRF manufacturers, SRF users, and SRF institutions under application. The committed value of 28 audits in the service proposal has been reached. 4. On April 15, 2024, the existing platform vendor was contacted. On April 25, 2024, a maintenance and management contract was signed with this vendor. Subsequently, on May 28, 2024, the data was updated to reflect the changes resulting from the event occurred on May 21, 2024. 5. A promotion meeting plan was submitted on May 9, 2024, and the meeting was successfully held on May 21, 2024. Professors from relevant fields at national universities were invited as lecturers, along with keynote speakers. Additionally relevant companies were invited to share their successful cases of plastic sustainability. 6. A draft promotion briefing was submitted on June 4, 2024, and the briefing was held on June 21, 2024. The results of this cross-county and city exchange can be used as a reference for coordination among various departments in New Taipei City. The central government can collaborate with local governments to facilitate the disposal of construction waste. On-site classification can be used as a reference for case factories. As the Ministry of Environment promotes management measures, it is recommended that SRF manufacturers store different qualities of SRF in separate areas. The partitioned format can be used as a reference. 7. In collaboration with the authorities, at least eight relevant manufacturers were to receive guidance. As of October 31, 2024, a total of twenty manufacturers have been guided. These manufacturers provided a total of 114.85 metric tons of D-0299, D-0399, and D-0699 for the Bureau's related projects for testing. 8. Articles were written on the following four topics: 1) Analysis of the combustion efficiency and pelletization effectiveness of solid recovered fuel (SRF), 2) Analysis of the transformation of agricultural waste into solid recovered fuel (SRF); 3)Analysis of the carbon reduction benefits of solid recovered fuel (SRF); and 4) Estimation of the amount of waste fuel removed and the corresponding reduction in coal consumption.
英文關鍵字 Solid Recovered Fuel, Resources Circulation, Waste Management