英文摘要 |
The project aimed to optimize the management system for industrial waste recycling in our nat ion with four core object ives. Firstly, to enhance policies and regulat ions on industrial waste recycl ing, the project conducted a comprehensive review of relevant laws and pol icies, proposing a total of six direct ions for amendments or new regulations. Among these, the development of a draft regulation ti tled the "Common Industrial Waste as Solid Recovered Fuel Raw Material Recycl ing Management Regulat ion" represents one of the key achievements of this project . The draft regulat ion aims to improve solid recovered fuel (SRF) management by strengthening source management, manufacturing standards, usage controls, as well as reporting and monitoring mechanisms. It is anticipated that the implementation of this regulation wil l effect ively enhance the management outcomes for SRF.
To strengthen the management system and permi t review process for recycling insti tutions, the project provided assistance by establ ishing standard operat ing procedures for permit appl ications, digit izing the permit data of approved cases to upgrade the management efficiency. Addit ionally, the project developed the draft document for "The Ministry of Environment , Resource Circulation Administration Guidelines for Industrial Waste Recycling Permit Review" as a reference for authorit ies in reviewing industrial waste recycling permi ts. The project also conducted 15 on-site inspection and consul tation visi ts to understand the pract ical operations of recycl ing inst itutions and provided timely guidance to ensure compliance.
In terms of monitoring the current status of industrial waste recycl ing, the project conducted a comprehensive inventory of waste flows, establ ishing the recycl ing flows audi ting system to consolidate tracking of the product ion, distribut ion, and sales of recycled products. Furthermore, two system enhancements were planned for the Recycle Management System, including a batch upload function for final product flow declarations, enabling businesses to complete report ing more conveniently thus improving the system efficiency.
Last ly, regarding the operat ion model for Resource Circulat ion Promotion Fee, the project proposed mechanisms for both collect ions and subsidies. Subsidies are designed to improve market compet it iveness of recycled products, enhancing their acceptance in the market . Concurrently, an audi ting and cert ificat ion system was outl ined, incorporating product quali ty and flow control to ensure the eligibi li ty and compliance of subsidy recipients. The promot ion fee subsidy model under planning wi ll help to bui ld market trust in recycled products and to promote the development of industrial waste recycling.