

中文摘要 雲林縣擁有得天獨厚的海洋資源,豐厚高額的海產漁獲價值,帶來活絡的經濟活動,但同時也帶來了日益增加的海洋廢棄物。本縣積極推動海洋環境保護之觀念及維護海域環境清潔,環保局積極投入清除鄰近海域污染的防治工作;包括海洋污染應變及港口船舶稽查、海底(漂)垃圾調查及清除作業、海洋環境教育宣導、成立轄區環保艦隊暨海洋巡守隊,與美化綠化港口環境。 本計畫共達成下列成果:(1)海底(漂)垃圾調查及清除作業,共計辦理3處海底(漂)垃圾調查及清除作業,主要以漁業廢棄物(廢竹木、廢漁網)產生之垃圾為最大宗。(2)海洋污染應變及港口船舶稽查部分,共計查核港口98次,港區環境稽查結果顯示皆屬良好。並協助每月緊急應變設備之清點及維護工作。(3)完成辦理海洋環境教育宣導11場次。(4)成立環保艦隊177艘,並與漁會保持聯繫及共識,召募更多環保艦隊,俾提升海洋環境維護,藉此友善海域環境。
中文關鍵字 環境監測,海洋污染防治稽查,海洋環境教育


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 6300 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/15 專案主持人 黃俊仁
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 沈家儀 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年雲林縣污染防治潔淨海洋計畫(期末定稿).pdf 13MB

Project of pollution prevention and clean ocean for Yunlin county.

英文摘要 Yunlin county has unique marine resources. The diverse aquatic ecology attracts many tourists because Yunlin has rich and high seafood value, therefore, the economic very active also much waste increasing in this area. The Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County maintains that the sustainability of land and ocean of Yunlin coastline, the actions of the county government promotes the concept of environmental protection of the marine environment and the maintenance of clean ocean waters. The concept of "No plastics" is actively involved in the prevention and control of pollution in adjacent sea areas. It is including, marine pollution and port ship inspections, submarine (floating) garbage investigation and removal by education advocacy marine environment, the establishment of the field of environmental protection fleet and marine guard team, greening and beautification port environment. The plan has achieved the following results: (1) Total 3 submarine (floating) garbage investigation and removal operations, mainly to Fishery waste (such as waste bamboo and waste fishing net) for the most trash. (2) To help Yunlin county territory’s ocean pollution control inspection and environmental protection business. Port inspections are total 98 pieces; the result of inspections showed that the environment in harbors is fine. And the project we check and maintain the emergent response equipments monthly. (3) In the marine environmental education promotion section handled a total of 11 sessions. (4) Set up an environmental fleet of about 177 and keep in touch with fisheries and consensus, recruiting more environmental protection fleet, to enhance the marine environment maintenance, to be friendly to our environment.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Monitoring, Ocean pollution Control Inspection, Marine Environmental Education