

中文摘要 計畫緣起 嘉義縣擁有廣大的農業資源,隨著農業生產與加工的發展,農業廢棄物如廢木材、廢農膜及廢蚵殼等問題日益嚴峻,對環境帶來極大壓力。此外,傳統的廢棄物處理方式,如露天燃燒、就地掩埋與以家用垃圾形式至焚化爐焚化,已不符合永續發展目標,不僅造成空氣污染,還排放大量溫室氣體,加劇全球暖化的威脅。 嘉義縣環保局秉持「減量化、資源化、安定化、無害化」的廢棄物管理原則,致力於推動循環經濟及資源再利用。本計畫透過農業廢棄物資源回收與高值化策略,有效減少廢棄物量,提升再利用效益,並降低碳排放,達到經濟、環保及社會永續發展的目標。 計畫目標 農業廢木材清運與再生利用: 有效清運廢木材,促進廢木材氣化發電,實現能源轉化與碳減排效益。 提升廢農膜回收量能: 建立穩定的收運及再利用管道,並促進農膜高值化產品製造。 碳排放分析與減碳效益量化: 透過現有露天燃燒與替代再生發電情境比較,明確計算碳減排效益,達成低碳目標。 拓展廢棄物資源循環與商業模式: 透過輔導與媒合,建立穩定回收體系,促進資源流通,創造經濟效益與產業鏈發展。 廢木材清運與碳減排成果 一、廢木材清運成果 嘉義縣環保局於113年度大幅提升廢木材清運效率,共清運457.44公噸廢木材,較112年度的28.64公噸,成長13.7倍,成效顯著。 盈松環保公司標購其中209公噸廢木材,以每公噸1,000元的價格進行交易。 該批廢木材經再利用發電,成功產生297,142 kWh的綠電,符合再生能源政策目標。 盈松環保公司因此獲得約150萬元收入,嘉義縣環保局則透過木材標售獲得20萬9,000元之收入,創造雙重經濟效益。 二、碳排放比較 現有情境:露天燃燒 傳統露天燃燒廢木材方式產生大量溫室氣體,根據IPCC指標,計算209公噸廢木材的碳排放量: CO₂排放量:439.5噸 CH₄排放量:2.94噸(換算為CO₂當量) N₂O排放量:4.67噸(換算為CO₂當量) 總排放量:447.11噸 CO₂e 替代情境:再生發電 將209公噸廢木材用於再生發電,產生297,142 kWh電能,根據台灣2023年電網排放係數(0.509 kgCO₂/kWh),可減少: 減排量 = 297,142 × 0.509 × 0.001 = 151.27噸 CO₂ 碳減排效益 比較露天燃燒與再生發電的碳排放量,計算出實際碳減排效益: 447.11 − 151.27 = 295.84噸 CO₂e 透過再生發電,嘉義縣成功減少近295.84噸 CO₂e碳排放,轉化廢棄木材為綠電,有效推動環境永續發展。 三、焚化量減少效益 過去廢木材常與家用垃圾一同送至鹿草焚化廠進行焚化,增加焚化廠負擔。本計畫有效減少417.97公噸廢棄物焚化量,依據外縣市協助處理廢棄物的收費標準(每公噸4,000元),節省費用達: 417.97公噸 × 4,000元/公噸 = 1,671,880元 四、綜合效益 經濟效益:盈松環保公司獲利約150萬元,環保局獲得20萬9,000元收入。 環境效益:成功減少295.84噸 CO₂e碳排放量。 成本節省:減少焚化廠負荷,節省約167萬元垃圾處理費用。 農膜回收與再利用成果 一、廢農膜清運與再製 嘉義縣廢農膜回收成效顯著,113年度收運量達63.886公噸,較112年度成長4.3倍。收運的廢農膜經合格再利用業者處理後,製成高附加價值的塑膠顆粒原料,應用於再生塑膠瓶、花盆等產品,達成農業塑膠回收流通與再利用目標。 二、區域型農業塑膠清洗場啟用 113年6月14日,嘉義縣東石合作農場於嘉義縣環保局輔導下正式啟用國內首座區域型農業塑膠清洗循環場,配備完整的處理設備,包含:破碎、水洗及乾燥設施:年清洗量可達2,000公噸廢農膜。水資源循環:清洗水經過過濾和沉澱處理後循環再利用,沉澱土石可作為堆肥或補土使用,落實完整資源循環機制。 三、農膜逆向回收模式 環保局輔導光建工業執行「農膜逆向回收」模式,透過供應商與農民合作,113年度成功回收84公噸廢農膜,並建立穩定的回收與再利用商業模式,確保供需暢通,促進廢農膜的高值化運用。 蚵殼執行成果及效益 嘉義縣環保局制定「嘉義縣廢棄牡蠣殼暫存場設置管理要點」,規範暫存場設置及污染防治措施,輔導業者合法申請及設置暫存場,確保廢蚵殼堆放管理符合法規要求,解決長期堆積問題且減少蚊蟲孳生與異味,提升周邊居民的生活環境。 本年度迄今,嘉義縣環保局積極輔導未合法業者進行申請,包含石璣、威宏、隆興、裕益等四家業者,其中石璣已整理資料並送件申辦興辦事業計畫,預計114年完成申請。 針對蚵殼後端應用,嘉義縣環保局積極媒合企業,推動廢蚵殼再利用,開發創新應用,提升蚵殼的經濟價值: 1. 農業用途:加工蚵殼粉作為土壤改良劑或堆肥添加物,改善土壤酸鹼度。 2. 工業用途:將蚵殼再製成建材、緩衝包材及混凝土添加料,替代部分傳統資材。 3. 日常產品:蚵殼粉廣泛應用於拖鞋、抗菌粉體、機能性紡織品等,成功轉化為高附加價值產品。 結論與未來展望 本計畫透過廢木材清運再生發電、廢農膜高值化再製及輔導廢棄蚵殼暫存場設置,達到顯著的經濟效益與環境效益: 減少碳排放:實現295.84噸 CO₂e碳減排效益,減緩氣候變遷影響。 節省焚化成本:減少約167萬元焚化處理費用,提升焚化廠效能。 推動資源循環:建立農膜、廢木材與蚵殼的再利用機制,促進產業發展。 未來,嘉義縣環保局將: 擴大收運範圍:納入嘉義轄內更多木材來源,包括學校修剪樹木、行道樹及山區木竹材等資源,提升整體回收與再利用量能。 引進新技術:促進高值化加工與商業應用,打造完整的循環經濟產業鏈。 透過持續推動廢棄物再利用與減碳政策,嘉義縣將朝向低碳永續發展邁進,成為資源循環與環境保護的領航者。
中文關鍵字 農業廢棄物、廢木材、廢農膜、廢蚵殼、循環經濟、資源回收、碳排放、再生發電、高值化利用


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 5560 千元
專案開始日期 2025/01/01 專案結束日期 2025/12/31 專案主持人 許仲景
主辦單位 嘉義縣環境保護局 承辦人 張家禔 執行單位 華門工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期未報告合併1224.pdf 24MB

2024 Chiayi County Biomass and Material Resource Recycling Promotion Plan

英文摘要 Waste Wood Collection and Carbon Reduction Results 1. Waste Wood Collection Results In 2024, the Chiayi County EPB significantly improved waste wood collection efficiency, collecting a total of 457.44 tons, an increase of 13.7 times compared to 2023’s 28.64 tons. 209 tons were purchased by Ying-Song Environmental Company at a price of NT$1,000 per ton. This batch of waste wood was reused for power generation, producing 297,142 kWh of green electricity, aligning with Taiwan’s renewable energy policy goals. Ying-Song Environmental Company generated revenue of approximately NT$1.5 million, while the Chiayi EPB earned NT$209,000 from the sale of the wood, achieving dual economic benefits. 2. Carbon Emission Comparison Existing Scenario: Open Burning Traditional open burning of waste wood emits significant greenhouse gases. Based on IPCC standards, the emissions from 209 tons of waste wood are: CO₂ emissions: 439.5 tons CH₄ emissions: 2.94 tons CO₂e N₂O emissions: 4.67 tons CO₂e Total emissions: 447.11 tons CO₂e Alternative Scenario: Renewable Power Generation Using 209 tons of waste wood for renewable power generation produces 297,142 kWh of electricity. Based on Taiwan’s 2023 power grid emission factor of 0.509 kg CO₂/kWh, this reduces emissions by: Reduction = 297,142 × 0.509 × 0.001 = 151.27 tons CO₂ Carbon Reduction Effectiveness Comparing open burning with renewable power generation, the actual carbon reduction benefit is: 447.11 − 151.27 = 295.84 tons CO₂e By converting waste wood into renewable power, Chiayi County successfully reduced approximately 295.84 tons CO₂e, effectively promoting environmental sustainability. 3. Reduction of Incineration Volume In the past, waste wood was often treated as household garbage and sent to the Lucao Incineration Plant, increasing its operational burden. This project effectively reduced 417.97 tons of waste incineration. Based on the inter-county waste disposal cost of NT$4,000 per ton, this saved: 417.97 tons × NT$4,000/ton = NT$1,671,880 4. Overall Benefits Economic Benefits: NT$1.5 million revenue for Ying-Song Environmental Company and NT$209,000 for the EPB. Environmental Benefits: Reduction of 295.84 tons CO₂e emissions. Cost Savings: NT$1.67 million saved in incineration treatment costs. Agricultural Film Recycling and Reuse Results 1. Waste Agricultural Film Collection and Reprocessing The recycling performance of waste agricultural films in Chiayi County improved significantly in 2024, with a total collection volume of 63.886 tons, representing a 4.3-fold increase compared to 2023. The collected agricultural films were processed by certified recycling companies into high-value plastic pellets, which were used to produce recycled plastic bottles, flowerpots, and other products. 2. Launch of the Regional Agricultural Plastic Washing Facility On June 14, 2024, the Chiayi County Dongshi Cooperative Farm officially launched Taiwan’s first regional agricultural plastic washing and recycling facility, equipped with: Crushing, washing, and drying systems, capable of cleaning 2,000 tons of agricultural plastic annually. Water resource recycling: The washing water is filtered and reused, while sediment is used for compost or soil amendment, achieving a complete resource recycling system. 3. Reverse Recycling Model The EPB guided Guangjian Industrial in implementing a "reverse recycling" model, facilitating cooperation between suppliers and farmers. In 2024, 84 tons of waste agricultural film were successfully collected and processed, establishing a stable commercial recycling model that promotes the high-value utilization of agricultural plastics. Oyster Shell Results and Benefits The Chiayi EPB formulated the “Chiayi County Waste Oyster Shell Storage Site Management Guidelines”, which regulate storage site operations and pollution prevention measures. By assisting businesses in establishing legal storage sites, the EPB resolved long-standing problems of mosquito infestations, odors, and environmental deterioration. 1. Progress of Storage Site Applications The EPB actively guided four businesses: Shiji: Successfully completed documentation and submitted the project plan. Weihong and Longxing: Applications are in progress. Yuyi: Opted out of application processing. Currently, over 80,000 tons of waste oyster shells are being stored and managed in compliance with regulations. 2. Resource Reuse and Innovation The EPB actively mediated with enterprises to promote innovative oyster shell reuse, enhancing their economic value through: Agricultural Use: Processing shells into lime powder for soil amendment. Industrial Applications: Manufacturing construction materials and cushioning materials. Daily Products: Developing shell-based products such as slippers, antimicrobial powders, and functional textiles.
英文關鍵字 Agricultural Waste, Waste Wood, Waste Agricultural Films, Discarded Oyster Shells, Circular Economy, Resource Recycling, Carbon Emissions, Renewable Power Generation