

中文摘要 本計畫目的是細懸浮微粒碳成分之分析方法評析及技術開發,目前台灣尚未訂定細懸浮微粒碳成分分析的標準方法,故可能因為不同計畫分析的工作方法上存在差異,導致數據不可比較,因此本計畫以目前國際上最常被使用的細懸浮微粒碳成分分析方法進行比對,並評估適合台灣周界環境的碳成分分析方法,以訂定未來台灣之碳成分分析標準方法。 本計畫目的是細懸浮微粒碳成分之分析方法評析及技術開發,目前臺灣尚未訂定細懸浮微粒碳成分分析的標準方法,故可能因為不同計畫分析的工作方法上存在差異,導致數據不可比較,因此本計畫以目前國際上最常被使用的細懸浮微粒碳成分分析方法進行比對,並評估適合臺灣周界環境的碳成分分析方法,以訂定未來臺灣之碳成分分析標準方法。 本計畫之工作內容包括文獻回顧、建置至少兩種細懸浮微粒碳成分之分析方法、於工業區及都會區採樣與分析細懸浮微粒元素碳(EC)及有機碳(OC)濃度與研擬細懸浮微粒碳成分分析的建議方法。本計畫已完成彙整國內外25篇相關文獻,建置三種細懸浮微粒碳成分之分析方法,分別是IMPROVE_A、NIOSH 5040與EUSAAR_2方法,及完成六月與九月份之工業區(高雄市鳳林國中)及都會區(高雄市復興國小及臺南市林森交通站)採樣與分析。另外,本計畫亦研究分析濾紙分布的均勻性,以確認同一樣品重複取樣分析之差異比例。已建置之IMPROVE_A、NIOSH 5040與EUSAAR_2三方法的方法偵測極限分別是0.23、0.11與0.13 μgC/cm2(分母單位是每平方公分的濾紙);同一樣品重複取樣7次分析之標準偏差與平均值比例為IMPROVE_A為0.06、NIOSH 5040為0.04、EUSAAR_2為0.03,故同一樣品的分布均勻性為可接受。IMPROVE_A與NIOSH 5040兩方法之實地採樣分析結果顯示總碳(TC)之決定係數於鳳林站與復興站分別是0.9924與0.9933,亦即兩方法之相關性非常高,但是IMPROVE_A之TC濃度高於NIOSH 5040約12%,而文獻回顧中亦有相似結果。本計畫分別於6月25日、6月27日與9月26日進行實地採樣、碳分析儀器操作與標準品及樣品分析步驟之技術擴散。 為評估不同儀器、光學校正、溫度協議,使用Sunset Laboratory Inc.販售之三種不同濃度標準品、計畫於6、9月實地採樣及臺南市各地實地採樣之結果進行數據結果討論,依序首先比較不同儀器分析完整性,再探討不同光學校正方法之差異,最後分析不同溫度協議之優劣。 Sunset分析儀需進行4次分析才可將分析數值低於偵測極限,反觀DRI分析儀只需進行1次分析即可;於標準品之分析結果,DRI分析儀也表現出較Sunset分析儀更接近標準品參考值之結果,故以DRI分析儀進行後續分析。於三種濃度之標準品平均值比較結果,TOT之分析結果較TOR更為接近標準品參考值,於大氣採樣樣品之分析數據,TOT與TOR兩光學校正法之相關性差異不大;最後IMPROVE_A、NIOSH 5040、EUSAAR_2之三種溫度協議之分析結果,除NIOSH 5040差異較大外,IMPROVE_A與EUSAAR_2結果差異不大,但根據DRI之分析圖譜可知光學法修正之分析以IMPROVE_A最符合。 未來工作為進行高污染季節的採樣及其碳成分分析,並彙整以研擬建議方法。
中文關鍵字 碳成分分析,實地採樣,細懸浮微粒


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3220 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/15 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 吳義林
主辦單位 國環院檢測技術中心 承辦人 潘銓泰 執行單位 國立成功大學


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期末報告 113FA012-01國環院計畫期末報告定稿本.pdf 8MB 113FA012-01國環院計畫期末報告定稿本

Development and evaluation of analysis method for carbon content in fine particle

英文摘要 The purpose of this project is to evaluate and develop analysis methods for carbon components in fine particulate matter (PM2.5). Currently, Taiwan has not established standardized methods for analyzing carbon components in PM2.5, leading to potential discrepancies in analytical approaches across different projects, which makes data comparison challenging. Therefore, this project compares the most commonly used international methods for PM2.5 carbon component analysis and evaluates methods suitable for Taiwan's environmental context to establish a standard analytical method for carbon components in PM2.5 in the future. The project tasks include literature review, establishing at least two analytical methods for PM2.5 carbon components, sampling and analyzing elemental carbon (EC) and organic carbon (OC) concentrations in industrial and metropolitan areas, and proposing recommendations for PM2.5 carbon component analysis methods. To date, the project has compiled 25 relevant studies, established three analytical methods for PM2.5 carbon components (IMPROVE_A, NIOSH 5040, and EUSAAR_2), and completed sampling and analysis in industrial areas (Fenglin Junior High School, Kaohsiung City) and metropolitan areas (Fuxing Elementary School, Kaohsiung City, and Linsen Bus Station, Tainan City) in June and September. Additionally, the uniformity of filter paper distribution was analyzed to confirm the variation ratio for repeated sampling and analysis of the same sample. The detection limits for the established methods IMPROVE_A, NIOSH 5040, and EUSAAR_2 were 0.23, 0.11, and 0.13 μgC/cm² (filter area), respectively. The ratio of standard deviation to mean for seven repeated analyses of the same sample was 0.06 for IMPROVE_A, 0.04 for NIOSH 5040, and 0.03 for EUSAAR_2, indicating acceptable uniformity. Field sampling results for total carbon (TC) using IMPROVE_A and NIOSH 5040 showed high correlation coefficients at Fenglin Station and Fuxing Station, with R² values of 0.9924 and 0.9933, respectively. However, TC concentrations obtained via IMPROVE_A were approximately 12% higher than those from NIOSH 5040, a result consistent with findings from the literature review. The project also conducted technical dissemination on field sampling, carbon analyzer operation, and standard/sample analysis procedures on June 25, June 27, and September 26. To assess differences among instruments, optical corrections, and temperature protocols, the project used three standard samples of varying concentrations provided by Sunset Laboratory Inc., along with field samples collected in June, September, and various locations in Tainan City. The results were analyzed and discussed as follows: first, comparing analytical integrity across instruments; second, exploring differences among optical correction methods; and finally, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of different temperature protocols. The Sunset analyzer required four analyses to obtain values below the detection limit, whereas the DRI analyzer achieved this in just one analysis. Regarding standard sample analysis, the DRI analyzer demonstrated results closer to the reference values compared to the Sunset analyzer, leading to its selection for subsequent analyses. For the three concentration levels of standard samples, TOT results were closer to reference values than TOR. In atmospheric sample analysis, there was little difference in correlation between TOT and TOR optical correction methods. Lastly, among the three temperature protocols (IMPROVE_A, NIOSH 5040, and EUSAAR_2), results from IMPROVE_A and EUSAAR_2 were more consistent, while NIOSH 5040 showed greater variability. Based on DRI analysis spectra, the optical correction method under IMPROVE_A was the most accurate.
英文關鍵字 Carbon component analysis, field sampling, fine particulate matter