

中文摘要 本計畫旨在精進環境用藥殺鼠劑的管理,降低其對生態及非目標物種的危害,並防止誤用於農地。舉辦兩次多邊溝通平台會議,形成共識包括加強管理、推廣物理防治及鼠害防治專業化,不過環藥公會也有對政策提出意見。教育推廣部分,製作宣導海報與摺頁,並辦理4場次社區宣導活動,宣導農藥和環藥的識別,以及居家鼠害防治策略。 本計畫訪談了50位南部農友,結果顯示偏好使用粒劑和粉劑,40%會自行添加餌料,80%以上對殺鼠劑次級毒害認識不足;52家農藥行調查發現,多數販售環境用藥,販售18種產品中僅1種登記為農藥,但有店家反映管制殺鼠劑可能會改用農藥托福松。餌盒試驗於10個地點進行,裸放鼠餌的非目標物種誤食率最高,包括貓、狗、斑鳩、白鼻心等,而大型餌盒能顯著降低非目標物種誤食,也提高鼠類取食效率。不過非洲大蝸牛取食鼠餌的問題仍有待解決。 後續建議包括: 1. 加強宣導防鼠三不觀念(不讓鼠來、不讓鼠住、不讓鼠吃),並說明殺鼠劑對生態之危害,讓大眾在使用殺鼠劑時更加謹慎,並優先考慮其他替代方法。 2. 推廣使用鼠餌盒,讓大眾知道有此項工具可以防止非目標物種誤食,逐漸養成使用習慣,以利後續政策推動。 3. 可測試第一代抗凝血殺鼠劑(剋滅鼠)之滅鼠效率,若滅鼠成效在可接受範圍內,再據以評估第一代、第二代抗凝血殺鼠劑之差別管制作法。 4. 進行非目標生物毒害長期監測,調查殺鼠劑傳播途徑,並比較管理方式改變前後,監測結果是否存在差異。 5. 應深入研究各種鼠類對目前殺鼠劑成份是否存在抗藥性。 6. 鼓勵研發或引進替代藥劑及其他物理性滅/防鼠裝置。
中文關鍵字 殺鼠劑、非目標物種、次級毒害


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 2500 千元
專案開始日期 2024/05/27 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 洪孝宇
主辦單位 化學署危害控制組 承辦人 賴致勳 執行單位 昕昌生態科研有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 2024環藥殺鼠劑管理結案報告.pdf 15MB 「113年鼠害防治環境用藥管理精進計畫」成果報告,由環境部化學物質管理署委託研究。 本計畫旨在精進環境用藥殺鼠劑的管理,降低其對生態及非目標物種的危害,並防止誤用於農地。舉辦兩次多邊溝通平台會議,形成共識包括加強管理、推廣物理防治及鼠害防治專業化,不過環藥公會也有對政策提出意見。教育推廣部分,製作宣導海報與摺頁,並辦理4場次社區宣導活動,宣導農藥和環藥的識別,以及居家鼠害防治策略。

The 2024 Environmental Rodenticide Management Enhancement Project for Rodent Control

英文摘要 This project aims to enhance the management of environmental rodenticides, reduce their ecological and non-target species impact, and prevent misuse in agricultural fields. Two multilateral communication platform meetings were held, reaching a consensus on strengthening management, promoting physical control methods, and professionalizing rodent control. However, the Environmental Chemicals Association raised concerns about certain policies. For public education, promotional posters and brochures were created, and four community outreach events were conducted to educate participants on distinguishing between agricultural and environmental rodenticides and strategies for home rodent control. The project included interviews with 50 farmers in southern Taiwan, revealing a preference for granular and powdered rodenticides, with 40% adding their own bait and over 80% unaware of secondary poisoning risks. Surveys of 52 agricultural supply stores showed that most sold environmental rodenticides, with only one of the 18 products registered as an agricultural pesticide. Some retailers expressed concern that stricter rodenticide regulations might lead to the use of more hazardous pesticides like Terbufos. Bait station trials conducted at 10 locations showed that exposed bait had the highest non-target species consumption rates, involving cats, dogs, pigeons, and masked palm civets. Large bait stations significantly reduced non-target species consumption while improving rodent feeding efficiency. However, the issue of African snails consuming bait remains unresolved. Recommendations for future actions include: 1. Strengthen public education on the "Three No's" approach to rodent prevention (no inviting rodents, no allowing them to stay, and no providing food). Highlight the ecological harm caused by rodenticides to encourage more cautious use and prioritize alternative methods. 2. Promote the use of bait stations to inform the public about this tool, which can prevent non-target species from accidental ingestion. Gradually cultivate a habit of using bait stations to facilitate the implementation of future policies. 3. Test the rodent control efficacy of first-generation anticoagulant rodenticides (coumatetralyl). If the results are within an acceptable range, evaluate and develop differentiated management approaches for first- and second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides. 4. Conduct long-term monitoring of toxicity effects on non-target organisms to investigate the transmission pathways of rodenticides. Compare monitoring results before and after changes in management strategies to identify any differences. 5. Undertake in-depth research to determine whether various rodent species exhibit resistance to current rodenticide ingredients. 6. Encourage the development or introduction of alternative rodenticides and other physical rodent control/prevention devices.
英文關鍵字 rodenticide, Non -target species, Secondary poisoning