

中文摘要 本計畫工作內容可劃分為「宜蘭縣氣候變遷因應減緩及調適工作推動」、「低碳永續家園行動項目輔導與執行」、「推廣綠能屋頂」以及「推動因地制宜低碳行動」等4大項工作。 本計畫今年度依據「氣候變遷因應法」,協助召開宜蘭縣氣候變遷因應推動會議及氣候變遷調適方案座談會,並依據宜蘭縣第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案追蹤與管考本縣減量方案執行成果,以及彙整各局處氣候變遷調適相關推動政策、研訂宜蘭縣氣候變遷調適執行方案。 低碳永續家園運作體系,以協助新增低碳永續家園評等認證為主要工作,今年度協助1村里取得銀級、6村里取得銅級認證;並新增47處村里報名參與,參與率達85.4%,鄉鎮市層級新增4處報名入圍,參與率達100%,並協助4處完成現地查核作業以維持評等等級。低碳永續家園行動項目輔導與執行,已輔導轄內11處村里/社區藉由低碳示範社區計畫落實低碳永續行動項目,總計年減碳量約10,854 kgCO2e。 為推廣宜蘭綠能屋頂,聘請太陽能光電專家針對56處太陽光電潛力案源評估,共計53處適合建置太陽能系統。另辦理2場次綠能屋頂推廣媒合說明會,邀請一般民眾、業者、機關、村里/社區等總計40人次參與。 推動因地制宜低碳行動,已協助8處館舍現場節能減碳診斷改善輔導,提供館舍節能減碳診斷報告書,並輔導進行節能改造工作,包含燈具、空調與冰箱汰換、屋頂灑水降溫、冷藏庫設置冷氣不外洩裝置、空調清洗保養、開口部隔熱等,總計減碳量每年約可達32.38 tonCO2e。此外,透過製作各館舍減碳成效資訊展示設置,達到展示整體減碳成效及落實低碳永續教育。
中文關鍵字 溫室氣體減量、氣候變遷調適、低碳永續家園、碳索博物館、太陽光電發電系統


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 5645 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/27 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 李孟軒
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳之蘭 執行單位 環榮永興股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度宜蘭縣推動低碳永續家園執行計畫暨宜蘭縣氣候變遷減緩及調適工作推動計畫_期末報告正式定稿本.pdf 31MB

113 Year Yilan County Low-Carbon Sustainable Homes Implementation Project

英文摘要 The project involved four primary tasks: “Promotion of Yilan Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Response,” “Counseling and Implementing Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland actions,” “Promotion of Solar Roofs,” and “Promoting Locally Adapted Low-Carbon Actions”. This project is based on the Climate Change Response Act and assists in organizing the Yilan Climate Change Response Meeting and the Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan Forum. It also follows the results of the Yilan 2nd Greenhouse Gas Reduction Implementation Plan and the Monitoring and Evaluation Reduction Implementation Plan, and consolidating the climate change adaptation policies promoted by various departments, and establishing the Yilan Climate Change Adaptation Implementation Plan. The primary task of the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland working system is to assist villages in joining the Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland program and help them obtain certification. This year, we assisted one village in achieving silver-level certification and six villages in obtaining bronze-level certification. Additionally, we increased the participation of 47 villages, achieving a participation rate of 85.4%. Four townships were also added to the program, bringing the participation rate in the township hierarchy to 100%. Furthermore, we conducted on-site inspections of 4 villages to ensure they could maintain their bronze-level status. In terms of counseling and implementing Low-Carbon Sustainable Homeland actions, we provided guidance to 11 villages to fulfill their actions through the Low-carbon Demonstration Community plan. The total carbon reduction achieved is approximately 10,854 kilograms of CO2e annually. To promote solar roofs in Yilan, we hired experts in solar power systems to evaluate 56 potential sites. Of these, 53 sites were deemed suitable for the installation of solar roofs. Additionally, we held two solar roof promotion and matching meetings, inviting the general public, industry representatives, government officials, and village members. The total number of participants was 40. Promoting locally adapted low-carbon actions, we assisted eight museums with on-site diagnosis and counseling, provided energy conservation and carbon reduction reports, and guided energy-saving renovations. These renovations included replacing lighting, upgrading air conditioners and refrigerators, installing a roof sprinkler cooling system, and cleaning and maintaining air conditioners and window thermal insulation. The total carbon reduction achieved is approximately 32.38 tons of CO2e annually. Additionally, we made posters to showcase the carbon reduction results and used them to conduct low-carbon education sessions.
英文關鍵字 greenhouse gas reduction, climate change adaptation, Low -Carbon Sustainable Homeland, Low-Carbon Museum, solar power systems