

中文摘要 環境用藥專業技術人員訓練及環境用藥(製造業 販賣業 病媒防治業 )專業技術人員訓練教材,因時空不同,訓練時數及教材內容需再檢視及編修,故本計畫執行參酌現行環境用藥 製造業 販賣業 病媒防治業 ) 專業技術人員訓練時數,檢討並編修教材內容,以符實務之需求。 執行工作項目如下: (一 ) 檢視修正現行環境用藥專業技術人員訓練教材內容:包含環境用藥 專業技術人員訓練教材(製造業、販賣業)共 6 章節;環境用藥專 業技術人員訓練教材(病媒防治業)共 11 章節(除鼠類之管理章節), 章節內容呈現之統計資料應參照官方最新公布 之資料予更新;並完 成教材內容及練習題更新,各章節練習題至少更新 20 題。 (二 ) 邀集相關訓練講座或專家召開 2 次諮詢討論會議,並做成會議紀錄 及處理建議對照表,每場次至少 3 名訓練講座或專家出席。 (三 ) 檢視課程架構、各科目名稱、時數分配、大綱是否合宜,並提出對 應之建議方案。 (四 ) 送交各課程教材編修者著作授權同意書予備查。 本計畫已完成執行環境用藥專業技術人員製造業 販賣業 病媒防治業 ) 訓練教材編修專家之聘請,並完成環境用藥專業技術人員 製造業販賣業 病媒防治業 ) 訓練教材內容、簡報及練習題之檢視編修;完成辦理 2 場專家諮詢會,進行檢視教材課程架構、科目名稱、時數分配、大綱等是否合宜,提出對應之建議方案,並做成會議紀錄。本計畫執行進度已完成整體工作項目 100 %,符合期末報告進度 100 % %,且完成辦理 2場專家諮詢會之要求。
中文關鍵字 環境用藥、製造業、販賣業、病媒防治業、專業技術人員、訓練教材


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 1305 千元
專案開始日期 2024/07/04 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 白秀華
主辦單位 化學署危害控制組 承辦人 林涵君 執行單位 國立高雄大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 環境用藥專業技術人員訓練教材編修計畫-成果報告定稿本(部分公開).pdf 3MB

Training Materia ls Revision Plan for Professional Technical Personnel in Envir onmental Agents

英文摘要 The training materials for professional technical personnel in environmental agents and the training programs for personnel in the environmental agents (manufacturing/selling/pest control) sectors need to be reviewed and revised due to changes in time and context. Therefore, this project will consider the due to changes in time and context. Therefore, this project will consider the current training hours for professional technical personnel in the current training hours for professional technical personnel in the environmentalenvironmental agents (manufacturing/selling/pest control operator) sectors, agents (manufacturing/selling/pest control operator) sectors, review and revise the content of the training materials to meet practical needs.review and revise the content of the training materials to meet practical needs. The tasks are as follows: 1. Review and revise the current training materials for professional Review and revise the current training materials for professional technical personnel technical personnel in environmental agents: This includes the training in environmental agents: This includes the training materials for environmental agent professional technical personnel in the materials for environmental agent professional technical personnel in the manufacturing and selling sectors, which consists of 6 chapters, and the manufacturing and selling sectors, which consists of 6 chapters, and the training materials for pest control operator, which consitraining materials for pest control operator, which consists of 11 chapters sts of 11 chapters (excluding the rodent management chapter). The statistical data (excluding the rodent management chapter). The statistical data presented in each chapter should be updated based on the latest official presented in each chapter should be updated based on the latest official published information. Additionally, update the content of the materials published information. Additionally, update the content of the materials and practice questions, witand practice questions, with at least 20 new questions for each chapter. h at least 20 new questions for each chapter. 2. Convene two consultation discussion meetings with relevant training Convene two consultation discussion meetings with relevant training speakers or experts, and create meeting minutes along with a speakers or experts, and create meeting minutes along with a recommendations comparison table. Each session should have at least recommendations comparison table. Each session should have at least three trainithree training speakers or experts in attendance.ng speakers or experts in attendance. 3. Review the course structure, subject titles, hour distribution, and outlines Review the course structure, subject titles, hour distribution, and outlines to ensure their appropriateness, and provide corresponding to ensure their appropriateness, and provide corresponding recommendations for improvement.recommendations for improvement. 4. Submit copyright authorization agreements from thSubmit copyright authorization agreements from the authors of each e authors of each course material for recordcourse material for record-keeping. This project has successfully completed the hiring of experts for the revision of training materials for professional technical personnel in environmental of training materials for professional technical personnel in environmental agents (manufacturing/selling/pest control operagents (manufacturing/selling/pest control operator). The content, ator). The content, presentations, and practice questions for these training materials have been presentations, and practice questions for these training materials have been reviewed and revised. Two expert consultation meetings have been held: reviewed and revised. Two expert consultation meetings have been held: During these meetings, the course structure, subject titles, hour distribution, and outland outlines were evaluated for appropriateness, and corresponding ines were evaluated for appropriateness, and corresponding recommendations were made, along with meeting minutes documented. The recommendations were made, along with meeting minutes documented. The project execution progress has reached 100%, meeting the final report project execution progress has reached 100%, meeting the final report requirements, and fulfilling two expert consultation meetrequirements, and fulfilling two expert consultation meetings.
英文關鍵字 Environmental agents, manufacturing, selling, pest control operator professional technical personnel, training materials