

中文摘要   隨著氣候變遷和環境問題日益嚴重,減碳、淨零、永續轉型等環保議題逐漸受到各國政府重視。為了達成淨零及永續發展目標,近年來許多國家紛紛提出碳邊境調整機制、碳定價、永續金融等氣候政策,卻也同時引起迅速發展的氣候政策是否可能導致綠色通膨之疑慮。爰此,本報告首先從經濟學學理上探討通貨膨脹之成因及其影響,進一步定義綠色通貨膨脹。其次,透過國際組織、主要經濟國等案例分析,討論目前世界各國對綠色通膨的關注及發展現況;彙整已實施碳定價制度的國家/地區中,相關制度對綠色通膨的評估方法及評估結果。最後,蒐羅現今各國與綠色通膨相關之政策,俾供執行單位參考。   針對各主要經濟體和國家現況與相關政策回應進行研析,可看出各國因對於綠色通膨意識的不同,以及各國政府在面臨潛在衝擊之態度,進而使得在提出因應策略時,採取之政策工具亦有所不同。而蒐研國際關於綠色通膨之相關評估,研擬國內綠色通膨之估算工具以及方法論,並以碳費徵收為例進行評估。若以碳費徵收對象皆不提交自主減量計畫、皆繳納300元/公噸CO2e進行估算,評估結果顯示對消費者物價影響約為0.07%。
中文關鍵字 淨零轉型、綠色通貨膨脹、經濟衝擊評估


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 1340 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/06 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 張軒瑜、林俊旭
主辦單位 國環院氣候變遷研究中心 承辦人 謝炎恭 執行單位 財團法人中華經濟研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 20241224 國環院綠色通膨期末報告_定稿.pdf 4MB

Green Inflation Impact Analysis for the Net Zero Transition

英文摘要   As climate change and environmental issues become increasingly severe, environmental topics such as carbon reduction, net zero, and sustainable transformation are gradually gaining attention from governments worldwide. To achieve net-zero and sustainable development goals, many countries in recent years have introduced climate policies such as carbon border adjustment mechanisms, carbon pricing, and sustainable finance. However, these rapidly developing climate policies have also raised concerns about the potential for green inflation.   This report first examines the causes and effects of inflation from an economic perspective, further defining green inflation. Next, through case studies of international organizations and major economic countries, it discusses the global attention and development status of green inflation. It also consolidates the methods and results of green inflation assessments in countries and regions that have implemented carbon pricing systems. Finally, it gathers policies related to green inflation from various countries for reference by executing agencies.   By analyzing the major economies’ policy responses on green inflation, it is evident that countries have different levels of awareness and varying attitudes toward potential impacts. This leads to differences in the policy tools they adopt when proposing strategies. In addition, the report studies international assessments of green inflation, develops estimation tools and methodologies for domestic green inflation, and uses carbon fees as an example for evaluation. Based on the assumption that all entities subject to carbon fees submit no self-determined reduction plans and pay a carbon fee of 300 NTD/ton CO2e, the evaluation shows that the impact on consumer prices is approximately 0.07%.
英文關鍵字 Net-Zero Transition, Green Inflation, Economic Impact Analysis