

中文摘要 本年度掌握宜蘭縣轄內含石綿建材建築物現況及協助家戶建築物拆除後石綿建材廢棄物妥善處理,以降低對人體與環境危害。另協助轄內含執行石綿建材拆除之建築物辦理清除及處理補助作業及針對轄內未列於「戶外含石綿建材空間分布管理系統」中之含石綿建材建築物進行新增列管作業。 依據「112年度宜蘭縣石綿建材廢棄物清除處理計畫」調查結果,宜蘭縣轄內持續列管數量共計185處,列管面積為26,717.87平方公尺,建物數量以宜蘭市及員山鄉為最多,列管面積則以三星鄉、員山鄉及冬山鄉為最大。 113年度截至12月份針對本年度應完成調查185棟含石綿列管對象,其中有127棟已回復是否有拆除意願;43棟為房屋荒廢,寄發宣導單至現居住地而無回應;15棟為多次拜訪無人應答,再次前往時宣導單已收走仍無回應者。 其中29棟建物有拆除意願,大多為畜牧業者仍使用之豬舍或雞舍。合計有意願拆除之石綿建材廢棄物面積為8,377.57平方公尺,預估重量達125.7公噸。 127棟調查拆除意願中,尚未申請拆除補助案主要原因為經費考量73棟、石綿尚未有破損之情事23棟或資格不符15棟,其占比各為57.5%、18.1%及11.8%。 113年度針對民眾補助案件申請作業,截至11月30日止,宜蘭縣民眾申請案件總47件次,本計畫已委請轄內之甲級清運業者,協助清運石綿廢棄物共16趟次,總計54噸。
中文關鍵字 石綿建材廢棄物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4880 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/15 專案主持人 蘇敬倫
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇敬倫 執行單位 偉創綠技術股份有限公司


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期末報告 期末_去個資.pdf 9MB

2024 ilan County Asbestos Building Material Waste Removal and Treatment Plan

英文摘要 his year, we understand the current status of buildings containing asbestos building materials in Yilan County and assist households in properly disposing of asbestos building material waste after demolition of buildings to reduce harm to human bodies and the environment. It also assists in clearing and processing subsidy operations for buildings containing asbestos-containing building materials within the jurisdiction, and provides new management for buildings containing asbestos-containing building materials that are not listed in the "Spatial Distribution Management System of Outdoor Asbestos-Containing Building Materials" within the jurisdiction. Operation. According to the survey results of the "Yilan County Asbestos Building Materials Waste Removal and Treatment Plan for 2023", there are a total of 185 buildings under continuous management within the jurisdiction of Yilan County, with a managed area of ​​26,717.87 square meters. The number of buildings is based on Yilan City and Yuanshan Township. Sanxing Township, Yuanshan Township and Dongshan Township have the largest administrative areas. As of December 2024, a survey of 185 asbestos-containing buildings should be completed this year, and 127 of them have responded whether they are willing to demolish; 43 are abandoned houses, and a promotional leaflet was sent to the current place of residence without response; 15 Dongwei called many times but no one responded. When he went back again, the promotional flyer had been collected and there was still no response. Among them, 29 buildings are intended to be demolished, and most of them are pig houses or chicken houses still used by livestock farmers. The total area of ​​asbestos building materials waste that is intended to be dismantled is 8,377.57 square meters, with an estimated weight of 125.7 tons. Among the 127 buildings investigated for demolition intention, the main reasons for not applying for demolition subsidy were 73 buildings due to financial considerations, 23 buildings that had no asbestos damage or 15 buildings that were not qualified, accounting for 57.5%, 18.1% and 11.8% respectively. In 2024, there were a total of 47 applications for public subsidy cases in Yilan County as of November 30. This plan has appointed Class A removal operators within the jurisdiction to assist in the removal of asbestos waste for a total of 16 applications. trips, totaling 54 tons.
英文關鍵字 Asbestos building materials waste