中文摘要 | 我國為達2050年淨零排放目標,於2021年成立「淨零排放路徑專案工作組」,規劃2030、2040至2050年短中長程的產業及社會政策路徑藍圖,工作組通盤檢視臺灣可能的節能及創新技術布局,以實現2050淨零排放的長期目標。 本計畫為規劃廢棄物處理設施減碳路徑,蒐集一般廢棄物溫室氣體排放量計算引用之國際排放係數,依據我國一般廢棄物清運路線、使用垃圾車規格,訂定溫室氣體排放量計算方法,並遴選一般廢棄物處理設施場址進行基線試算,採用相關方法學,作為未來申請取得減量額度之對照基準。以及收集資料建立清運階段之排放基線;以供訂定收集/清運階段溫室氣體排放減量目標之參據。另外也以 ISO14064-1:2018 為基礎建立焚化廠或相關處理設施溫室氣體組織盤查指引,供作我國一般廢棄物焚化廠之盤查作業參考,並針對指引,以可因應盤查申報及查證作業所需資料內容,提出未來申報系統建置之需求建議;辦理國內焚化廠輔導活動,深入現場瞭解各廠之溫室氣體盤查清冊執行狀況與後續規劃;建立焚化廠溫室氣體排放基線,作為未來申請取得減量額度之對照基準。建置我國本土排放係數,使廢棄物特性與處理過程之碳排符合我國實際情形,提出一般廢棄物清理過程各階段可行之減碳策略。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 氣候變遷、一般廢棄物、淨零排放 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 113 | 計畫經費 | 3940 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2024/01/26 | 專案結束日期 | 2024/10/31 | 專案主持人 | 游勝傑 |
主辦單位 | 環管署一般廢棄物管理組 | 承辦人 | 王舒薇 | 執行單位 | 中原大學 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 環管署成果報告final.pdf | 26MB |
The project for adjusting domestic general waste management strategies in response to climate change
英文摘要 | In 2021, our country established the "Net Zero Emissions Pathway Task Force" to achieve the net zero emissions goal by 2050. The task force is tasked with planning short, medium, and long-term industry and social policy blueprints for 2030, 2040, and 2050. It comprehensively reviews Taiwan's potential layout of energy-saving and innovative technologies, aiming to realize the long-term goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050. This project focuses on planning carbon reduction pathways for waste treatment facilities. The team collected international emission coefficients for greenhouse gases from general waste to calculate emissions. They established emission calculation methods based on Taiwan's general waste collection routes and garbage truck specifications. They selected sites for baseline calculations of general waste treatment facilities, using relevant methodologies as benchmark references for future applications for emission reduction quotas. Data was gathered to establish emission baselines during the collection phase, serving as a basis for setting greenhouse gas emission reduction targets during the collection/clearance phase. Additionally, they based their guidelines for greenhouse gas organization surveys in incinerators or related treatment facilities on ISO 14064-1:2018, to serve as a reference for Taiwan's general waste incinerators' survey operations. They proposed future application system requirements based on survey, declaration, and verification operations needed data content, establishing incinerator greenhouse gas emission baselines as benchmarks for future applications for emission reduction quotas. And conducting domestic incineration plant guidance activities to gain an in-depth understanding of the implementation status and future plans for the greenhouse gas inventory at each plant. They established Taiwan's indigenous emission coefficients to align carbon emissions with waste characteristics and treatment processes, proposing feasible carbon reduction strategies for various stages of the general waste cleaning process. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Climate change、General Waste、Net zero emissions |