

中文摘要 本計畫協助環境部維護及擴充「飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊網」及「飲用水管理資訊系統」,協助環境部推動飲用水保護區土地管理、飲用水水源水質保護及飲用水水質、藥劑、設備等稽查檢驗工作,確保飲用水水質安全。 在「飲用水水源水質保護區地理資訊系統」部分,完成更新113年飲用水保護區內露營場圖資共計6次及提供露營場圖層套疊查詢、清單輸出及統計報表產製功能,新增歷史航照影像圖層套疊功能,並完成飲用水稽查檢驗相關地圖展示與空間查詢功能,提供檢驗點、淨水場及簡易自來水等不同類別水質檢驗點位及檢測數據查詢功能。 在「飲用水管理資訊系統」部分,依照環境部需求完成多項稽查檢驗資料查詢功能優化,新增113年飲用水績效考評功能並完成asp.net程式架構改版,強化水質不合格主動通知功能增加LINE訊息推播,完成淨水場資料清查並新增唯一編碼及坐標欄位,使淨水場基本資料作為本計畫唯一淨水場資料來源、另外完成帳號權限管控功能整合改版、水污染事件線上填報及追蹤提醒功能、歷年飲用水檢驗雙Y軸圖表等功能,並協助成功大學團隊完成108及112年度新興污染物檢測資料上傳。 在辦理系統操作說明會及資訊安全維護管理作業部分,於10月30日辦理業務研習及系統操作說明會,並進行第三方網站弱點掃描工作及系統效能測試作業,確保系統資安及效能符合主辦單位需求。綜觀今年度計畫執行內容,已依據環保單位業務需求優化各項系統功能,降低操作障礙,提升業務執行效率。
中文關鍵字 飲用水水源水質保護區、地理資訊系統、飲用水水質檢驗


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4500 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/23 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 周羚翔
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 黃明輝 執行單位 振興發科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 結案成果報告.pdf 20MB

The Updating and Upgrade Project of Drinking Water Source Management and Protection Area System

英文摘要 The project assists the Ministry of Environment in maintaining and expanding the "Geographic Information System for Drinking Water Source Water Quality Protection Areas" and the "Drinking Water Management Information System." This support helps the Ministry promote land management within drinking water protection zones, safeguard water quality at drinking water sources, and conduct inspections of water quality, chemicals, and equipment, thereby ensuring drinking water safety. For the "Geographic Information System for Drinking Water Source Water Quality Protection Areas," six updates of camping site maps within the drinking water protection zones for 2024 were completed. Additionally, functionalities for overlay query, list output, and statistical report generation for camping site layers were provided. A new overlay feature for historical aerial imagery was added, and mapping and spatial query functions related to drinking water inspections were completed, including access to testing points, water purification plants, and simple tap water facilities, enabling users to query different types of water quality testing points and data. In the "Drinking Water Management Information System" section, various inspection data query functionalities were optimized based on the Ministry's needs. A 2024 performance evaluation function for drinking water was added, and the system's ASP.NET framework was upgraded. Improvements were made to the proactive notification feature for non-compliant water quality, with the addition of LINE message notifications. A data review of water purification plants was conducted, and unique codes and coordinate fields were added to make this database the sole source of water purification plant information for the project. Other updates included integration and revamping of account access control, an online reporting and tracking reminder for water pollution incidents, and double Y-axis charts for historical drinking water tests. The project also supported National Cheng Kung University’s team in uploading emerging pollutant testing data from 2019 and 2023. For system operation-related briefings and information security management, a business training and system operation briefing was held on October 30. Third-party website vulnerability scanning and system performance testing were conducted to ensure the system’s cybersecurity and performance met the contracting agency’s requirements. Overall, the project has enhanced various system functionalities according to environmental protection agency requirements, reducing operational challenges and increasing efficiency in business execution.
英文關鍵字 Drinking Water Source Protection Area, Geographic Information System, Drinking Water Testing