

中文摘要 高雄市政府環境保護局(下稱環保局)為推廣地方環境教育並配合環境部政策,爰訂定本計畫。工作項目涵蓋環境教育輔導推廣活動以及行政配合活動等兩大面向,執行期程自113年3月22日至113 年11月30日。 一、 環境教育輔導及推廣活動 本年度配合環境部目標辦理諸多環境教育推廣活動,落實環境教育持續扎根。於4月22日協助環境教育志工參加113年淨零綠生活種子講師徵選,其中有1位志工入選;另於6月28日至6月28日辦理環境教育志工增能培訓,增加本市環教志工多元能力,共計有30 位志工參與;於 5月10日至7月1日辦理環境教育繪本徵選,共計11件作品報名,從本年度獲獎作品中,挑選第一名繪本-減塑小英雄,邀請作者配音改製成有聲書,並於10月19日、20日參加繪本嘉年華,展示今年獲獎作品;8 月 17 日辦理高雄市環保志(義)工群英會,四個競賽項目共26隊報名,共計374位志工參加,各項目第一名參加全國決賽,本市於今年度決賽獲得環保金頭腦特優、資源分類王特優及清掃接力賽特優;於9月28日辦理高雄市環境知識競賽初賽,共計574人參與,四個組別前五名代表高雄市參加全國決賽,並榮獲國中組第一名、第四名及高中(職)組第四名。 二、 行政配合 配合環境教育法第19條規範,於4月至7月辦理環境教育成效輔導,共輔導70處單位機關,並8月28日辦理環境教育終身學習網系統申報說明會,藉由說明會使轄內機關與學校了解相關環境法令規章,提升高雄市環境教育與環保工作績效,實體及線上參與人數共計165人;9月至10月辦理環境教育志工宣導,共計30場次;行政配合活動有效落實轄內環境教育的推廣。 本年度高雄市環境教育各項全國競賽皆盡力輔導取得優異成績,環境部環境教育考核自評可取得所有對應工項滿分。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、查核輔導、環境教育志工、環境知識競賽、環保志(義)工群英會、繪本徵選


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4140 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/22 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 游雲欽
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃芯榕 執行單位 京拓環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 202412031515350036.pdf 11MB

113 Kaohsiung City Environmental Education Project Plan

英文摘要 Environmental Protection Bureau Kaohsiung City Government (hereinafter referred to as the EPB) has established this plan to promote local environmental education in accordance with the policies of the Environmental Protection Administration. The work items cover two major aspects: environmental education guidance and promotion activities, as well as administrative coordination activities. The execution period is from March 22, 2024, to November 30, 2024. 一、 Environmental Education Guidance and Promotion Activities This year, in line with the goals of the Environmental Protection Administration, numerous environmental education promotion activities have been organized to ensure the continuous foundation of environmental education. On April 22, assistance was provided to environmental education volunteers participating in the selection of seed instructors for the 2024 Net Zero Green Living initiative, with one volunteer being selected. Additionally, from June 28 to June 28, training was conducted for environmental education volunteers to enhance their diverse capabilities, with a total of 30 volunteers participating. From May 10 to July 1, a selection of environmental education picture books was held, with 11 works submitted. Among the award-winning works this year, the first-place picture book "Plastic Reduction Hero" was selected, and the author was invited to voice the audiobook version. This was showcased at the Picture Book Carnival on October 19 and 20, displaying this year's award-winning works. On August 17, the Kaohsiung City Environmental Volunteer Competition was held, with 26 teams participating in four competition categories, totaling 374 volunteers. The first-place winners in each category advanced to the national finals, where Kaohsiung achieved outstanding results, including Excellent in Environmental Golden Brain, Excellent in Resource Classification King, and Excellent in Cleaning Relay Race. On September 28, the preliminary round of the Kaohsiung City Environmental Knowledge Competition was held, with 574 participants; the top five from four groups represented Kaohsiung in the national finals, won first place and fourth place in the junior high school category, and fourth place in the senior high (vocational) school category. 二、 Administrative Coordination In accordance with Article 19 of the Environmental Education Act, from April to July, guidance on the effectiveness of environmental education was conducted, assisting a total of 70 units and agencies. An explanatory meeting for the Environmental Education Lifelong Learning Network System was held on August 28 to help local agencies and schools understand relevant environmental laws and regulations, enhancing the performance of environmental education and environmental protection work in Kaohsiung, with a total of 165 participants both in-person and online. From September to October, 30 sessions of environmental education volunteer advocacy were conducted, effectively implementing the promotion of environmental education in the jurisdiction. This year, Kaohsiung City has made every effort to guide and achieve excellent results in various national environmental education competitions. The self-assessment for the Environmental Protection Administration's environmental education evaluation can achieve full marks in all corresponding work items.
英文關鍵字 Environmental education, Assessment guidance, Environmental Education Volunteer, Environmental Knowledge Competition, Environmental Volunteers Association, Picture book selection