

中文摘要 我國現行再利用運作制度係考量目的事業主管機關相對熟悉所轄事業廢棄物之成份特性,因此「廢棄物清理法」第39條授權由各部會訂定事業廢棄物再利用管理辦法,目前共計有10個部會訂定13個管理辦法,以環境部為例,目前已訂定相關子法,旨在規範以環境部為中央目的事業主管機關之事業,於再利用運作過程應遵循之事項,包括再利用方式、許可申請文件、附表管理方式等。 為因應循環署組織法通過之附帶決議「資源循環署成立後,事業廢棄物再利用應全部回歸由資源循環署統籌管理,各部會應與資源循環署密切合作完成再利用機構許可及運作管理資料盤點交接。」本計畫已調查全國事業廢棄物再利用運作現況、分析各部會事業廢棄物管理作為與相關法令規定,研擬事業廢棄物統籌管理之潛在方案與再利用管理之配套措施,包括建立附表管理方式檢討程序、精進再利用許可審查流程、規劃再利用機構分級管理作為等,藉此提升再利用運作管理強度。
中文關鍵字 事業廢棄物再利用,事業廢棄物再利用管理辦法,銜接作業


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 26000 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/05 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 張哲銘
主辦單位 循環署再利用推動組 承辦人 鍾佳玲 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告(上傳倉貯系統).pdf 15MB 成果報告

Enterprise waste reuse management rights and responsibilities transfer bridging work plan

英文摘要 The current recycling operation system in Taiwan takes into account that the competent authorities of purpose-driven enterprises are relatively familiar with the composition characteristics of the business waste under their jurisdiction. Therefore, Article 39 of the Waste Disposal Act authorizes each ministry to establish regulations on the management of business waste recycling. Currently, a total of 10 ministries have established 13 sets of articles. For example, the Ministry of Environment has already established the "Environmental Protection Administration's Regulations on Business Waste Recycling," aimed at regulating businesses under the Ministry of Environment as central competent authorities, specifying requirements they must follow in the recycling operation process, including methods of recycling, application for permits, attachment management methods, etc. To improve the management of recycling operations and promote resource circulation, when passing the Organizational Act of the Resource Circulation Administration (RECA), the Legislative Yuan also resolved that "after the establishment of RECA, all business waste recycling should be returned to be centrally managed by RECA. Each ministry should closely cooperate with RECA to complete the transfer of permits for recycling facilities and the inventory and handover of operational management data." Therefore, the core value of this project lies in assisting the RECA to complete the drafting or revision of relevant subsidiary laws (Regulations on the Management of Waste Resource Recycling) and supporting systems before the new law takes effect. This ensures smooth transition of recycling operation management back to RECA and enhances operational efficiency.
英文關鍵字 Reuse of Industrial Waste,Regulations Governing Administration of Reuse of Enterprise Waste,Bridging work