

中文摘要 在環境影響評估審查中使用的三項生態評估技術規範(包括:動物、植物、海洋)進行修訂。共歷經四次主要的修訂,包括(1)既有之規範,參考2000多篇國內外文獻,以及環保署、環境部之300多份環評審查會議記錄書件,完成第一版草案;(2)第一次專家學者研商會的會議紀錄,參考期中報告審查會議中委員的建議與民眾投書,完成第二版草案;(3)四場公開對外界說明會議後,依各界之建議,完成第三版草案;(4)第二次專家學者研商會的會議意見,完成第四版草案。在經過歷次的會議和審查後,各界對於這些技術規範修訂已有了解,並取得意見收斂,完成建議草案。 建議環境部可以透過法制程序將這三項生態評估技術規範草案公開並施行,提供各界在進行生態調查或監測作業時,得以遵循。讓環評審查工作得以在較少生態調查缺失而引發爭議下進行,加速審查作業,並減少各界之詬病。 針對生態調查所衍生的資料,本計畫建議環境部可以考慮加入TBIA(臺灣生物多樣性資訊聯盟),讓這些資料和外界共享,亦可獲得其他機構之資料,製作生物分布圖,提出重要參考資訊,如珍貴稀有植物、保育類動物、稀有物種的分布資訊與生物分布熱點,作為環評審查之參考,開發單位得以進行減輕衝擊對策和生態補償之考量,強化生物多樣性的保育。
中文關鍵字 環境影響評估,技術規範,生態評估,動物,植物,海洋


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 1200 千元
專案開始日期 2024/06/18 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 李培芬
主辦單位 環境部環境保護司 承辦人 陳茂銓 執行單位 伊卡自然資訊有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113AA082.pdf 8MB

Revision of the technical guidelines for wildlife, plant and marine ecological assessment

英文摘要 This project revises the three technical specifications for ecological assessment (including wildlife, plant and marine) used by the Ministry of Environment (MOEnv) in the review of environmental impact assessment. It has undergone four major revisions, including (1) the completion of the first draft based on existing regulations, with reference to more than 2,000 domestic literature, and more than 300 environmental impact assessment (EIA) review documents from the Environmental Protection Administration and the MOEnv; (2) Based on the comments and suggestions from the first 14-experts meeting, mid-term report and the contributions from a person, we complete the second draft version; (3) After 4 public briefing meetings, the third version was completed according to the suggestions of the public; and (4) Following the opinions of the second 12-experts meeting, the fourth version was completed. After these meetings and reviews, related people have a full understanding of the relevant technical specifications, and we have obtained the convergence of opinions, and thus finalized the three draft technical guidelines. We recommend that the MOEnv can implement these technical specifications through legal procedures to allow the related sectors can follow in conducting ecological surveys or monitoring operations. This allows the EIA review to be carried out with less controversy caused by the lack of ecological surveys, speed up the review process and reduce criticism from the public. Regarding the data derived from these ecological surveys, we suggests that the MOEnv can consider joining TBIA (Taiwan Biodiversity Information Alliance) to share these data with other agencies, and can also obtain the data from other organizations to produce biological distribution maps, and provide important reference information, such as the distribution information of precious and rare specues, conservation wildlife and biological hotspots, as aids to the EIA review. Based on these information, we expect many project developers can carry out impact mitigation measures and ecological compensation considerations, and strengthen the conservation of biodiversity in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Impact Assessment, Technical Guidelines, Ecological assessment, Wildlife, Plant, Marine