英文摘要 |
Over the past two decades, with Taiwan’s rapid urbanization and globalization, coupled with intensified climate change and frequent international travel, environmental pest issues have drawn increasing attention. The pest territory expansion, the increasing pest invasion, species succession, and the heightened risk of vector-borne diseases pose significant threats to public health and property. The number of pest control businesses has grown from 326 to 1,543, with an annual average of 12,058 tons of environmental pesticides used over the past five years, reflecting the increasing demand for pest management. Against this backdrop, integrating national expertise and resources to provide technological development and emergency response has become an urgent priority. This project evaluates factors such as the number of experts, equipment resources, research capabilities, service performance, talent cultivation, and educational outreach. It identifies National Chung Hsing University as the most suitable institution to establish the “Environmental Pest Control Professional Technology Center,” which will serve as a hub connecting experts nationwide, forming a "national team" for pest research and management. The total construction budget is NT$56.97 million, including laboratory setup and equipment costs, with an annual operating cost of NT$11 million, comprising NT$7.64 million for personnel expenses and NT$3.36 million for operational expenses. Funding sources include government subsidies, research grants, commissioned projects, private technical services, and the commercialization of research outcomes. The center's seven key objectives include pest breeding, technological development, pesticide efficacy testing, resistance management, pest identification, public education, and personnel training. With every NT$1 million in funding, it is estimated that the center can develop 1.15 pest control technologies, complete 553 pest identifications, conduct 41 resistance tests, or develop 2.56 pesticide regulation technologies. Additionally, it aims to train 92.6 certificate program participants, provide education for 571.4 individuals, cultivate 1.2 professional researchers, or reach 1.378 million people through educational campaigns. By providing comprehensive technical support, the center will significantly enhance Taiwan's capacity for pest control, safeguarding public welfare and promoting sustainable national development.