

中文摘要 固體再生燃料(Solid Recovered Fuel, 簡稱SRF)可以減少垃圾掩埋的需求,同時降低化石燃料的使用,進而減少溫室氣體排放。不過由於SRF成分複雜,燃燒過程可能產生有害污染物對環境造成風險,因此本計畫目的是進行SRF使用場域之污染物排放調查及環境風險評估。截至113年11月為止,國內具有SRF/RDF為燃料之固定污染源”設置”或”操作及燃料使用”許可共22家,累計SRF/RDF之許可最大使用量約196萬公噸/年。112年國內生產SRF相關產品申報量約29萬公噸,佔最大許可使用量的15%。 年初已取得及許可正常運轉的16家SRF使用廠家中,國環院計畫去年(112年)已完成5家7場次的污染物排放調查工作,本計畫完成11家12場次的污染物排放調查工作,檢測基質包含排氣、廢棄物(飛灰及底渣)、放流水,檢測污染物包含持久性有機污染物(PCDD/Fs)、多環芳香烴碳氫化合物(PAHs)、重金屬、PSN(粒狀物染物、二氧化硫、氮氧化物)及塑化劑等。同時採集27件替代燃料及原料樣品進行元素、重金屬及塑化劑含量分析,目前環境部「固體再生燃料品質標準」中的Cl、Pb、Cd皆符合標準。排放污染物的檢測調查工作中,有3家SRF使用廠排氣的PCDD/Fs濃度超標,這三家使用的SRF燃料中Cu含量皆較其他廠高,而Cu為PCDD/Fs低溫再合成之觸媒。其中1家因採樣期間處於啟爐不穩定階段導致排放濃度較高。廢棄物樣品中只有1家飛灰PCDD/Fs濃度超標,因其SRF混燒比高(86.2%)且飛灰中Cu含量最高。討論PCDD/Fs的排放因子發現PCDD/Fs排放濃度與SRF或替代燃料中的Cl含量及飛灰中Cu含量成正相關。排放管道PSN(包含粒狀污染物、二氧化硫及氮氧化物)只有1家的SO2超標,其餘皆符合目前排放標準,超標原因是該廠使用含高硫(S)份廢橡膠作為替代燃料,並且採用乾式脫硫方式,除酸效果不佳所致。其他排放管道、廢棄物及放流水樣品的所有檢測項目皆符合現行排放標準。 本計畫針對台中、雲林等地區之SRF使用廠排放源使用AERMOD進行其PCDD/Fs、PAHs及重金屬等污染物之擴散沉降模擬,作為環境風險評估的依據。蒐集及比較歐、美、日環境風險評估模式後,發現其模式皆須使用其內建之參數,且僅可代表歐、美環境特性,而加州多介質模式可帶入臺灣本土環境參數,且利用蒙地卡羅分析降低不確定性,目前Tier 1環境風險推估情形,在不同廠區中,不同介質(土壤、水體、底泥)中不同化學物種(PCDD/Fs、PAHs、重金屬)推估之環境風險的危害商數(RQ值)皆小於1,表示目前無立即執行生態風險評估之需要。
中文關鍵字 環境風險評估、淨零、固體再生燃料


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 8350 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/19 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 杜敬民
主辦單位 國環院氣候變遷研究中心 承辦人 林志鴻 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113 淨零政策之環境風險評估(2-4)-成果報告-定稿(公開版).pdf 20MB

Environmental risk assessment of net zero CO2 emissions (2/4)

英文摘要 Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) can reduce the demand for landfill space while lowering the use of fossil fuels, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, due to the complex composition of SRF, its combustion process may generate harmful pollutants that pose environmental risks. Therefore, the objective of this project is to investigate pollutant emissions from SRF utilization sites and conduct environmental risk assessments. As of November 2024, there are a total of 22 domestic facilities with stationary pollution sources permitted for either the "establishment" or "operation and fuel use" of SRF/RDF as fuel. The total maximum permitted usage of SRF/RDF is approximately 1.96 million metric tons per year. In 2023, the reported production volume of SRF-related products in the country was approximately 290,000 metric tons, accounting for 15% of the maximum permitted usage. Among the 16 SRF-utilizing facilities that had obtained permits and were operating normally earlier this year, this project completed pollutant emission investigations for 5 facilities across 7 sessions last year (2023). This year, investigations for the remaining 11 facilities across 12 sessions were completed. The analysis covered emissions in the flue gases, waste (fly ash and bottom ash), and effluent. Pollutants tested included persistent organic pollutants (PCDD/Fs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, PSN (particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides), and plasticizers. Additionally, 27 samples of alternative fuels and raw materials were collected for analysis of elemental composition, heavy metals, and plasticizer content. All tested items under the Ministry of Environment’s Solid Recovered Fuel Quality Standards (Cl, Pb, and Cd) met the required criteria. During the pollutant emission investigations, three SRF-utilizing facilities were found to have PCDD/Fs concentrations in the flue gases exceeding standards. The SRF fuel used at these facilities exhibited higher Cu content than others, with Cu known to act as a catalyst for the low-temperature re-synthesis of PCDD/Fs. Moreover, one facility recorded higher emissions during the sampling period due to instability in the startup phase. Among waste samples, only one facility exceeded the PCDD/Fs concentration limit in its fly ash. This was attributed to a high co-combustion ratio of SRF (86.2%) and the highest Cu content in the fly ash. An analysis of PCDD/Fs emission factors revealed a positive correlation between PCDD/Fs concentrations and Cl content in SRF or alternative fuels, as well as Cu content in fly ash. For PSN concentrations in the flues (including particulate matter, SO₂, and NOₓ), only one facility recorded SO₂ levels exceeding the standards. This was due to the use of high-sulfur waste rubber as alternative fuel and an inefficient dry desulfurization process. All other pollutions in the flue gases, waste, and effluent samples complied with current emission standards. This project uses AERMOD to simulate the dispersion and deposition of pollutants such as PCDD/Fs, PAHs, and heavy metals from SRF-utilizing facilities in areas like Taichung and Yunlin, serving as the basis for environmental risk assessments. After collecting and comparing environmental risk assessment models from Europe, the U.S., and Japan, this project found that these models all require the use of built-in parameters, which are specific to the environmental characteristics of Europe and the U.S. In contrast, California's multimedia model allows for the incorporation of Taiwan's local environmental parameters and uses Monte Carlo analysis to reduce uncertainty. Currently, based on Tier 1 environmental risk estimation, the hazard quotients (RQ values) for different chemical species (PCDD/Fs, PAHs, heavy metals) in various media (soil, water, sediment) across different facilities are all less than 1. This indicates that there is no immediate need for ecological risk assessment.
英文關鍵字 Environmental risk assessment, Net zero CO2 emission, Solid recovered fuel