

中文摘要 本計畫執行期程自 113 年 1 月 15 日起,主要工作包含:稽查未定檢機車、定檢率提升作業、低污染車輛推動、柴油車與船舶管制作業及辦理各式宣導活動,各項工作量化進度整理如表 I 所示。依據進度規劃,執行各工項管制作法,且統計至 113 年 12 月 15 日,時間進度為 95.6%,計畫各項工作皆已依規劃目標執行完成。 本縣機車到檢率依環境部公告統計至 11 月份為 75.92%,計畫內為了提升機車到檢之措施包括有:定檢明信片寄發、未定檢機車稽查作業、催檢通知寄發以及移動式定檢車檢驗服務等,依據移動式定檢車檢驗服務統計數據來看,113 年度統計至 10 月已完成 6,582 輛,初步對於本縣機車定檢率,已提供 14.07%的定檢率貢獻度,結合本縣三定服務和離島檢測等特色做法,顯見移動式服務對於本縣車主已成為一項重要工作,皆可提升本縣各行政區之機車定檢率,除定檢率目前為近 3 年同期的最高值,本縣機車定檢數亦是近年最高。柴油車輛管制中已完成排煙檢測 401 輛,由本計畫與車主或業者聯繫後,主動到廠站協助進行車輛檢驗作業,其中不透光率測值偏高之車輛以大客車為主。再彙整受測車輛檢驗結果,1-3 期車計完成 62 輛,其中 56 輛符合 4 期車排放標準;4 期車計完成 118 輛,其中 110 輛符合 5 期車排放標準;另配合柴油車油品抽測稽查送驗,現階段尚無油品含硫量超標之情形。在船舶污染管制方面,本年度於目視判煙稽查已執行 107 艘,而油品硫含量抽驗完成 20 艘,兩項作業達成率皆達 100%,目測不透光率目前皆符合 35%以下標準;另查詢彙整本縣旅遊處管理之遊艇船舶登記數為 150 艘,本年度配合執行稽查作業共計 4 次,現階段未查獲非法油品流用情形。宣導活動主要以辦理機車定檢服務、定檢簡訊通知推廣和車輛噪音稽查管制及怠速車輛宣導等。於 4 月份已與澎水職校汽修科師生及台北城市大學師生,前往外垵活動中心辦理車輛保檢合一聯合宣導推廣活動,另於 10 月份已於澎水職校協助車輛環保檢驗和噪音稽查作業等課程說明,並於每月定期進行怠速熄火宣導作業;另針對簡訊推動亦發送 550 份宣導品提供檢驗站向車主推廣,同時於每月執行車隊檢驗服務,亦向業者宣導機車定檢簡訊做法,簡訊收集數已逾 2 千筆。 經統計本年度車輛汰舊後估算其提供之污染削減量,老舊機車計汰除 1,374輛,合計削減 TSP 0.48 公噸,PM10 0.3 公噸,PM2.5 0.22 公噸,NOx 1.36 公噸,THC 5.99 公噸,NMHC 5.55 公噸及 CO 17.34 公噸;1~4 期柴油車計汰舊 9 輛,估算削減量為 TSP:0.5 公噸、PM10:0.42 公噸、PM2.5:0.37 公噸、NOX:6.89公噸、CO:2.37 公噸、THC:0.56 公噸、以及 NMHC:0.56 公噸。
中文關鍵字 機車定檢率、移動式排氣定期檢驗、柴油車管制、船舶管制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 9153000 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/11 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 薛進和
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳正忠 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度澎湖_期末報告書_定稿_Final.pdf 11MB

Penghu County 2024 Mobile Sources Audition and Control Project

英文摘要 The implementation period of this project will start from January 15, 2024. The main tasks include: inspection of unscheduled scooters, improvement of regular inspection rate, promotion of low-pollution vehicles, diesel vehicle and ship control operations, and various publicity activities. The quantitative progress of the work is summarized in Table I. According to the progress plan, various project control methods were implemented, and statistics as of December 15, 2024, period program is 95.6%. The county's scooter inspection rate was 75.92 % as of November according to statistics announced by the Ministry of Environment. According to the statistical data of mobile regular inspection vehicles, 6,582 vehicles have been completed as of Octoer 2024. Preliminarily, for the county’s regular inspection rate of scooters, it has provided a 14.07% contribution to the regular inspection rate. In line with the county’s unique practices, including fixed time and point to do regular inspections and outlying islands inspection, it shows obviously that mobile regular inspections has been an important work to raise regular inspections rate in administrative districts of the county. Not only regular inspections rate is the highest among three years, but the inspections number is also the highest. Under the diesel vehicle controls, 401 vehicles have been completed for smoke emission inspection. After contacting the vehicle owners or operators, the program proactively went to the factory to assist in vehicle inspection operations. Among them, the vehicles with high opacity values were mainly buses. After summarizing the inspection results of the tested vehicles, 62 vehicles were completed of Phases 1 to 3, of which 56 met the emission standards of Phase 4 vehicles; 118 vehicles were completed in Phase 4, of which 110 met the emission standards of Phase 5 vehicles. Besides, in conjunction with diesel vehicle oil sampling inspections, all samples are met standards. And in terms of ship pollution control, statistics show that as of December 2024, visual smoke detection has been carried out on 107 ships, and oil sulfur content sampling inspection has been completed on 20 ships. The achievement rate of both operations reached 100%. The visual opacity rate currently meets the standard of less than 35%. According to another inquiry, the number of registered yachts and ships managed by the county's tourism office is 150. A total of 4 inspections have been carried out this year. At this stage, no illegal use of oil products has been detected. The publicity activities mainly include the handling of regular locomotive inspection services, the promotion of regular inspection SMS notifications, vehicle noise inspection control and idling vehicle publicity, etc. In April, our team went to Waian Activity Center with the teachers and students of the Automotive Repair Department of Pengshui Vocational School and the teachers and students of Taipei City University to handle the joint publicity and promotion activities of vehicle maintenance and inspection. In October, we also assisted the vehicles at Pengshui Vocational School. Course descriptions such as environmental protection inspection and noise inspection operations are provided, and idling stall propaganda operations are carried out regularly every month. In addition, 550 promotional materials were provided to the inspection station for promotion through text messages, and viehcle teams inspection services are also carried out every month. Besides, our team promoted the SMS method of regular motorcycle inspection to the industry, and the number of SMS messages collected has exceeded 2,000. Estimating the pollutant reduction with the number of old viehcles reduction, 1,374 scooters will be phased out, with a total reduction, 0.3 metric tons of PM10, 0.22 metric tons of PM2.5, 1.36 metric tons of NOx, 5.55 metric tons of NMHC and 17.34 metric tons of CO; 9 disel vehicles of phase 1 to 4 were phased out, with a total reduction, 0.42 metric tons of PM10, 0.37 metric tons of PM2.5, 6.89 metric tons of NOX, 2.37 metric tons of CO, and 0.56 metric tons of NMHC.
英文關鍵字 Motorbike pollutorl cintrol, diesel vehicle pollution control,vessel pollution control