

中文摘要 本計畫執行期間自113年1月17日起至113年11月20日止,執行期程為11個月,依據契約文件及招標規範等相關規定,除需執行計畫管理、執行人力與物力支援外,本團隊執行本計畫各項工作項目,使其達到環保局各項指標效益,將本計畫分為主要三個部分,其一為「政策落實」,藉由環境教育政策及措施之執行推動,強化各機關橫向聯繫及合作,落實政府機關(構)、各級學校、企業及團體等執行環境教育;其二為「行銷推廣」措施,透過環境教育相關活動(如環境教育繪本徵選推廣、環境知識競賽、志(義)工群英會、環境季及其他環境教育相關活動等)、環境教育志工招聘運用及環境教育行銷推廣之執行,整合運用既有環境教育資源,串聯公私部門及民眾之能量,增加環境教育推廣之效益;其三為「輔導改善」措施,藉由輔導環境教育場所(域)、國家環境教育獎及臺美生態學校等,強化並改善環境教育執行措施與場域,各項工作規劃本工作團隊將依據前述章節之工作項目與內容並配合環保局之要求辦理,第四季工作成果如後所述。
中文關鍵字 環境教育、環境教育活動、環境教育繪本徵選推廣、環境知識競賽、志(義)工群英會、環境季、環境教育場所(域)、國家環境教育獎、臺美生態學校


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 8732.6 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/17 專案結束日期 2024/11/20 專案主持人 許佳穎
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 何冠勳 執行單位 迎展環境股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年第四季工作報告-1122-V1.pdf 24MB

The 113th Year Changhua County Environmental Education Project Plan

英文摘要 The implementation period for this project is from January 17, 2024 (Year 113 in the ROC calendar) to November 20, 2024, spanning 11 months. Based on the contract documents and bidding specifications, in addition to project management and the provision of human and material resources, our team will carry out various tasks under this project to achieve the Environmental Protection Bureau’s targeted outcomes. The project is divided into three main components: Policy Implementation Through the execution and promotion of environmental education policies and measures, this component aims to strengthen horizontal communication and collaboration among various agencies. It ensures the implementation of environmental education across government agencies, schools at all levels, enterprises, and organizations. Marketing and Promotion This component involves environmental education activities (such as picture book competitions, environmental knowledge contests, volunteer gatherings, environmental-themed festivals, and other related activities), recruitment and utilization of environmental education volunteers, and marketing and promotional initiatives. By integrating existing environmental education resources and uniting the capabilities of both public and private sectors as well as the public, this component seeks to enhance the effectiveness of environmental education promotion. Guidance and Improvement Through the guidance of environmental education venues and programs, such as the National Environmental Education Award and the Taiwan-U.S. Eco-School initiative, this component strengthens and improves environmental education practices and facilities. The work plan will be carried out by our team in accordance with the project’s outlined tasks and the Environmental Protection Bureau’s requirements. The results for the fourth quarter are detailed as follows.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Education, Environmental Education Activities, Promotion of Environmental Education Picture Book Selection, Environmental Knowledge Competition, Volunteer Heroes Gathering, Environmental Festival, Environmental Education Venues, National Environmental Education Award, Taiwan-U.S. Eco-School Initiative