

中文摘要 生活污水污染源改善方針主要為公共污水下水道建設,然而在高接管率地區仍有生活雜排水未納入下水道或攤商前巷污水排入道路側溝等晴天污水排入河川水體的問題。本計畫蒐集資料並至現場調查確認後,從法制面切入,協助環境部以跨部會合作方式,依不同區域之權責機關因地制宜設置合適的污水處理設施,分工解決生活污水問題。另協助環境部更新家戶水污費徵收推動參考指引,作為地方政府推動政策之參考資料,並召開說明會督促地方政府將家戶水污費法制化,盡速開徵家戶水污費,促進下水道公告使用區域內污水接管率。 為改善社區及建築物污水處理效能及改善委託操作消費糾紛,本計畫協助擬訂社區污水處理設施受託操作服務定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項草案、辦理社區專用下水道操作管理訓練課程、建築物污水處理操作清理訓練課程、更新操作管理及操作清理手冊等工作;另協辦預鑄式建築物污水處理設施審定登記案件審查、訂定由地方辦理之生活污水污染削減計畫及綜整執行成果。
中文關鍵字 生活污水、水污染防治費、預鑄式建築物污水處理設施


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 8356.114 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/27 專案結束日期 2024/11/20 專案主持人 張嘉真
主辦單位 環境部水質保護司 承辦人 廖英圻 執行單位 財團法人中興工程顧問社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年污水管理策略及水污費徵收制度評析計畫(公開版)附錄全.pdf 9MB 113年污水管理策略及水污費徵收制度評析計畫(公開版)附錄全

Evaluation of the Management Strategy for the Domestic Wastewater and Levy of Water Pollution Control Fee in 2024

英文摘要 The primary strategy for addressing domestic sewage pollution is the construction of public sewage systems. However, in areas with high sewage connection rates, challenges remain, such as miscellaneous domestic wastewater not being directed into the sewage system or vendor wastewater being discharged into roadside ditches, leading to the discharge of untreated sewage into rivers through storm sewer even during dry weather. In non-urban planning areas, the absence of sewage construction planning necessitates reliance on building-based wastewater treatment facilities or the establishment of dedicated sewage systems and demonstrative community wastewater treatment facilities to manage domestic sewage. To improve the efficiency of wastewater treatment for communities and buildings and to address consumer disputes related to outsourced operations, this project assists in drafting a standardized contract template that specifies mandatory and prohibited clauses for outsourced operation services of community wastewater treatment facilities. It also organizes training courses on the operation and management of community-specific sewage systems and on cleaning and operating building wastewater treatment facilities. Additionally, the project updates operation and cleaning manuals, assists in the review and approval of cases involving prefabricated building wastewater treatment facility registration, formulates locally implemented domestic wastewater pollution reduction plans, and consolidates execution results.
英文關鍵字 Domestic sewage, Water pollution control fee, Prefabricated building sewage treatment facilities