

中文摘要 我國面對全球氣候變遷議題,於民國104年公布施行「溫室氣體減量及管理法」,奠定我國氣候法治基礎,並促進國人因應氣候變遷認知及日常生活中減少溫室氣體排放,而在近年國際產業供應鏈對減碳要求持續增加,各國在巴黎協定架構下,紛紛檢討因應氣候變遷作為,積極開展減緩、調適、技術、資金、能力建構、透明度等工作,並接續提出西元2050年達成溫室氣體淨零排放目標。 我國亦因應永續發展需求並與國際接軌,遂修正「溫室氣體減量及管理法」,要點包含納入民國139年淨零排放目標、提升氣候治理層級、導入國際碳定價經驗建立碳費機制,發展減量技術、產業及經濟誘因制度等,並將名稱修正為「氣候變遷因應法」。 為喚起全民共同參與因應氣候變遷減緩、調適,並進行節能減碳低碳生活等,本計畫配合環境部推動政策,針對市內進行氣候變遷減緩、調適議題之相關規劃、宣導與推動,並進行溫室氣體盤查相關作業,以逐步邁向永續城市之都。 截至113年12月5日,透過資料彙整盤點、氣候資料分析、機關溝通聯繫、辦理因應氣候變遷相關教育培訓、以及召開本市永續發展及氣候變遷因應會及其工作小組會議等方式,完成本市第二期溫室氣體減量執行方案成果報告且於環境部指定平台公開,並以市府各機關人員與主管為對象辦理氣候變遷教育訓練,透過氣候變遷科學現況與衝擊、氣候變遷風險評估與調適管理、地方氣候變遷調適能力建構與策略訂定、地方政府淨零路徑訂定與推動等議題,由淺入深引導機關人員探討氣候變遷對其相關業務的潛在影響,提升本市機關對氣候變遷相關事務之認知及能力建構,打下擬定本市氣候變遷調適執行方案及2050淨零排放白皮書基礎。 氣候變遷調適執行方案已提送環境部核定,內容包含「推動組織與調適架構」、「自然與社會經濟特性背景」、「氣候變遷衝擊與影響」、「關鍵調適領域界定」等項目,並擬定維生基礎設施、水資源、土地利用、能源供給及產業、海岸及海洋、農業與生物多樣性、健康,以及能力建構各領域調適目標、策略等,共116項調適工作項目以邁向韌性城市。 2050淨零排放白皮書已完成初稿,並於113年 9月27日送推動會檢視,而後依委員意見據以修正,以及設計美編,並於12月完成白皮書製作。新竹市2050淨零排放規劃,包含各部門擬具積極的減量措施,能源部門逐步提升再生能源裝置容量(包含風、光、水、生質能,以及新興乾淨能源等);製造部門輔導工商業設備電氣化,階段性使燃煤、燃油鍋爐退場、製程改善,以及輔導產業開發、導入、應用碳捕捉與儲存技術。 住商部門透過設備電氣化、能源管理、導入建築能效制度,以及推廣綠建築等達淨零轉型;運輸部門擴大綠運輸使用、建構友善綠運輸使用環境及導入電動車輛為主軸;環境部門則致力推行源頭減量、零廢棄與循環經濟城市;最後農漁部門推動森林經營與管理、海草床復育等增加自然碳匯,以及減少農漁設備燃料使用。 為掌握轄內溫室氣體排放狀況本計畫於11月間執行列管排放源之溫室氣體排放量現場查核作業,此外,10月依據環境部「縣市層級溫室氣體排放量盤查作業指引」進行112年溫室氣體排放量盤查推估作業,並建立本市溫室氣體盤查排放清單,分析本市歷年溫室氣體排放量趨勢及變化消長原因撰寫「縣市層級溫室氣體盤查報告書」。截至113年12月5日計畫總體履達100%,如質符合計畫要求。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、溫室氣體、氣候變遷因應法、節能減碳、低碳生活


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 6240 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 林暐舜
主辦單位 新竹市環境保護局 承辦人 曾香婷 執行單位 富聯工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度新竹市氣候變遷減緩及調適工作推動計畫-期末報告定稿本.pdf 17MB

2024 Hsinchu City Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Promotion Plan

英文摘要 In order to arouse the participation of all citizens in responding to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to implement energy conservation, carbon reduction and low-carbon living, Hsinchu City cooperates with the Ministry of Environment to promote policies, carry out relevant planning, publicity and promotion of climate change mitigation and adaptation issues, and conduct greenhouse gas Review relevant operations to gradually move towards a sustainable urban capital. By December 5, 2024, the city will have implemented the following measures: data collection and inventory, climate data analysis, communication with government agencies, education and training on climate change, and convening the city's Sustainable Development and Climate Change Response Council and its working group meetings. , completed the second phase of the city's greenhouse gas reduction implementation plan results report and made it public on the platform designated by the Ministry of Environment, and carried out climate change education and training for city government officials and supervisors, through the scientific status and impact of climate change, The topics include climate change risk assessment and adaptation management, local climate change adaptation capacity building and strategy formulation, local government net zero path formulation and promotion, etc., guiding agency personnel to explore the potential impact of climate change on their related businesses from the basics to the in-depth, and improving their The city’s awareness and capacity building on climate change-related issues lays the foundation for the formulation of the city’s climate change adaptation implementation plan and the 2050 Net Zero Emissions White Paper. The implementation plan for climate change adaptation has been submitted to the Ministry of Environment for approval. It includes items such as "promoting organization and adaptation framework", "natural and socio-economic characteristics background", "climate change impact and influence", and "definition of key adaptation areas". Adaptation targets and strategies in various areas, including infrastructure for livelihoods, water resources, land use, energy supply and industry, coasts and oceans, agriculture and biodiversity, health, and capacity building, with a total of 116 adaptation work items to move towards resilient cities . The first draft of the 2050 Net Zero Emissions White Paper has been completed and sent to the Promotion Committee for review on September 27, 2024. It was then revised and designed based on the opinions of the committee members, and the production of the white paper was completed in December. Hsinchu City's 2050 Net Zero Emissions Plan includes active emission reduction measures proposed by various departments. The energy department will gradually increase the capacity of renewable energy devices (including wind, solar, water, biomass energy, and emerging clean energy); the manufacturing department will provide guidance to industry and commerce. Electrification of equipment, phased withdrawal of coal-fired and oil-fired boilers, process improvement, and guidance for the industry to develop, introduce, and apply carbon capture and storage technology. The housing and commercial sectors will achieve net zero transformation through equipment electrification, energy management, introduction of building energy efficiency systems, and promotion of green buildings; the transportation sector will focus on expanding the use of green transportation, building a friendly green transportation environment, and introducing electric vehicles; the environment sector will focus on promoting Source reduction, zero waste and circular economy cities; finally, the agricultural and fishery departments promote forest management and seagrass bed restoration to increase natural carbon sinks and reduce fuel use in agricultural and fishery equipment. In order to understand the greenhouse gas emissions in the jurisdiction, this plan will carry out on-site verification of greenhouse gas emissions from listed emission sources in November. In addition, in October, the Ministry of Environment will conduct a 2023 The city will conduct an inventory and estimate of greenhouse gas emissions in 2018, establish a greenhouse gas emission inventory for the city, analyze the trends of greenhouse gas emissions over the years and the reasons for changes, and write a "County and City Level Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report". As of December 5, 2024, the overall plan will be 100% fulfilled, and the quality will meet the plan requirements.
英文關鍵字 Climate change, greenhouse gases, energy conservation and carbon reduction, low-carbon living