

中文摘要 本計畫是為持續增加臺中市低碳永續措施量能,辦理里層級訪查輔導工作、推廣參與低碳永續家園運作機制、追蹤過去取得補助之里執行現況,並持續辦理永續行動項目之建置補助,推動因地制宜的低碳行動,提高行政區、里之認證評等等級。此外,亦將辦理因應氣候變遷之工作坊,提升區里民眾對於氣候行動的認知,搭配本計畫輔導補助量能,加速更多行政區里達成評等認證資格,為臺中市建構完整的低碳永續家園藍圖。計畫執行期程自113年03月15日起至113年11月30日止,本期末報告書內容為執行至113年11月29日之成果。如下所列:(1)完成中部生活圈交流會議1場次;(2)完成行政區或里(社區)申請低碳永續家園銅級以上認證20處;(3)完成本市「行政區」、「里」已獲得「低碳永續家園認證評等」之銅級認證單位現地查核作業10處;(4)完成里輔導、訪查14處;(5)完成111年度受補助單位之成果維護管理及追蹤查核作業4處;(6)完成低碳永續行動項目建置示範計畫4處;(7)完成氣候變遷減緩、調適及能源教育培力工作坊6場次;(8)完成推廣綠能屋頂說明會2場次;(9)完成推廣綠能屋頂輔導作業31處;(10)完成推廣綠能屋頂追蹤及媒合作業7處;(11)完成推廣綠能屋頂執行低碳永續行動項目示範計畫2處;(12)完成技術交流、跨局處協調等相關會議2場次。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園、評等認證推動、社區輔導、氣候變遷、綠能屋頂


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3900 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/15 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 林庚諭
主辦單位 臺中市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳佩玉 執行單位 鉅舵顧問有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度臺中市推動低碳永續家園執行計畫_期末報告(定稿)_.v1.1.pdf 32MB

Taichung city 2024 project on promote construction of low carbon and sustainable homeland operation system

英文摘要 This project includes a series of measures to facilitate Taichung City’s low-carbon development, e.g. counseling at the village level, promoting participation in mechanism of low-carbon sustainable homeland, tracking the maintenance situation that have received subsidies in the past, subsidizing construction of low-carbon actions, promoting low-carbon actions according to local conditions, enhancing rating certification level of districts and villages. Furthermore, workshops on addressing climate change will also be held to enhance the awareness of the people.Through guidance and subsidies can enhance more districts and villages to get qualification of rating certification, and construct low-carbon sustainable homeland of Taichung City.The execution period of the project is from March 15, 2024 to November 30, 2024. The major achievements contained in this report were executed from March 15, 2024 to November 29, 2024. The major achievements in this phase are reported as follow: (1)Completed 1 workshop for central region exchange meeting.(2)Completed the application for Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Bronze or higher certification for 20 administrative districts or communities.(3)Completed on-site verification for 10 units that have obtained the Bronze certification for Low Carbon Sustainable Homeland Evaluation.(4)Completed guidance and visits for 14 communities.(5)Completed maintenance management and follow-up verification operations for 4 units subsidized in 2022.(6)Completed the construction of 4 demonstration projects for low-carbon sustainable action items.(7)Held 6 workshops on climate change mitigation, adaptation, and energy education empowerment.(8)Held 2 promotional meeting for green energy roofs.(9)Completed guidance operations for 31 green energy roof promotions.(10)Completed follow-up and coordination operations for 7 green energy roof promotion.(11)Completed the construction of 2 demonstration projects for the execution of low-carbon sustainable action items for green energy roofs.(12)Held 2 meeting for technical exchanges and cross-departmental coordination.
英文關鍵字 Low carbon sustainable community, Rating certification, Community counseling, Climate change, Roof PV Systems