中文摘要 | 因應國際淨零排放趨勢及全球氣候變遷,為全面負起環境治理的責任,打造更堅韌的永續臺灣,行政院環境保護署在2023年8月升格改制為「環境部」,同時成立「資源循環署」專責整體資源循環政策及管理,並以「資源循環零廢棄」為核心理念,訂定「3大循環策略」及「2大驅動支柱」為施政主軸,期達成零廢棄及淨零排放的雙零願景。 為了支持循環署掌握整體資源循環政策及管理,本年度計畫有三大重點,首先,研析國際上資源循環政策及公正轉型推動措施,並盤點國內公正轉型相關的工作,設計檢核表單彙整署內推動成果,以及定期追蹤與檢討「資源循環零廢棄」戰略、與跨部會促委會及分工小組執行狀況。第二,參考國際上循環經濟相關指標,規劃我國資源循環指標監測架構,並配合永續發展目標期程,計算我國金屬物質足跡,最後將針對資源循環分析系統進行全面的改版,設計資源循環情報展示相關指標的進度,並開發總體物質流布圖,以利使用者能快速的了解我國的現況,並透過互動式功能,使用者能更深入分析特定項目,資源循環分析系統未來將作為「資源循環雲」的雛型。本計畫也將精進2023年開發的減碳效益試算工具,將持續擴增碳係數數量並加強再生料係數收集,鼓勵業者在產品或工程材料上思考綠色設計原則,並導入不同情境的計算功能,以強化此工具的實用性。 本計畫亦配合循環署推動資源循環零廢棄戰略,優化資源循環署全球資訊網,進行資源循環政策宣導、物質流相關資訊之公開,達成與各界溝通之目的。透過網站公開、政策年報及專諮會與研討會議溝通管道,持續與專家學者進行交流討論,以促使未來朝向淨零的目標前進。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 資源循環、減碳分析、物質流指標 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 113 | 計畫經費 | 13600 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2024/01/26 | 專案結束日期 | 2025/12/05 | 專案主持人 | 呂巧玲 |
主辦單位 | 循環署綜合規劃組 | 承辦人 | 張久大 | 執行單位 | 財團法人工業技術研究院 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 成果報告.pdf | 20MB |
The Project of Resource Circulation Indicators, Material Flow, and Environmental Benefit Analysis
英文摘要 | In response to global net-zero emissions trends and climate change, and to take comprehensive responsibility for environmental governance, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) was restructured as the Ministry of Environment in August 2023. This transition established the Department of Resource Circulation, which is dedicated to advancing resource circulation policy and management with the core concept of " Resource Recycling and Zero Waste." The Department has set "Three Strategies" and "Two Key Pillars" as the central focus to achieve a vision of zero waste and net-zero emissions. To support the Department's oversight of resource circulation policy and management, this year's project emphasizes three main areas. First, it analyzes international resource circulation policies and just transition measures, assesses domestic efforts related to just transition, and designs checklists to compile progress within the Department. It also conducts regular reviews and assessments of the " Resource Recycling and Zero Waste " strategy, alongside cross-ministerial committees and task force actions. Second, drawing from international circular economy indicators, it outlines a framework for monitoring resource circulation indicators in Taiwan and calculates the country's metal material footprint in line with sustainable development goals. Finally, the project entails a comprehensive upgrade of the Resource Circulation Analysis System to enhance the display of key indicators and develop a macro-level material flow map, allowing users to quickly understand the national status. With interactive features, users can dive deeper into specific topics, setting the stage for the future “Resource Circulation Cloud.” The project will also enhance the carbon reduction estimation tool developed in 2023 by expanding the database of carbon coefficients and focusing on the collection of recycled material coefficients. It aims to encourage businesses to incorporate green design principles in products or construction materials and introduces multi-scenario calculations to increase the practicality. Additionally, the project supports the Department’s “Resource Recycling and Zero Waste” strategy by optimizing the Department’s global information website. This will help promote resource circulation policies, ensure transparency of material flow data, and facilitate communication with stakeholders. Through public reports, annual policy reports, and expert consultations, the project will continue to engage with academics and professionals, driving the nation closer toward a net-zero goal. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Resource circulation, Carbon reduction analysis, Material flow indicators |