

中文摘要 113年度契約各工作項目期末成果摘要如下。 1. 已完成南竿鄉清水段0338-0000地號農地土壤同步農作物採樣,結果作物柳丁低於食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準-其他未列之蔬菜及水果類,土壤XRF篩測低於食用作物農地之土壤污染監測標準。 2. 高污染潛勢場域土壤調查完成3處非法棄置場址及19處撥交營區現勘。 3. 監測井巡查完成上下半年共32口次巡查及第一季與第四季共32口次巡視;依巡查結果完成東引東湧運動場(Z00010)及西莒消防局(Z00086)等2口次外觀維護;內部維護則完成監測井東引東湧運動場(Z000010)、復興油庫2號井(Z00075)、仁愛村電池山2號井(Z00077)及西莒消防局(Z00086)等4口次井況評估,其中針對復興油庫2號井(Z00075)、仁愛村電池山2號井(Z00077)及西莒消防局(Z00086)等3口辦理再次完井及異物排除;另對東引東湧運動場(Z000010)、復興油庫2號井(Z00075)及東引中柱加油站(Z00092)執行異物排除。 4. 地下水水質定期監測已完成復興油庫2號井(Z00075),其總有機碳超過第二類地下水污染監測標準,其餘數值皆低於標準。 5. 公告事業管理已完成梅石加油站採樣,土壤VOCs及TPH結果低於土壤污染管制標準。 6. 地下儲槽測漏管測試及油氣檢測已完成東引中柱加油站,結果顯示未超過警戒值。 7. 貯存系統管理已完成本縣地下儲槽系統12處及地上儲槽系統18處現場查核作業。 8. 農地定常性預防監測作業已完成每鄉調查1農地,採樣土壤及灌溉用水,結果顯示重金屬濃度皆低於食用作物農地之土壤監測標準。 9. 事業預防管理作業已辦理B群自主管理群之自主預防管理說明會1場次,並現場勘查B群自主管理群3處,現場檢視C群2處。 10. 今年度本縣污染場址共4處場址,本計畫每2個月巡查一次,共巡查24處次。另為了持續追蹤各場址改善進度,本計畫每季辦理1次場址聯繫會議,共辦理4場次。另驗證田沃西營區場址,結果低於土壤污染管制標準,依土污法解除列管。 11. 底泥品質管理已完成4處水庫現勘作業及採樣,結果4處水庫鋅與鉛、津沙水庫入水口與鐵堡集水池出水口砷、銅及津沙一號壩出水口銅皆高於底泥品質指標下限值底泥,分析津沙水庫入水口與鐵堡集水池出水口果顯示鉛高於底泥品質指標上限值,鋅、銅及鎘高於底泥品質指標下限值低於底泥品質指標上現值;水質重金屬濃度皆低於自來水水源水質標準與地面水體分類及水質標準;可能污染來源之四周土壤重金屬濃度皆低於土壤污染監測標準。 12. 宣導說明會辦理06月份辦理1場次種子教師培訓及2場次貯存系統法規宣導說明會,11月份辦理2場次土地善良管理人宣導說明會。 13. 今年度共1件民眾陳情及緊急案件,為09月底台電南竿電廠廢水漫流至勝利水庫舊壩,並於1周內完成改善,計畫於11月調查底泥及土壤,土壤TPH低於土壤污染管制標準,底泥測得濃度為11,000 mg/kg。 14. 其他議約事項工作已完成后沃水庫周邊2口監測井地下水水質第一季至第四季監測、監測井已增加第一季及第四季巡視共32口次、製作廢棄物棄置污染土水相關宣導摺頁及辦理土水業務交流會1場次。
中文關鍵字 土壤、地下水、連江縣、場址、梅石加油站、勝利水庫舊壩


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 3440 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/20 專案主持人 何佩紋
主辦單位 連江縣環境資源局 承辦人 張偉晨 執行單位 上準環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年連江土水計畫(內文合併).pdf 24MB

The Survey of Soil and Groundwater Contamination in Lienchiang County in 2024

英文摘要 The plan has been executed from January 1th 2024 to December 20th 2024, and the results of implementation are summarized as follows, which involves: 1) Completed Nangan village Qing Shui section 0338-0000 sampling, Cooperated with department of Industrial Development have had sampling soil. The result of orange showed lower than standard. The result of soil lower than soil pollution monitoring standards. 2) Completed 19 sites investigation and no concerns about pollution. 3) Completed 32 times inspection and 32 times examination. Completed 2 times appearance maintenance, including Z00010 and Z00086, and 4 times well condition assessment of well number Z00010, Z00075, Z00077, and Z00086, and 3 times re-completion(Z00075, Z00077, Z00086) and 6 times foreign matter removal(Z00075, Z00077, Z00086, Z00010, Z00075, Z00092) 4) Monitoring Z00075, the result of TOC was higher than groundwater pollution monitoring standards, others were lower than standard. 5) Completed Mei Shi gas station investigation. The result showed VOCs and TPH all were lower than standard. 6) The project has completed detection gas in leak detection tube of Dong Yin Jhong Jhu gas station, the PID/FID result showed all were lower than warning value. 7) Completed 12 places of underground storage system and 18 places of above ground storage system investigation, all were conformed to law. 8) Completed 1 country 1 place investigation, sampling irrigation water and soil of farm,. The result showed all of them were lower than standard. 9) Completed 1 time information session and 3 place examining of team B, and 2 place examining of team C. 10) Completed 4 sites patrol with 1 time each two month, total were 24 times. And conducted site communicate meeting each season 1 time, total were 4 times. And verified Tian Wo west military camp, the result showed lower than soil pollution control standards. According to Soil and Groundwater Pollution Remediation Act, it can remove from list. 11) The sediment quality management has completed field inspections and sampling at 4 reservoirs. The results show that Zn and Pb levels in all four reservoirs, as well as As and Cu at intake of Jinsha Reservoir and outlet of Tiebao Reservoir, and Cu at outlet of Jinsha No. 1 Dam, all exceed the lower limits of sediment quality indicators. Further analysis indicates that Pb levels at the intake of Jinsha Reservoir and the outlet of Tiebao Reservoir exceed the upper limits of indicators, while Zn, Cu, and Cd levels exceed the lower limits but remain below the upper limit. Furthermore, the concentrations of heavy metals in the water are all below the drinking water source quality standards and the surface water classification and quality standards. The concentrations of heavy metals in the surrounding soil, which could be potential sources of pollution, are all below the soil pollution monitoring standards. 12) Completed 1 session of seed teacher training and 2 sessions of storage system regulations promotional briefings in June, and 2 sessions of land stewardship promotional briefings in November. 13) This year, there was 1 public petition and emergency case. The case involved the wastewater overflow from Taipower's Nangan Power Plant into the old dam of Shengli Reservoir at the end of September, which was resolved within one week. The plan completed the sediment and soil nvestigation in November. The soil TPH was found to be below the soil pollution control standards, while the sediment concentration was measured at 11,000 mg/kg. 14) Negotiation matters - The groundwater sampling and analysis for the first to fourth seasons of the two monitoring wells around Houwo Reservoir has been completed. Add the first and fourth quarters total 32 monitoring well inspections. A promotional brochure on waste disposal, pollution of soil, and water related to waste management has been created. A soil and groundwater business exchange meeting was held with 1 session.
英文關鍵字 soil, groundwater, LienChiang, Site, Mei Shi gas station, the old dam of Shengli Reservoir