英文摘要 |
The impact of climate change on Taiwan has led to a series of changes, including extreme weather events, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, and heatwaves, with profound effects on society, the economy, and the environment. Therefore, systematically formulating adaptation action plans based on scientific evidence has become extremely important. This project first collects and analyzes international knowledge, tools, technologies, and application services related to climate adaptation to understand global development trends. Then, it establishes a framework for a climate resilience adaptation strategy simulation system to ensure consistency and operability in formulating cross-sector adaptation strategies. This system is expected to serve as the framework for future digital twin technologies. At this stage, it focuses on developing a meta-model framework for strategy formulation, linking computational models, and designing an interactive user interface to provide a better user experience. The meta-model for strategy formulation is mainly used to assess the interrelationships and priorities of cross-sector systemic climate risks and their adaptation options. The computational models integrate assessment models from various fields and leverage the high-performance computing capabilities of climate models to plan suitable adaptation pathways to cope with increasingly complex climate risks.
In addition, the standardization of climate-related physical risk assessments and adaptation planning processes is also a key focus of this project. This standardization effort is aimed at different decision-making levels, including central and local governments and industry sectors, providing customized frameworks for risk assessment and adaptation governance recommendations. This helps decision-makers more clearly identify physical risk gaps and supports them in further managing risks and formulating adaptation strategies. Ultimately, this project will assist the National Institute of Environmental Research in planning a National Climate Change Smart Service Platform, which aims to integrate domestic climate change adaptation-related data, information, knowledge, intelligence, technologies, tools, and guidelines. This platform will offer comprehensive reference and application support for decision-makers at all levels when conducting physical risk assessments and developing adaptation strategies.