

中文摘要 氣候變遷對臺灣帶來極端氣候事件、海平面上升、乾旱、洪水及熱浪等一系列變化,對社會、經濟與環境產生了深遠的影響,因此系統化地基於科學制定調適行動方案變得極為重要。本計畫首先透過蒐集與分析國際上有關氣候調適的知識、工具、技術及應用服務,以了解全球發展趨勢;接著建立氣候韌性調適策略模擬系統的框架,以保持擬定跨領域調適策略的一致性及可操作性。該系統希望可以做為未來數位孿生技術的架構,現階段發展策略擬定詮釋模式(meta model)的架構,串接運算模式,並設計互動式操作介面,提供使用者較好的操作體驗。策略擬定詮釋模式主要用於評估跨領域系統性氣候風險及其調適選項的相互關係與優先順序;運算模式則整合各領域的評估模型及氣候模式的高效運算能力,從而規劃適合的調適路徑,以應對日益複雜的氣候風險。 此外,標準化氣候實體風險評估與調適擬定流程同為本計畫的執行重點,此標準化工作針對中央政府、地方政府、產業部門等不同決策層次的需求,制定客製化風險評估與調適治理框架建議,從而幫助決策者更清晰地識別實體風險缺口,並輔助其進一步進行風險管理與調適策略的制定。最終,本計畫協助國家環境研究院規劃國家氣候變遷智能服務平台,以期整合國內氣候變遷調適相關的數據、資訊、知識、智慧、技術、工具及指引等,為各層級決策者在進行實體風險評估與調適策略制定時貢獻全面的參考與應用支持。
中文關鍵字 氣候變遷、實體風險、韌性調適


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4390 千元
專案開始日期 2024/02/27 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 童慶斌
主辦單位 國環院氣候變遷研究中心 承辦人 林婉琪 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年氣候變遷氣候韌性調適能力建構之應用成果報告.pdf 16MB

Application Plan for Building Climate Resilient Adaptation Capacity for Climate Change

英文摘要 The impact of climate change on Taiwan has led to a series of changes, including extreme weather events, rising sea levels, droughts, floods, and heatwaves, with profound effects on society, the economy, and the environment. Therefore, systematically formulating adaptation action plans based on scientific evidence has become extremely important. This project first collects and analyzes international knowledge, tools, technologies, and application services related to climate adaptation to understand global development trends. Then, it establishes a framework for a climate resilience adaptation strategy simulation system to ensure consistency and operability in formulating cross-sector adaptation strategies. This system is expected to serve as the framework for future digital twin technologies. At this stage, it focuses on developing a meta-model framework for strategy formulation, linking computational models, and designing an interactive user interface to provide a better user experience. The meta-model for strategy formulation is mainly used to assess the interrelationships and priorities of cross-sector systemic climate risks and their adaptation options. The computational models integrate assessment models from various fields and leverage the high-performance computing capabilities of climate models to plan suitable adaptation pathways to cope with increasingly complex climate risks. In addition, the standardization of climate-related physical risk assessments and adaptation planning processes is also a key focus of this project. This standardization effort is aimed at different decision-making levels, including central and local governments and industry sectors, providing customized frameworks for risk assessment and adaptation governance recommendations. This helps decision-makers more clearly identify physical risk gaps and supports them in further managing risks and formulating adaptation strategies. Ultimately, this project will assist the National Institute of Environmental Research in planning a National Climate Change Smart Service Platform, which aims to integrate domestic climate change adaptation-related data, information, knowledge, intelligence, technologies, tools, and guidelines. This platform will offer comprehensive reference and application support for decision-makers at all levels when conducting physical risk assessments and developing adaptation strategies.
英文關鍵字 Climate Change, Physical Risks, Resilient Adaptation