

中文摘要 因應污染源製程日趨複雜及考量空、水、廢、毒化物等製程具有密切關聯性,環境部推動環保許可整合政策,規劃透過成立單一窗口、執行諮詢會審機制及繪製全廠污染流向圖,使許可審查一致化。本計畫為協助環境部推動各項環保許可整合政策,並蒐集執行經驗和業者意見,反饋於環保署,提供未來許可整合制度之檢討與精進。 自110年度開始試辦,針對國營及大型企業優先實施,以減緩未來政策正式上路所帶來之衝擊影響。本計畫統合高雄市政府環境保護局、經濟部科技產業園區及南部科學園區之環保許可審核單位,成立高雄市環保許可整合單一窗口,掌握高雄市轄內環保許可案件,針對優先對象辦理許可申請時執行案件追蹤、稽催、建檔等工作。本計畫於參考環境部許可整合諮詢會審作業原則及高雄市審查現況,建立高雄市許可整合諮詢會審作業原則,修正會審流程及規範審查時程,於110年6月15日開始實施許可整合會審機制,並持續滾動檢討,共分為4大機制運行,(一)辦理會審諮詢會議(二)會審意見無競合,業者無須諮詢,省略開會(三)主審無意見,會審無競合,快速核證(四)免會審案件認定,統計至113年11月15日止,前三年已辦理703案環保許可會審,今年度截至11月15日,已協助完成244案環保許可會審,並已完成30場次會審諮詢會議(含視訊會議)。於全廠污染流向整合上,本年度全面檢視過往已完成污染流向圖,要求業者更新符合最新許可並提交予本計畫審查,同時,本計畫亦持續擴大輔導95家業者繪製污染流向圖,截至11月15日前期計畫之精進輔導對象已完成檢視80家,113年擴大對象已完成審查95家。另於計畫執行期間,配合宣導環保許可整合政策,辦理相關會議、訓練課程及推廣活動,已完成2場次宣導說明會議,1場次內部教育訓練,8場次污染流向圖訓練課程。
中文關鍵字 高雄市環保許可整合、諮詢會審機制、前置諮詢輔導、污染流向圖


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 4050 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 陳慎一
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 黃宇伶 執行單位 環興科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年度高雄市推動環保許可整合計畫-期末報告(公開版).pdf 8MB

Kaohsiung City - 113th Year Environmental Permit Integration and Implementation Plan

英文摘要 To address the increasing complexity of pollution sources and the interrelationship between air, water, waste, and toxic chemicals in industrial processes, the Ministry of Environment is promoting an integrated environmental permitting policy. This initiative includes the establishment of a single service window, the implementation of a consultation and review mechanism, and the development of facility-wide pollution flow diagrams to standardize permit reviews. This project aims to support the Ministry of Environment in promoting various aspects of integrated environmental permitting policy, gathering feedback from industry stakeholders to inform and refine future policy enhancements. Since its trial launch in 2021, the project has prioritized implementation for state-owned and large enterprises to mitigate potential impacts when the policy is formally rolled out. The project coordinates with Kaohsiung City's Environmental Protection Bureau, the Ministry of Economic Affairs' Technology Industry Parks, and the Southern Science Park environmental permitting units to create a single service window for environmental permits in Kaohsiung. This window facilitates tracking, expediting, and filing permit applications, specifically for priority cases. In line with the Ministry of Environment's principles for integrated permitting, the project developed Kaohsiung’s own consultation and review principles, adjusting review processes and timelines. The integrated review mechanism was implemented on June 15, 2021, and operates under four main approaches: (1) conducting consultation meetings for joint reviews; (2) skipping consultation if there are no conflicting opinions; (3) fast-tracking approvals where no issues arise; and (4) categorizing cases that don’t require joint reviews. As of November 15, 2024, the project has processed 703 environmental permit reviews over the past three years, completing 244 cases this year, and has held 30 consultation meetings (including virtual meetings). Regarding facility-wide pollution flow integration, this year the project reviewed previously completed flow diagrams, requiring companies to update them in line with current permits. The project also expanded guidance to help 95 companies develop pollution flow diagrams. By November 15, 80 companies from the prior phase and 95 from this year's expanded focus had completed their reviews. Additionally, the project conducted activities to promote integrated permitting policies, including two promotional meetings, one internal training, and eight training sessions on pollution flow diagrams.
英文關鍵字 Kaohsiung City Environmental Permit Integration, Consultation and Joint Review Mechanism, Preliminary Consultation and Guidance, Pollution Flow Diagram