

中文摘要 本報告針對國內碳封存技術發展進行了廣泛的資料收集與分析,重點涵蓋法規與實場案例、科普教育、試驗模場規劃及國際交流等方面。 首先,報告分析了碳捕存的國際法規與文獻,包括碳捕存國際法規發展趨勢、國內法規、美國環保署地下注入管制計畫和民眾接受度。同時,蒐集並分析了日本Nagaoka(10,400噸)、德國Ketzin(67,271噸)和澳洲Otway(65,000萬噸)三個國際試驗案例,探討了潛在風險和環境衝擊處理對策。 其次,報告建議擴大碳捕存科普教育,提升民眾對碳封存技術的理解,減少對技術的恐懼。計畫包括設立教育場域,針對不同年齡層和族群進行科普推廣,並盤點關鍵議題以支持政策推動。 在試驗模場前期規劃方面,報告根據反射震測和井下資料分析了R2封存系統,顯示其地層結構完整,封存空間厚度超過500公尺,具備優秀的封存潛力。 此外,試驗模場的鑽井及地表設施規劃參考國際規範及案例,確保設計和監測的科學性,並依據規劃工項內容進行成本分析評估。 最後,計畫擬與IL-CCS Project合作,學習其成功的社會溝通和營運經驗,以改進碳封存技術的推廣和應用。
中文關鍵字 碳封存,碳捕存法規發展,民眾教育,國際交流


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 2800 千元
專案開始日期 2024/03/13 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 林殿順
主辦單位 國環院氣候變遷研究中心 承辦人 莊智凱 執行單位 中華民國地球物理學會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113FB017-成果報告1216.pdf 17MB 碳封存技術社會溝通平臺建置先期規劃

Advance planning for the establishment of a social communication platform for carbon storage technology

英文摘要 This report focuses on advancing domestic carbon storage technology through extensive data collection and analysis, covering regulatory frameworks, practical cases, educational initiatives, and international collaboration. Firstly, the report examines international regulations and literature on carbon capture and storage, including trends in CCS regulations, domestic regulations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Underground Injection Control program, and public acceptance. It also analyzes international case studies from Japan’s Nagaoka (10,400 tons), Germany’s Ketzin (67,271 tons), and Australia’s Otway (65 million tons), addressing potential risks and environmental impact communication strategies. Secondly, the report recommends expanding CCS public education to enhance understanding of carbon storage technology and reduce fear of the unknown. The plan includes creating educational venues, developing age-appropriate and demographic-specific content, and identifying key issues to support policy implementation. For trial site planning, the report analyzes the R2 storage system using seismic reflection and subsurface data, revealing a well-structured cap layer and a storage space thickness exceeding 500 meters, indicating excellent storage potential. Additionally, the design of drilling and surface facilities will follow international guidelines and cases to ensure scientific accuracy in planning and monitoring. A cost analysis was also conducted based on the planned tasks. Finally, the project aims to collaborate with the IL-CCS Project to gain insights into successful social communication and operational practices, enhancing the promotion and application of carbon storage technology.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Storage, CCS regulations, public education, international exchange