

中文摘要 本計畫主要協助環境管理署辦理以下工作內容,包括:(1)協助辦理「六輕相關計畫」環境影響評估審查結論執行情形及相關書件之監督工作及召開環境影響評估監督委員會議、(2)抽檢「環評承諾事項執行情形申報系統(the Reporting System of Environmental Impact Assessment Commitment Statements)」申報資料、(3)協助辦理離岸風機與觀塘工業區(港)等重大開發案件之監督工作,以及召開專案監督會議、(4)協助辦理其他環境影響評估開發案件之監督工作、(5)確認「環評承諾事項執行情形申報系統(the Reporting System of Environmental Impact Assessment Commitment Statements)」的運作,並進行系統功能維護,以及辦理前述系統應用之教育訓練課程,並提供相關教材;行政工作包括:(1)盤點環評審查書件內涉及其他主管機關許可之事項、(2)協助擬定監督意見與建議事項、(3)彙整其他開發案件重要之環境影響評估所承諾之事項。
中文關鍵字 環境影響評估、監督委員會、環境監測


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 7049.5 千元
專案開始日期 2023/12/14 專案結束日期 2024/11/30 專案主持人 吳春滿
主辦單位 環管署環境執法組 承辦人 陳渤丰 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告(全).pdf 44MB

Enhanced Environmental Impact Assessment Supervisory and law Enforcement Project 2024.

英文摘要 This plan is intended to assist Environmental Management Administration with the following: (1)Assist in implementing the environmental impact assessment conclusions of "The 4th phase of the 6th naphtha cracker expansion project of the Formosa Plastics Corporation", supervision of related documentation and certificates, and holding the meetings of the Environmental Impact Assessment Supervision committee; (2)Make spot check of the data reported in the Reporting System of Environmental Impact Assessment Commitment Statements; (3)Assist with supervision of critical development cases such as off-shore wind power generator and Guantang Industrial Area (Port), and holding project supervision meeting; (4)Assist in carrying out supervision of any other environmental impact assessment and development cases; (5)Identify the operation of the Reporting System of Environmental Impact Assessment Commitment Statements, and perform system function maintenance, and carry out training sessions on application of the aforementioned systems and provide related teaching materials; Administrative work includes: (1) Check any matters involving the approval of other competent authorities in the EIA review document; (2)Assist in making supervision comments and proposals; (3)Summarize any critical matters as undertaken in environmental impact assessment on other development cases.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA), EIA Supervisory Committee, Environmental Monitoring