

中文摘要 「113 年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-南投縣」,主要為辦理南投縣轄內土壤及地下水污染重要防治工作,今年度工作目標包括本縣貯存系統(地上、地下)申報審查及現場查核缺失輔導;對於高污染潛勢工廠進行查證;針對轄內地下水監測井巡查維護與地下水質定期監測,以維護監測井功能以確實掌握轄內地下水質現況及污染濃度變化;對於遭列管場址進行定期巡查執行相關管制措施與監督污染改善執行情形,並配合辦理廠址污染改善完成驗證作業已確認改善成效;協助環保局針對公告事業、地下儲槽系統業者及專業機構加強宣導土壤及地下水相關法令宣導說明與教育訓練;並且在今年將環境教育落實至國中小,透過辦理校園及土壤地下水桌遊競賽宣導活動推廣土壤及地下水環境保護重要性,以達成南投縣土壤及地下水資源永續利用之目標。 爰此,南投縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為持續掌握轄內土壤及地下水污染狀況,於113 年委託亞太環境科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱亞太公司)執行「113 年度土壤及地下水污染調查及查證工作計畫-南投縣」(以下簡稱本計畫),本計畫執行期間為契約起始日(113 年1 月1 日)起至113年12 月20 日止,並規定於113 年6 月14 日前提送期中報告,113 年11月15 日前提送期末報告。
中文關鍵字 土壤及地下水污染、南投縣


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 7550 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/20 專案主持人 顏瑞容
主辦單位 南投縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 林宗玄 執行單位 亞太環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年期末報告(全).pdf 90MB

113th Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan - Nantou County

英文摘要 The "113th Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan - Nantou County" is primarily focused on implementing key soil and groundwater pollution prevention and control measures within Nantou County. The objectives for this year include the review and on-site inspection of storage systems (both above-ground and underground) in the county, as well as providing guidance to address any deficiencies found. Additionally, the plan includes verification work for factories with high pollution potential, routine inspection and maintenance of groundwater monitoring wells, and regular groundwater quality monitoring to maintain the functionality of the monitoring wells and accurately track the current state of groundwater quality and changes in pollution concentration. The plan also calls for regular inspections and the implementation of control measures for sites under management, monitoring pollution improvement efforts, and conducting verification work to confirm the effectiveness of pollution remediation at factory sites. The Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) will cooperate in promoting soil and groundwater-related laws and regulations to relevant industries, underground storage tank system operators, and professional organizations, along with educational and training efforts. Furthermore, the plan will extend environmental education to middle and elementary schools through campus and soil and groundwater-themed board game competitions to raise awareness of the importance of soil and groundwater environmental protection, with the goal of achieving sustainable use of soil and groundwater resources in Nantou County. Therefore, the Nantou County Government Environmental Protection Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the EPB) has entrusted Asia Pacific Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Asia Pacific) to carry out the "113th Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution Investigation and Verification Work Plan - Nantou County" (hereinafter referred to as the Plan) for the 113th year. The implementation period of this plan will run from the start date of the contract (January 1, 2024) to December 20, 2024, with an interim report due by June 14, 2024, and a final report due by November 15, 2024.
英文關鍵字 the Nantou County, Annual Soil and Groundwater Pollution