

中文摘要 屏東縣政府環境保護局為降低東港溪、高屏溪流域污染惡化情形及改善河川水質情況,並杜絕非法污染源排放,以減少民眾陳情事件發生及減輕環境負荷,達到整體流域污染削減量之目標。特擬定本計畫協助環保局全面執行全縣水污染列管事業稽(巡)查、加強關鍵測站及污染熱區稽查、查緝偷排及暗管及運用污染即時監測設備查緝不法業者及執行水質採樣檢測作業,並同時進行輔導業者給予改善建議、對高污染業者執行廢水設施深度查核等,以提升本縣業者廢水設施管理能力及遏止不法業者偷排廢水,減少污染對環境之負荷,提升整體環境品質。 本計畫自113年1月1日起截至113年6月15日執行成果概述如下: 一、事稽(巡)查 (一)本計畫執行屏東縣轄區水污染列管事業稽查累計已完成916家次,其中包含位於關鍵測站上游畜牧業已完成545家次;已稽查至少1次之列管事業共846家。 (二)根據稽查結果顯示,部分畜牧業廢水處理設施狀況不理想,包含以下常見狀況,厭氣池未加蓋密閉及水力停留時間不足、曝氣池曝氣量不足、設備缺少維護等情形,給予業者輔導及改善建議,共計輔導170家,輔導後已複查24家確認改善情形,其中已改善水質或設施共10家。 (三)本計畫依目前完成稽查家數(827家)分為三級管制:第一級(紅燈)、第二級(黃燈)及第三級(綠燈),第一級共107家、第二級共551家、第三級169家。 (四)本計畫執行依據水污染防治法告發裁處案件共計37家次,裁處金額3,301,780元 (五)無人飛行載具查緝已完成5家次。 二、水質採樣檢測作業 (一)事業水質採樣檢測:已完成事業放流水水質採樣送驗,共計108家次。檢測結果不合格共計51家,尚有1家檢驗分析中。 三、污染即時監測查緝 本計畫運用24小時水質連續監測設備,已於15家排水異常之事業排水下游處予以設置水質即時監測,觀察水中濁度變化時機。共查獲1家非經放流口排放,11家採樣之放流水水質超出放流水標準,2家採樣之放流水水質合格,1家採樣之放流水檢驗中。 四、廢水設施深度查核作業 本計畫已執行廢水設施深度查核11家,初評後由專家學者(2位)現場複評作業並透過協談會議提出深度查核結論及相關建議,後續將追蹤業者改善進度,以達廢水處理設施功能最佳狀態。 五、非列管事業污染源資料建置 (一)本計畫彙整屏東縣非列管事業共計1,552家,數量最多者為養雞場843家,其次為養鴨場489家,養鵝場87家,養羊場108家,養鹿場6家及食品工廠19家等,已完成更新建置畜牧業非列管事業污染源地圖與數量規模資料。 (二)本計畫非列管畜牧業共計已查核3家次蛋鴨場及10家次食品工廠,其中1家食品工廠廢水排出廠外。 六、夜鷹早鳥及擴大專案稽查 本計畫累計執行至24週,達成每週2次之巡查次數(每次至少出勤1人)。已配合環保局早鳥稽查出勤9人次、夜鷹稽查11人次、擴大稽查8人次,自主稽查為70人次,出勤人次總計為98人次。 七、水污染熱區巡查及緊急清理 本計畫已完成每月2次之水污染熱區巡查,累計共12次,並且執行水污染事件應變作業,累計共2次,分別於牛稠溪油污事件、屏東市河濱公園死魚。 八、協助機關考核相關工作 (一)本計畫已協助考核目標:九如橋上游畜牧業稽查,依照環保局提供之稽查名單,目前已稽查之家數共計40家、事業共計22家。 (二)本計畫針對生活污水污染削減計畫,目前已累計採樣公共污水下水道系統達11次。 (三)本計畫針對工業區專用污水下水道系統,目前已累計採樣工業區專用污水下水道達26次
中文關鍵字 水污染、水污染防治費、畜牧廢水、事業廢水


專案計畫編號 經費年度 113 計畫經費 14350 千元
專案開始日期 2024/01/01 專案結束日期 2024/12/31 專案主持人 凃耀珽
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 王美樺 執行單位 京拓環保科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 113年屏東縣水污染防治費徵收查核計畫.pdf 52MB

Pingtung County - 2024 Pingtung County Water Pollution Control Fee Collection and Audit Plan

英文摘要 To further enhance water pollution prevention and control for regulated enterprises in Pingtung County, this project focuses on strengthening inspections in river basins, investigating hidden pipelines, and assessing pollution sources to effectively reduce river pollution. Additionally, it oversees the collection and verification of water pollution control fees, urging businesses to accurately report and pay these fees, thus improving the overall water environment in the county. This project has completed inspections for 2,144 regulated enterprises, with at least one inspection conducted for 1,740 enterprises. The inspections involve detailed reviews of wastewater treatment facilities to ensure proper operation and regular maintenance. On-site guidance was provided to 214 enterprises, with follow-up inspections conducted for 76 cases, categorized into three levels of regulation. For cases of substandard discharge quality identified during inspections, representative pollutants were collected and tested by third-party laboratories to confirm compliance with legal discharge standards. A total of 215 samples were tested, and 106 were found non-compliant, resulting in penalties and ongoing improvement tracking to minimize environmental impacts. For enterprises with questionable equipment functionality, scholars and experts were invited to conduct on-site evaluations and perform comprehensive inspections and functionality tests of wastewater treatment equipment, providing recommendations for improvements. This process has been completed for 17 enterprises, with improvement plans pending submission. To address enterprises that evade inspections by illegally discharging untreated wastewater at night, on holidays, or through hidden pipelines, this project deployed real-time monitoring instruments to measure turbidity, conductivity, and pH, with data recorded instantly. This approach reduces manual inspection frequency and labor costs. A total of 30 monitoring cases were conducted, detecting violations in 25 enterprises. Furthermore, drones were used to identify the extent of pollution in hotspot areas or when large-scale pollution was observed. These drones helped trace sources upstream, uncovering four violators. This technological approach forms an efficient pollution detection model, significantly improving enforcement efficiency. For non-regulated enterprises that pose high pollution risks despite not meeting regulatory standards, this project created a risk mapping system. A total of 1,552 non-regulated enterprises were registered, including high-risk sectors such as duck farms and tofu factories. Inspections were conducted for 28 cases to prevent significant environmental impacts. The project also audited the collection of water pollution control fees, including the verification of water and electricity usage records of wastewater treatment facilities, livestock numbers, and wastewater systems. A total of 237 audits were completed. The collected fees for the second half of 2023 totaled NT$19,114,787, and NT$17,676,589 for the first half of 2024. Overdue payment notices were issued for NT$106,271 in the second half of 2023 and NT$213,741 in the first half of 2024. Lastly, the project assisted agencies in improving enforcement, guidance, and management capabilities to ensure that the overall execution aligns with established objectives, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of water pollution prevention efforts in Pingtung County.
英文關鍵字 Water Pollution, Water Pollution Control Fee, Livestock Wastewater, Industrial Wastewater